ActionScript 3.0 :: Checking For Object Presence

Feb 18, 2009

How can I check for the presence of something on the stage? I want to disable mouse clicks on the currentTarget while an image is loading, and I'd like to use the presence of a progress bar as the determinant to proceed.


If (progressBar is somewhere on the stage)
currentTarget.mouseChildren = false;
currentTarget.mouseEnabled = false;

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Builder - Check Key Presence In Object?

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How to check if specific key is contained in associative array? I know I can loop over all keys but can I do single-step check?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Determine Presence Of Loaded Swf Library Object In Array?

Nov 2, 2009

I have loaded swf with an object 'Page'. A 'Page' object is created and a reference to it is added to an array 'pa'.

I have a 2nd loaded swf that then has a reference to the 'pa' array (I don't think this matters but I mention it just in case)

I want to cycle through the array and determine when I get to a Page object. Where I run into problems is trying to compile the class that does this.

private function CH(e:MouseEvent):void
trace(pa);//[object Image],[object Page],[object Blue],[object Red],[object Mask]


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Checking If An Object Exists?

Aug 6, 2010

In my script I create a button that when clicked, creates a blue square. However, I want to remove any blue squares that exist before creating the new square (because as it is a low opacity square creating another one will make it more solid, as well it's just more objects that the system has to keep track of).Here is my

ActionScript Code:
//importing required classes for this to work


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Actionscript 3 :: Checking If A Variable Is Of The Object Type?

Dec 11, 2009

I want to do something like this in Actionscript 3:

if(variable is Object) ...;
else ...;

Where variable could be a String(), Number(), Array(), Object()...Currently the above check returns true for all of these types, which makes sense. I only want it to return true for objects made with new Object(), however.

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Actionscript 3 :: Checking Pixel Color Value Of A 3D Object?

Oct 6, 2011

I have a spinning sphere, built using the away3D engine, it is wrapped in a bitmap. I need to be able to check the color value of the pixels in the sphere, however BitmapData only plots the 2D image, not the 3D sphere. So, the values become wrong. If I try to apply it to the sphere I get nasty errors. I have literally been stuck on this for days.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Checking Whether A Loader Object Is Loading Something

Aug 7, 2009

Is there a way to check whether a loader object is in the process of loading something? I need to create an if statement that checks if the loader has an open connection. So far, what I thought of is:

ActionScript Code:
if(loaderInstanceName.contentLoaderInfo.bytesLoaded > 0)
// do something

Here, I'm just assuming that if bytesLoaded is greater than 0, than it's probably loading something. But I don't think it will revert back to 0 after the loader finishes loading an external resource. So after that, bytesLoaded will always be greater than 0 even though it isn't in the process of loading anything. Is there any other property that I can use which says whether the loader object has an open connection?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Checking If An Unnamed Object Exists?

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I have a name for the object, but it doesn't seem to work.Anyone know why this doesn't work?

if (sprite) {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Check An Area Of A Scene For The Presence Of Pixels?

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how I can check an area of a scene for the presence of pixels of a specific colour.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash - Checking Color Of Object In If Statement?

Dec 16, 2011

I want to check whether the color = a certain color then appropriatly react. This is done in flash AS3.

the code I've got is
if(cal_mc.color == 0x0000FF) {
p1score = p1score + 25;
(cal_mc being the object)

It executes without any errors but doesn't work. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong with the if statment?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Coloring (or Erasing) An Object And Checking When Complete

Jul 21, 2011

I've got to build a kids game at the moment for my school, and I was planning to have a sort of archaeological dig, with the kids required to rub the screen (it's for a touch-screen) to "un-earth" the bones underneath.I was thinking of either erasing an overlay and checking for a hitTest between the two objects, or coloring in with a line or something.Is it possible to color something in and check when the object has been completely colored? or possible to erase an overlying object? and if so, can you point me in the direction of a tutorial or a quick explanation?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Checking If Variable Exists In Object

Nov 28, 2011

I'm attempting to make a platform game. Each level is contained within it's own MovieClip, which has it's own class. Each of these classes extend the Level class, which provides basic functionality for all levels.

Each individual level has a numPlatforms variable which stores the number of platforms in that particular level. I currently have a for loop that runs from 1-numPlatforms and sets the level area (the image, more or less) the platform contains:


Is there any way to check if a variable exists within a MoveClip? I've trying comparing it to null and also to undefined, but neither works.

