ActionScript 3.0 :: Change The Scaling In Realtime?
Jul 2, 2009
my flash site is a full flash site...
Flash CS4 - AS3
swfObject2 / dynamic / embed
in default the scaling is "noscale" because i don't want to scale whether a bit the browser the full flash site... there is a button to go in fullscreen, that's works fine...
in the flash doc will be another button and WHEN the user wants it, click that button and the scaling changes in realtime without the browser reload the entire page... the button sets the scaling to "showall".
that's what i want... is it possible to change the scaling in realtime?
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var br:mc_bottomright = new mc_bottomright();
//proportional scale
if ((stage.stageWidth / stage.stageHeight)> (owidth/oheight))
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Aug 11, 2010
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Nov 7, 2010
I'm about to build an OOP signup form in AS2 with realtime data validation. There are 3 fields 'Username', 'Password' and 'Email' and two of those will check with the server to see if the the username or email is taken. This is almost identical to the signup form on [URL] The way I've experimented with so far is to begin an onEnterFrame event on the textField as it receives focus. This onEnterFrame function checks for spelling, character count etc When the textField loses focus it then sends the data to the server and checks if it already exists. If it doesn't, it will validate. What I've written works rather well (up until the submitting - haven't worked that out yet) but the code is rather unwieldy and seems too long.
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Feb 9, 2011
I'm trying to write a flash application which takes a Microphone stream and applies realtime effects and outputs this back to the speakers. I'm finding I'm having problems with stuttering when taking the output from the mic, copying this into a ByteArray amd then using a seperate
sound = new Sound();
sound.addEventListener(SampleDataEvent.SAMPLE_DATA, processSound);;
to read from this ByteArray and play back the sound.I have noticed that the input from the mic's bytesAvailable changes, and also that the two events (the mic's SAMPLE_DATA and the sound's SAMPLE_DATA) aren't firing A B A B A B A B like would be needed but is more random.
Am I right in thinking that the mic.SAMPLE_DATA event fires at different intervals with different amounts of data and a working implementation would need to read the available data in and buffer the input so that the Sound SampleDataEvent would always have something to play back to avoid the stuffering?
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Sep 16, 2011
I would like to access to microphone bytearray in realtime to modify the sound to record.How can i do this?
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Mar 7, 2012
I found on Adobe website this cool as3 code to grab a sound and make a realtime waveform graph (I cannot post the link..The problem, to me, is that I cannot create in the same stage 2 graph from 2 input: the mic and an mp3.In my purpose, I'd like a stage with just 2 waveform graph. the upper one with the realtime voice from the mic input.the second one (just below the previous one) with a similar waveform graph but drawn by an MP3 file (or wav).
At the beginning I tried to use 2 inputs ".microphone" but I can always see just 1 graph. It's like the resources cannot be shared (al least not so simply).
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Jan 12, 2010
I want users to be able to upload audio files to my server (say, over HTTP.. mechanism doesn't matter much), and then I'd like to assemble those files into a playlist and stream them out over a live RTMP stream to a Flash widget.The catch is: I'd like to begin streaming the audio files before they completely finish uploading. For example, if a user uploads an hour-long mp3, I'd like it to be able to begin playing on the RTMP stream once, say, the first minute has been uploaded.I'd like to support mp3 and AAC, and would hope to avoid re-encoding the files. Is is there a way to make this work with Wowza, Flash Media Server, or some other clever solution?
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