ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Variables With EventListener?
Dec 9, 2009
I borrowed a code to give my stage a falling snow effect, and I added on/off buttons. I'm sure there's another way around what I'm trying to do but I'm curious about going about this way. the variable in the code contains:var snowflakesCnt:Number = 180;I added EventListeners for the buttons but don' know the way about changing the variable to 0 and180 upon mouse click.
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Jun 14, 2010
I'm sorry if this seems too common, but I tried to search it and didn't have yet good answer for this. Let's say I have 2 objects in iteration and both got the eventListener.
for (i=0;i<10;i++)
I know about or e.currentTarget, but that only removes the listener from the object that was clicked, not its counterparts too.
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Sep 3, 2008
I have searched the web for a satisfactory answer and have not got one yet.
Below is a function that has an argument passed to it that I would like to pass on to an event Listener. The listener should pass the variable on to another function. Looking at the structure of listeners this is not acheivable[code]...
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Oct 9, 2009
I have a piece I'm working on that loads some copy to the front page. Then when you mouse over the navigation it plays the 2nd half of the MC that makes the copy fade. One of the navigation buttons works to bring the copy to fade back in by playing the first half of the MC.I'm declaring a boolean variable "intro" and setting it to true on load because the copy is visible.Then within my MC at the end (when the copy is done fading out) I set "intro" to false.Then if the user mouses over the nav it runs an "if" and if the intro is true it fades it out, and if its not it shouldn't do anything (stay invisible).The problem is it keeps playing the MC - so you mouse over the nav and it fades out, then you mouse over the nav again and it fades back in, then you mouse over the nav and it fades out again.
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Oct 21, 2004
I'm trying to create a global variable that initially stores a 0.Then via a function will change the value of that global variable, and allow the other functions to access the new number. I have it working where it adds 1 to the variable, and stores the number 1 however, I cannot get the number to add up beyond 1.I have this in my first layer,frame.
_global.thisSound = 0;
function PlaySound(){
temp = _global.thisSound;
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Jul 4, 2009
OK this might take a wile to explain but ill give it a go. I'm trying to make a sort f upgrade menu for my Flash game (AS2) but I'm a bit stuck. Ok my char has got this action script on it.
_global.speed = 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
That all works fine but what i want to do is make it that when you click a button the var speed will change. I can do that quite easily with this code
_global.speed += 1
and that works fine two but what i want to do is have the button for upgrading the speed on a different frame (ie. the upgrade menu)
So on frame 1 is the moving char and there is a button linking frame 1 to frame 2 (upgrade menu) and on that frame it has the button for upgrading the var speed and then a button linking frame 2 back to one but it doesn't work. I think i no why because on the char is says onClipEvent(load){ _global.speed = 1 }
so that means that the var speed will revert back to 1 when you go back to the first frame.
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Jul 17, 2009
My .txt file is called my_text.txt
Inside I have:
myText1=This is test 1.
&myText2=This is test 2.
I tested it out with my dynamic text. If I made the variable myText1, it loaded the first line. If I made it myText2, it loaded the second line. All seemed to be fine.
I have a dynamic textbox, variable named names. I want to be able to change the variable in order to get it to load whichever line of text I want.
I tried:
names = myText1;
loadVariablesNum ("my_text.txt", 0);
But that's not working. I've tried playing around with it in various ways, like
names = eval(myText1);
and such, but nothing is effectively getting it to change. I've been trying to look it up and tried all the different ways people told other people to use, but it's not working for me.
Once I get this work I everything should fall into place easily.
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Feb 2, 2012
I want to change variables on the main stage's code from within a movie clip.
Say for example, I want to change a variable called 'chair'
In AS2, this is how I would do it:
(on the main stage)
chair = 2;
(in the movie clip)
But all I get is a 1119 error saying 'Access of possibly undefined property chair through a reference with static type flash.displayisplayObject.'