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Flex :: Verifying Presence Of Button From Super Component Class?

May 27, 2011

In Flex, lets say I have a super-class... something like:
class SuperComponent extends DragStack {
private var _childReference:UIComponent;
public function SuperComponent() {
// ???
addEventListener(FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE, onCreationComplete);
} private function onCreationComplete(e:FlexEvent):void {
//The 'this[]' technique doesn't seem to work and causes run-time errors:
//trace("Component found: " + this["myButton"]);

And then I make use of the following derived-class in my application (just a mockup MXML as an example):
<!-- Component ChildComponent.mxml -->
<mx:Button id="myButton" label="Press Me!" />
How do I go about verifying the presence of "myButton" from the SuperComponent class, and referencing it? Do I need to use getChildByName( ... ) ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Checking For Existance Of A Symbol (null Object Reference Error)?

Jan 13, 2010

In Actionscript 3, I'm trying to build a button to go back from a content frame to a main menu. When the button is clicked, IF the content frame has a movie in it, that movie should stop playing. Flash keeps throwing a "null object reference" error on all pages that don't include a movie. I even tried putting in a check to see if the movie exists, but that doesn't work, either.

ActionScript Code:
function return_to_menu( me:MouseEvent ):void {
if ( flashmo_contents.flv_movie ) { //this line produces errors in frames where the movie


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Javascript :: Can Js Code On Site Prevent Other Js Code From Detecting Presence Of Flash

Jan 22, 2011

I'm looking for a workaround to the "AdSense does not let you choose only images but no flash" issue. I'm rather a newbie to JS, but is there any way for one script to prevent other scripts embedded in a site from detecting the presence of the flash plugin? Even if it doesn't work with AdSense, it would be nice to know if there's a hack to do this that might work in other settings.By the way, I suppose I wouldn't care if it failed to work on IE or obsolete browser versions.

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IDE :: Checking If MC Exists?

May 26, 2009

I have a gallery loading jpegs from an xml file into a mc called mainPicArea, on frame 5. I have other content on frames 1,2,3,4,6,7.

I want to run an if statement to check whether mainPicAreaexists and if it does, then run a removeChild(mainPicArea), and if not do nothing.

if (MovieClip.mainPicArea){


When I test, it comes back with the trace "doesent exist", even though it does exist.

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CS3 - Key Checking Function Not Working?

Sep 8, 2009

I must admit I have struggled with this thing for a bit. It seems simple but for whatever reason I can't get it to work. I just want to make something move in AS 3 right now, and so far I've tried puzzling together two different tutorials, but both of them are missing either some source files or further explanation.

Anyway, here is the code (The bit I am having problems with)

//event listener checks for key presses
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, checkkey);
//Create keyHandler function


The problem is the checkkey function in the update function. If I leave the parenthesis empty it tells me it needs an argument, if I leave it like that it tells me I need a right paren before colon.

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Checking Collision Between Two Symbols

Jan 7, 2010

What kind of code would one need to check for collisions between two symbols? I am hoping to become a game designer so this is important for future references.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Checking If MC Exists?

Feb 15, 2010

I have a gallery loading jpegs from an xml file into a mc called mainPicArea, on frame 5. I have other content on frames 1,2,3,4,6,7.I want to run an if statement to check whether mainPicAreaexists and if it does, then run a removeChild(mainPicArea), and if not do nothing.

if (MovieClip.mainPicArea){


this is my code. When I test, it comes back with the trace "doesent exist", even though it does exist.

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Checking Variables With If (varibale = *)

Oct 20, 2010

why this code works on my other flash file and it doesnt on the new one. This is the code:

if (test == "PRIZE1"){
trace ("prizes/prize1.jpg");


Basically it should check whther the variable has any of the above words loaded on it dynamically so that it loads a movie that corresponds to it. I put the trace on the above so I can track whther it was reading or not. Obviously it wasnt. My publish settings are Flash Player 8 with Actionscript 2.0

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Variable Checking Isn't Working?

