ActionScript 3.0 :: Additional Methods And Props For Classes Exported From Flash?
Oct 14, 2010
I have an application using a class that was originally a MovieClip exported for Actionscript by Flash. I have not been able to figure out how to add new properties to this class.
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May 20, 2009
What I want to do is compile an .fla with nothing on the stage but several of the movieclips are set to export on first frame in the properties linkage manager. When the .swf runs, I want to loop through and get the names of all the exported assets so I can place them in an array and manipulate them later.
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Mar 19, 2010
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Jan 29, 2009
I'm currently integrating one of my games with the SDK of a certain publisher (who shall remain nameless), but I'm having real problems. They require all games to load their content (ie. images, sounds etc) from an external SWF, like so:
private var __gameScreen:MovieClip;
private function onContentSwfLoaded(result:MediaLoaderResult):void
The problem here is that I really don't want to have to use MovieClips as all of my games use nothing but BitmapData, so I'm wondering if there's a way of extracting a Bitmap or BitmapData from an SWF? It doesn't appear that Flash CS3 caters for this though - you can assign an "instance name" to a MovieClip, but not a Bitmap as far as I can tell. I usually develop in Flex Builder 3 but I've not managed to extract anything from an SWF exported from it, probably because you can't assign instance names to objects, I'm guessing. My current work-around for this problem is to draw each MovieClip to a BitmapData object, but this is very long-winded and probably not too efficient either.
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