ActionScript 3.0 :: Checking And Removing Clip (inside Parent Clip)
Apr 14, 2010
I'm having problems with something somewhat simple. We're going to a trade show and needed a video that would randomly load a SWF clip on one scene, then I have the timeline move to another after a delay and then go to the next part to load an image, then I have it restart and do it again, for a never-ending looping video at our booth.
I'm running into an issue though, when it loops and plays the SWF for the 2nd time, the old content still remains and the new content plays over the previous one. I figured the issue was I needed to remove the previous clip before loading a new one. I found some code that I thought SHOULD work but can't seem to get it right.
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Feb 20, 2004
I'm checking for the name of the parent movie clip which is something like MyClip2 or MyClip3 ...when i trace the variable MyID, it displays the right number but when i try to do basic operation on it, it acts like a string not a number..
on (press) {
if (this._name.substr(0, 6) == "MyClip") {
MyID = this._name.substr(6, 6);[c
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Nov 17, 2011
I want to gain knowledge outside of the class.I have 4 buttons that each load different external swf and load properly the probelm i have is i cant remove them. this is my trouble. I have tried the remove child but it cant be that easy and it doesnt work. i must be going wrong.when i go to remove one single child it remove the the latest child but wont remove every child that i want so the MC is clear and ready for the nest button to load the swf.heres my code so far.
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May 9, 2010
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Nov 2, 2010
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Mar 1, 2010
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- Scene
- CardGraphics (Movie Clip)
- CardFront
- CardBack
- CardValueImage (Movie Clip)
In the program I create 52 instances of my Card class, each having a MovieClip instance created from the loaded swf. The idea is to set the frame of the CardValueImage MovieClip to correspond to the Card instance's suit and rank member variables. However, I can't figure out how I access CardValueImage and call gotoAndStop (or whatever method I will need to call).
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Oct 19, 2006
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but that doesn't seem to work. are variables and instance names interchangeable? my lClip var traces out of course, but the lClip.imagHolder.loadMovie never happens (clip inside the clip).
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This is what I would think I would do to hitTest the array (assume this is in a for loop):
array[i].inner.hitTest(_root.char._x, _root.char._y, true);
It doesn't work. I can't access the inner clip if it's in an array.
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May 27, 2009
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ActionScript Code:
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
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Sep 15, 2010
I thought this was all sorted out with my last thread: problem re-occurs when I leave the home page and then come back to it. The video buttons work when site load up, but the buttons go dead after clicking another menu button leading me to another page and returning back to the home page. Several hours of dead ends leads me back here.
There are masked download links from the original thread with the fla files if anyone is interested in this latest puzzler. You can also check out the live page at binaryoptics dot com to see this for yourself. This site is in the middle of editing with a lot to go. I have got to get this nightmare fixed so I can finish this site.
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Feb 18, 2004
I'm using a loop to duplicate a MC named MCbutton, which is all good.
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Sep 11, 2010
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Dec 10, 2009
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Dec 11, 2009
I have as3 flash page in that page I have two buttons with each calling an external .swf file. What I want is when I call in the second .swf or vise versa is for the 1st .swf to disapear so it is not sitting under the 2nd. swf. I want the movie clip to dissapear because if it has sound in it it will play even if the 2nd .swf is clicked. The code that I'm using is
var image11 =new Loader();
lights_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, greenmove11);
function greenmove11(event:Event):void {
So how can I make it so that when I press fireworks_btn that the light.swf disappears?
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Apr 1, 2010
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var mainPage_clip:MovieClip = new mainPage_mc();
var diary_clip:MovieClip = new diary_mc();
The other page is diary_clip. I have a button inside mainPage_clip that i want to unload the mainPage and load diary. But if i add this script to the one above i get an error:
diary_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,diary) ;
function diary (event:MouseEvent):void
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Apr 28, 2010
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Frame 2 has the following movie clips
I want to check if buttons a, b, c is available on Frame 2 and run a corresponding function if condition 1 or condition 2 is met
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May 15, 2009
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Mar 22, 2011
I'm using a preloader and MovieClipLoader to seemingly good effect and I have an ending sequence to my preloader where it plays out once the target clip is loaded. The ending sequence features within the preloader itself (preloader_mc.endingClip). preloader_mc plays through its frames with:
until it gets to 100% and then gets to a frame telling endingClip to play. All good unless the target clip is already loaded. Then what happens is that the preloader jumps to 100% and only plays the ending sequence. I would like to have a way of checking to see if the target clip has already been loaded so as to avoid displaying only this ending portion of the preloader.