Jul 14, 2009

Google is ranking my site preety high BUT (bigBut) in MOST searches it lists my swf-s not html pages. So when clicked they are shown in a browser window as single swf-s, not as part of html page. I am trying to workaround this by means of some variable to inspect if swf is opened as standalone or within a html.Here is the problem. I've set up a swf (swf_01 for example) in html page that loads another swf (swf_02) which is in swf_s directory. Swf_01 establishes a variable _global.isActive = 1; when html loads swf_01. So if swf_02 is loaded into the swf_01 variable is TRUE and that is OK and if the swf_02 is loaded directly from search results as a standalone swf it's not OK. That works so far. In swf_02 there is a code that checkes if variable is undefined (meaning that swf is loaded directly from search results) and, if it is, loads the right html into "_self".Somehow it's not working. Maybe my code isn't right.

Code in swf_02 (loaded one):
/if(isActive==undefined){ loadMovie("", "_self");} // meaning: if variable is not true > this swf is loaded into browser directly from search


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Checking If A Swf Is Already Loaded?

Aug 28, 2009

I want to know how to check whether a SWF is loaded or not.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Checking A Textfield

Nov 22, 2011

I'm sure there is a very easy solution to my problem, but I haven't found it yet. My first frame consists of one input textfield, and two buttons. This textfield is sort of like entering a code to jump to another frame. "no" is a button if you don't have a code, and "go" is if you want to submit a code. Here is my Actionscript:
no.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, continueF);function continueF(e:MouseEvent):void{ nextFrame();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Checking To See If A Variable Contains Anything

Aug 25, 2009

I need to know if it's possible to check to see if a variable contains any information or if it's just blank basically I have a text file on the server that may or may not have a url in it, I have my flash file programmed to grab the url from that text file and apply it to a button that when clicked brings up that URL...but that text file may not always have a URL in it, so for those times i want the button to not be clickable, or at least not attempt to go to a URL.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Checking If A Swf Is Already Loaded Or Not?

Aug 28, 2009

how to check whether a SWF is loaded or not.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Checking For Variables?

Feb 5, 2010

Each button has 3 different animations on the same timeline: one for when you mouseover, one for when you mouseout, and one for when you click. Each animation ends with a 'stop();" command, obviously. However, when someone mouses over, then out of a button quickly, it interrupts the "over" animation and begins the "out" one, which looks choppy and awful. I need a way that when I mouseover a movie clip, a variable within said clip changes to 0, and when I mouseout, it changes to 1.

The big problem comes with the fact that I have multiple buttons with listeners, all of which use the same generic function to respond to mouseover/mouseout events. Is there a way to set up a variable associated with each button, then call the specific variable within the generic function?

ActionScript Code:
button1.outcheck = 0;
button2.outcheck = 0;
button3.outcheck = 0;


Is there a viable solution, or will I have to just rethink the entire animation?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Checking If Two Mc's Have Been RollOvered?

Sep 4, 2006

I have two movieclips. I would like to check if both movieclips have been rollOvered and then do an action. You can't rollOver them at the same time. So, I need something like: if movieclip 1 has been rollOvered and movieclip 2 has been rollOvered (no matter what following order) , then do action.I tried this using booleans and an if statement but no luck.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Checking If Key A - Z Pressed?

Apr 15, 2007

I am trying to figure out how to check when the key "A - Z" is pressed...How can I use ASCII characters to check this?, or even if I check something like this

How to check when keys A-Z are pressed, preferably something like this
onKeyPress("A") = function() {
"run code"
Anyway to do this? Basically hotkeys, press "s" to call a line of function that will save the game.. etc...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Checking For New SWF's On A Server?

Jun 25, 2007

i made my site with levels so there are lots of swf's being updated, and i cant seem to get some of them to work. i think that my problem is that the swf's are being stored on the cache so when i update them, it doesnt reconize that its a new swf

is there a way to put in code to when someone goes to my site, to check their cache to see if there are any newer versions of the swf they have on my server?

and if it is possible, MAYBE making it so i dont have to put it on EVERY button (but if thats the only way fine i will live)

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IDE :: Checking An Input String?

May 15, 2009

I do math applications for the web. Often I have to check if a user input is correct. For example: the right answer is 3x+5. Is the user input that.I do this by checking character by character. I don't think that it is the best way, especially since the user may have written 5+3x, which is right, too, although it is preferred to write the other way around.I sometimes have to check more complicated expressions, like -3x^2+7x-15 or -2 sin (4x^2).Right now I'm doing an equation solving exercise. There I have to check what the user wants to do to the equation, like +2x or /(-5).

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