Flex :: Sending A Json Object Over Flash Builder 4 Webservices?

Aug 12, 2010

Can I use the webservice wizards in Flash Builder 4 to send a json encoded object...not as a string but as type application/json; charset=UTF-8

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Flex :: Debug Pending / Hanging Webservices In It With Builder 4?

Jan 8, 2010

Sometimes (too often...) some webservices "hang". I can see the clock cursor in my app and the network monitor of FB2 shows the webservice as "pending". After waiting a long time, the status changes to "OK" and the clock cursor disappears. How can I find out why a webservice takes sometimes minutes while it usually takes not even a second?

My webservices run on my localhost during development using the Zend AMF Server.

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Json :: Flex - Flash Builder Will Not Read Local File?

Jan 11, 2012

So I've tried to build a small utility to view the contents of a JSON file in an easy-to-understand manner (for non-tech people).I have Googled far and wide, high and low, but every example that shows how to consume a JSON file in Flash Builder uses the HTTP service, pointing to a file on the web.Here I am, sitting in front of my MacBook, wondering why I can't make this work. In the documentation I've found (sort of relating to this issue), they always show Windows examples, and they seem to work fine:That doesn't work. I've tried some "resolve to path" syntax, but the HTTP service does not seem to allow for anything but file paths in quotes.

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Actionscript 3 :: Sending Json Form From Flash?

Mar 7, 2012

i am having one form accepting json post in Asp.net which i need to call from Flash As3...

i am using below code to do that. I have seen some post in which they say its working fine. But i am encountering below Error

Error: Error #2101: The String passed to URLVariables.decode() must be a URL-encoded query string containing name/value pairs.

Here is my code.

var messages:Array = new Array ();
messages.push({"From":fromemailTxt.text,"To": ToemailTxt.text,"Body": BodyText.text,"Subject":SubjectText.text});
var JsonObj:String = JSON.encode(messages);


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Actionscript 3 :: Json - Counting Elements In JSON Array Which Is In An Object

Feb 23, 2012

I have a pure ActionScript 3 problem, but the simplified test case I've prepared is in Flex 4 for better visibility (the source code is below): Since Flash Player 11 / AIR 3 support JSON natively, I've decided to move a multiplayer game, which used XML for communicating with server, to JSON. But I have a frustrating problem, that given two Objects like


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Json :: Unable To Encode Flex Grid Data Into JSON On Sorting Columns?

Nov 28, 2011

Created an editable flex grid which exposes a method called getGridData() to javascript. I am using the JSON.encode() method of the [url]....library to convert the grid object's dataProvider into JSON before returning it.

ExternalInterface.addCallback("getGridData", getGridData);
public function getGridData():String

However, when I sort a column in the user interface, the encode method is failing throwing the following error

Property usingCustomCompareFunction not found on mx.collections.SortField and there is no default value.

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Flex :: Flash Builder - AdvancedDataGrid DataField - Use A Subarray Or Object?

Aug 5, 2011

I have an advanced data grid in flex (flash builder 4). It's dataProvider is pointing to an ArrayCollection (this._encounters). Inside that array collection is a property that is an object (a client object).

I tried setting the dataField to "clientObj.firstName" to refer to the first name property within the clientObj property of the this._encounters array collection. It did not show anything. So, I added a labelFunction to that column (code below) to set the text in the cell. This works fine and now I have values showing in the grid.

The problem is now when I click the title of column to sort it. It throws an error that property clientObj.firstName is not found in my array collection!So, is there a better way to set the dataField / source for a column and point at a property in a sub-object -- or a way to fix the sort?

Below the first column

<mx:AdvancedDataGrid x="0" y="25" id="adgEncounters" designViewDataType="flat" width="100%" height="100%" dataProvider="{this._encounters}">
<mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn headerText="first" dataField="clientObj.firstName"


In the mxml above, this is the changed line - notice the stringSortByField added:

<mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn headerText="first" dataField="clientObj.firstName" sortCompareFunction="{stringSortByField('clientObj','firstName')}" labelFunction="encounterGridLabelFunct"/>

If it were a numeric field use the numericSortByField. If it were a date string from a database, use the dateSortByField function instead.

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AS2 :: Post JSON Data From Flash With The JSON As The Body Of The Request?

