Actionscript 3 :: Flash Builder - Check Key Presence In Object?

Mar 22, 2012

How to check if specific key is contained in associative array? I know I can loop over all keys but can I do single-step check?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Checking For Object Presence

Feb 18, 2009

How can I check for the presence of something on the stage? I want to disable mouse clicks on the currentTarget while an image is loading, and I'd like to use the presence of a progress bar as the determinant to proceed.


If (progressBar is somewhere on the stage)
currentTarget.mouseChildren = false;
currentTarget.mouseEnabled = false;

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private function CH(e:MouseEvent):void
trace(pa);//[object Image],[object Page],[object Blue],[object Red],[object Mask]


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Aug 5, 2011

I have an advanced data grid in flex (flash builder 4). It's dataProvider is pointing to an ArrayCollection (this._encounters). Inside that array collection is a property that is an object (a client object).

I tried setting the dataField to "clientObj.firstName" to refer to the first name property within the clientObj property of the this._encounters array collection. It did not show anything. So, I added a labelFunction to that column (code below) to set the text in the cell. This works fine and now I have values showing in the grid.

The problem is now when I click the title of column to sort it. It throws an error that property clientObj.firstName is not found in my array collection!So, is there a better way to set the dataField / source for a column and point at a property in a sub-object -- or a way to fix the sort?

Below the first column

<mx:AdvancedDataGrid x="0" y="25" id="adgEncounters" designViewDataType="flat" width="100%" height="100%" dataProvider="{this._encounters}">
<mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn headerText="first" dataField="clientObj.firstName"


In the mxml above, this is the changed line - notice the stringSortByField added:

<mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn headerText="first" dataField="clientObj.firstName" sortCompareFunction="{stringSortByField('clientObj','firstName')}" labelFunction="encounterGridLabelFunct"/>

If it were a numeric field use the numericSortByField. If it were a date string from a database, use the dateSortByField function instead.

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function onStartDrag(evt:MouseEvent):void


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package {
import flexunit.framework.Assert;
public class ObjectTest extends Object {


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P.S. If your know how to do that from any other language it is ok too.

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Jan 23, 2012

I noticed something dangerous while working with AS3 - some objects (namely DisplayObjects / MovieClips) tend to remain in the memory and even perform actions after all references to them have been removed.

I work with Flash CS 5.5 and Flash Builder 4.6.

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In Flex, lets say I have a super-class... something like:
class SuperComponent extends DragStack {
private var _childReference:UIComponent;
public function SuperComponent() {
// ???
addEventListener(FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE, onCreationComplete);
} private function onCreationComplete(e:FlexEvent):void {
//The 'this[]' technique doesn't seem to work and causes run-time errors:
//trace("Component found: " + this["myButton"]);

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<!-- Component ChildComponent.mxml -->
<mx:Button id="myButton" label="Press Me!" />
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What is it called?

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And this is a function that will run onPress (all instances)
Code: Select allfunction CheckInstance(input, section_arr_01) {


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Dec 20, 2011

I am developing an application in AS3 for Android devices and I am choosing to use XML for setting storage...

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var updates:Boolean = true;
var k:Number = 0
for(k = 0; k < 6; k++){


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Check That Concrete Object Is On The Scene?

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I wonder how can i check that concrete object is on the scene for example:
var sprite1:Sprite = new SPrite();


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I have 2 classes, Entity and PlayerEntity.On the main class ( I am using an for loop to check which one is a PlayerEntity and which one is an Entity. (Note that Entity is the superclass for PlayerEntity)[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Check If An Object Exist On Stage?

Feb 18, 2008

for AS3.people thi is how you rock:

ActionScript Code:
if ( {
//var maptween:Map = new Map(this,origwidth,origheight);


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