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Aug 3, 2011
I have few movie clips that are added and removed automaticly by users choice. The problam is I can't find a correct "if" condition that will check if the movie clip exists before I remove it. This is the part of the code:
function removeAnimation():void { if(Boolean(getChildByName('wheelChair'))){ removeChild(wheelChair); chairTimer.stop(); }}
I tryed getChildByName and everything I could find in google and came up empty
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Mar 25, 2011
I have in my root:
1 Movie Clip instancied as a "cursor" 1 Movie Clip instancied as a "Mc_Obstacles" with others 5 Movie Clipsand the 5 Movie Clips inside the "Mc_Obstacles" are instancied as "Obstacle" , all with the same instance...I want this: when the mc "cursor" hit one of mcs "obstacles" gotoandstop to frame X then i did in frame with actions in another layer:
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Aug 22, 2009
The question is, How do you apply a function to a movie clip inside a movie clip inside a movie clip. So there are three mc and I need to apply the function to the inner most one.
Here is what I have. The 'a' is in 'spin_4' wich needs to be in 'portal'.
ActionScript Code:
for(var i = 1; i<=12; i++){
this.spin_4['a_'+i].onEnterFrame = function(){
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Feb 11, 2012
i made a movie clip name floor, and inside it are movieclips called plan0, plan1, plan2, plan2, and so on.
so to make it easy, it put the movieclips inside the floor movieclip into an array, like this:
daFloor = new Array();
for(a=0; a<10; a++){
daFloor[a] = "plan"+a
both didn;t work. how to access the inside movieclips through array;
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Feb 27, 2008
I'm loading an external image into an empty actionscript movie clip (holder1) using MovieClipLoader(); on frame one of my movie and is invisible. Then when the movie plays, there is an empty movie clip symbol (image1_mc) that is placed manually on the stage within another movie clip symbol (flash_mc), and is also on a bottom layer of a mask layer which is animated. Is it possible to place "holder1" inside of "image1_mc" so that I can treat it as if it were an embedded image? In other words, have the image in "holder1" inside of the manually placed movie clip symbol "image1_mc" so that I can use it like a regular symbol on the stage?
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May 27, 2008
ive got a slider menu which opens when clicked. however the buttons (also mc instanced) inside the slider mc wont work... here is the code:
the slider mc works however i cant seem to get the 'web_MC' to respond..
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Mar 9, 2009
I'm just trying to find the right action scrip for instance on my button to control the movie clip it is within.I have currently tried..
on (press) {
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Aug 27, 2009
I am trying to place buttons inside a movie clip to control the timeline of the same movie clip. This does not seam to work like buttons on the main timeline. When I play the movie the cursor does not turn into a hand and the rolloever affects only sort of work. I have read about controling the movie clip with buttons on the main timeline, but I need one of the buttons to change halfway through the movieclip. I want to be able to jump to interior shots while in the exterior section and vice versa. It would seem that button would work the same way inside a movie clip as they do on the main timeline, but that does not appear to be the case. I am using CS3. Action scrip 2.0 is selected, but I could change it to 3.0 if it would make a difference.
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Feb 22, 2010
What I am trying to do is set up a 4x5 grid of boxes. Inside each box is 1) an image 2) four arrow keys 3) a text field to enter the code corresponding to the image. The idea is that someone could enter product codes into each text field, and be able to save this information in an external xml file. If they wanted to change the order, but keep an image, they could just use the arrow keys to move the product around the grid.
Where I am running into problems is I can put the boxes up on the screen in a grid. I can give each box an instance name. But I haven't yet been able to discover a way to address a movie clip (say one of the arrow buttons) which is a child of the original movieclip place by my for loops. Ideally I am looking for a way find, target and change values:
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May 9, 2010
im currently trying to target frame 2 and a movieclip on that frame This works. But now im trying to target a movieclip inside a movie clip.This code works when trying to target one = function() {gotoAndPlay(2); = unit1;}how can i edit that code to find another movieclip inside the movieclip message?
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Jun 20, 2011
Can you pause a movie clip, let's say movie clip A, from inside a seperate movie clip, let's say movie clip B. B is not a parent of A.
Essentially, I have a background slideshow running that I want to stop when a menu item is clicked, and an external swf file is loaded. I attached a jpg which diagrams how the movie clips are organized within each other and what I want to pause from within which movie clip:
If this is not feasible, I'd love if anyone could reccomend a better way to structure the movieclips.
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