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Aug 23, 2009
The problem which i have is about using variables (specifically "myVar") defined in one as3 class file, in a separate class file. After searching for this via google and on this forum i have not (maybe because i have been searching for the wrong thing), so here is my situation which i think should be simple to solve:Inside a fla called "Main" i have 2 MovieClips. The first is called Main and has a class linking to the com/ file which has this code:
ActionScript Code:
package com{
import flash.display.MovieClip
View 6 Replies
Nov 4, 2009
I have a simple Actionscript 3 project. The code is on the timeline:
ActionScript Code:
import pti.dmutility.layout.ConfigElement;
//this Class simply extends the fl.controls.Button with variables
Then I put some instances into the stage, and make them Drag&Drop. Here is the Dragging function. I want to remember the item's puck up position when clicked, I use ConfigElement's OldX and OldY properties:
ActionScript Code:
function dragStarterItem(e:MouseEvent):void{
var item =;
item.OldX = item.x;
item.OldY = item.y;
item.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dragStopperItem);
When I click on the item, the OldX and OldY gets the actual position of the item, BUT after dropping it somewhere else, and picking up it again, the OldX and OldY is still the same! Holds the initial position, and not changing to it's new location coordinates. Every instance remembers it's initial position only. Why not change every time I click? Why remembering the first click's position only?
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May 14, 2010
Okay, here is my code which I have in the frame actions:
char_xp1 = 1000;
char_level = 1;
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Aug 12, 2011
My problem is the following:I've been working with Flash CS4, and have written a script which creates a dynamic menu based on an array variable. The array variable needs to be located in a separate .as file so that I can use a bash script to create the array on the fly, based on files found in a specific folder. It's taken me weeks of writing both the bash and actionscript to make everything work smoothly. Everything works except for one small thing: when I update the file containing the array, the menu in the .swf fails to update with it. In order to update the menu, I'm forced to re-publish from within Flash itself.
Previously I had used the "include" function to place the array within my script, but I then tried bringing it in with a package as a global variable. Neither method worked. It seems that the file is included during the publishing (that's probably common knowledge). So I'm wondering if there's a way to include the array, or build the array, in such a way that will allow the .swf to update with a simple refresh of the web page.
ActionScript Code:
Package containing array:
package {
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Apr 27, 2006
If I want to change a set of movieclips that all have the same name except they end in a different number i.e
whats the correct actionscript to refer to a movieclips path in terms of the name plus a numerical variable i.e
movieclip + var
so I can cycle through each one by altering the variable.
something like
var x = 1;
_root."movieclip" + x.othermovieclip.gotoAndPlay(1);
my attempts don't seem to have worked!
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Jul 3, 2009
In the following code I would like to be able to change which object the code affects depending on which parameter name is passed to it:
EventCentral.getInstance().addEventListener(ProjectEvent.SOME_EVENT, handleSomeEvent);
function handleSomeEvent($event:ProjectEvent):void
I could write it all out with ifs and else ifs for each parameter but this code is already part of quite a large structure and it would be more elegant to be able to do it with re-usable code.
I'm trying to do it is particularly idiomatic to actionscript anyway
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Jan 26, 2011
I have an array filled with several pre-existing variables. I want to loop through this array and update each of these variables that way, so that I don't have to do it line by line. My issue is that when I edit the variable inside the array, it is not changing the actual variable that was assigned to it. See Below for example.
Actionscript Code:
var myVar1:uint = 1;
var myVar2:uint = 2;var myVar3:uint = 3;
var myArr:Array = new Array(myVar1, myVar2, myVar3);
for(var a:uint = 0; a<myArr.length; a++){
if(a == 0){ myArr[a] = 9;
}}trace(myVar1); // Still traces "1" instead of "9"
View 6 Replies
Apr 2, 2012
I'm new to Actionscript 3, just started working with it after years of working with AS2,
What I'm trying to do at the moment is to change a variable that's located in the root from a function,
Something like this:
var myVariable:String = "String test";
function testFunction():void
myVariable = "new String";
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Mar 4, 2009
I'm working on a particle system, where each single particle is represented by a movie clip and has it's own behaviors, defined in the movie clip's code in a separate layer from the image. The particle creates local variables, such as it's gravity and color, in the first frame and then uses them to guide it's actions throughout it's lifetime (it fizzles out and dies, eventually).Frame 1 of particle_mc:
var gravity:Number = 0;
var color:Number = 2;
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Nov 18, 2010
I am at work right now trying to create a power point for our Christmas party. I know I can do so much more with Flash than I can with any other power point program. Right now, I'm trying to figure out a way to load a list of names into one dynamic text field that changes at certain time intervals. I'm using ActionScript 2 right now b/c I haven't learned 3, yet. Is there a way for Flash to access a word document and load a name say, every minute? I know I could add a different variable name in front of each employee name, like content, content1, content2, but I have a list of like 300 names here. That would take up almost as much time as it would creating a slide for each name in Power Point.
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Jun 13, 2010
i've never tried to do this before, so my head a swimming a bit. i'd like to have a public boolean called enabled in myClass custom class. if it's called to be changed, how do i trigger a function from the change? should i add an Event.CHANGE event listener to my variable?
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Sep 15, 2011
I have a question regarding ActionScript 3.0 and using buttons to change numeric values in a Flash project. I am trying to create a program that adds and subtracts numbers when buttons are clicked. Here is the code that I have written for the first button that I want to use:
//Number values//
var withdraw = 0;
Amount_total.text = withdraw;
However the problem I have is that the K200disp text only displays 1,2,5,10,15 etc while the Amount_total text seems to randomly display 200 or lots of 0s!
View 9 Replies
Sep 28, 2006
I want to know what the best method is for changing the values of variables that need to persist amongst all users of my site?For example, say I have a button that can only pressed 10 times. And not 10 times by a single user during a single session, I mean 10 times between every user who ever visits my site. How would I keep a running count?
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Aug 14, 2009
How do I change the corner radius of a Label component in Flex. Tried applying style name, and the setStyle('cornerRadius',9) methods, but doesn't work. How can I change the arrow image in the combo box control to a different image?
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Aug 31, 2009
I want to create another button on the main menu of my flash site. I want to take one of the existing buttons (which are set as movie clips) and modify it to show a different menu name and page link. BUT when I go into my library and "duplicate" my movie clip, change the instance name, drag it to the stage and attempt to modify it, the original changes as well. I need to keep the original the same and create a new one with the same code, frames, etc but with different static text. I keep going in circles
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Feb 1, 2006
basically when you load the .swf it changed everytime u re-load it , i want it to keep on changing even when the user hasnt reloaded the image
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Jun 13, 2010
I had a quick question, I have a movieclip with 15 frames in it with an image on each frame, and a stop action on each frame. On my main stage I have 15 different buttons, which when pressed will change the movieclip to that particular frame (so pressing button 3 would make the mc go to frame 3). I'm still rather new to AS3, but I figured the most simple way to do this was a function which was called when the buttons are pressed
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Jun 11, 2009
Is it possible to use a if statement with a eventlistener in it?
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Feb 17, 2009
I want to add an event listener to a textfield that triggers when the user is "in" the textfield and hits enter. Think like you're at google and youre gonna search for something - you enter the keyword in the textfield and then hit enter, instead of clicking on the search button.
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Oct 26, 2009
I want to have a class(Generator) generating MovieClips and inside these Clips are buttons with Listeners. Another class(Main) can get the Clips generated and add them to the stage. The problem is if I add the Listener to the Button in the Generator class, i don't get the event. I do get the Event if I get the Button from the Generator and add the Listener in the Main class.
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May 10, 2010
Im trying to use the added eventlistener. When a child is loaded i then wish to trigger to a function. But the function seems to be triggering before the graphic is load.I am using this for some press loader functionality before a database is queried.[code]The above if statment works. But inizRequestOfData() seems to be trigged before the loading of anygraphic is done.
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Jun 30, 2009
I am trying to build a simple player inside my swf file. The code is a bit messy but it seems to work.I´m using a soundChannel for Playback..I´m trying to figure out how to have the player play the next song once the previous one has reached its end.Do I add some sort of EventListener to the soundChannel?[code]...
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