Nov 5, 2010

I'm working on a Flash AS2 application that needs to post JSON data to a web service.In previous projects, I've used LoadVars.send() or LoadVars.sendAndLoad() successfully to manage this:

var send_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
send_lv.data = JSON.stringify({some json object});
var response_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
response_lv.onData = function(rawdata) {


In somepage.php, I can grab that JSON data using $_POST['data'].However, on this project, the developer of the web service requires the JSON content to be the BODY of the request (i.e., not a name/value pair). Is this possible with LoadVars?

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Apr 21, 2010

Does anyone know if there is a way to make the new Package Explorer window in Flash Builder emulate Flex Builders 'Flex navigator' window?

Bottom line is I don't always need to peer into SWC's, and I don't like having a 'default package' automatically created for me. Not sure why the interface wasn't made simpler, allowing access to more power and complexity only if necessary. I want to focus on the code, not on how to navigate and use the bells and whistles in the coding environment.

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Actionscript :: Custom Object Does Not Fully Encode Into JSON Object?

Jan 21, 2011

I have the following class:

public class PartBean extends DatabaseObjectBean{
public var partNumber:String;


I end up with this string: {"description":"Test","partNumber":"-1"}

I am not sure why the array is not being encoded as well.

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the problem is as so: I have a java server running on tomcat 7.0 and having the library Gson 2.1 on it.
I have and object to be encoded into json that got an attribute which is an array and might be an empty one.

when I send my json object via the response writer to the Flex Builder 4.5 in the Network Monitor view in the response type I get unknown. well, I have done my research, and discover that this is a known issue.[URL]..

adobe said that with Flex Builder 4.5 this issue will be fixed. but apparently it ain't so.


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Aug 3, 2011

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The project access a web server to retrieve data using JSON.

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Jul 14, 2010

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Remoting can be used only in homogeneous environment like Flex-RubyOnRails (through RubyAMF) while Webservices can be used in Heterogenous environment using SOAP protocol. Remoting has advantage of native object support that web services don't have. That also means no parsing/extraction will be required in former. Now, talking of HTTP services, they dont support complex operations or parameter passing and can be used for only basic operations.

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I was wondering if someone could explain or point me in the direction of how to implement an API that uses JSON in ActionScript 3.0. What I specifically want to know is how would I grab specific information. The following is how I do it in XML but I don't know how I would do something similar in JSON as in getting the equivalent of an XML tag. For example with the twitter API I'd like to grab the text [URL]


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Flex :: Rest - Adding Crossdomain.xml To Tomcat 6.0.24 To Access Webservices?

Oct 28, 2010

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The webservices are deployed at [URL]

The problem is that the policy of flex sandbox (i think it is called so) requires that the server with the services has to offer a file crossdomain.xml on his root directory.

I created that file with the following contents:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "http://www.adobe.com/xml/dtds/cross-domain-policy.dtd">


I am testing it and it does not seem to work. Maybe i am not doing it right. PS: I think Apache is not configured to manage Tomcat-addressed requests, every request is dispatched by port, i think. I can not provide the exact flex error since i am not developing that part. I will try to make a minimal example in the next hours and see if i can reproduce the problem.

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Flex :: Actionscript 3 - Mate Doesn't Cache Instance - Created With Object Builder

Aug 16, 2010

If you once run an ObjectBuilder the object instantiated will be cached and next time you use an PropertyInjector or something else, the instantiated object will be used instead of creating a new object. Or at least this should be like this :) But in the example below it seems that mate tries to instantiate the object again: The following error occurs:


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Flex :: Call RESTful JSON Web Service From Within Flash?

Aug 27, 2009

Is it possible to call a web service from within Flash (using AS3)? Or is the best idea to put the flash movieclip in a Flex container and use the Flex Libraries?

To be clear, when I say within Flash, I mean within the Flash CS4, AS3 programming environment.

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Actionscript 3 :: Json - Decode JSON - JSONParseError: Unexpected H Encountered

Oct 14, 2011

I'm new to JSON. This is the .json I want to decode but I always get this error:


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ActionScript 2 :: Get The Value Of A JSON Object But It Keeps Returning Undefined?

Apr 15, 2012

I'm trying to get the value of a JSON object in ActionScript 2 but it keeps returning undefined or [object Object].Here is my code:

for (var i:Number = 0; i < oProduct.prosAndCons.pros.length; i++) {
if (i == oProduct.prosAndCons.pros.length) {

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ActionScript 3 :: Evaluating String From JSON As Object

Jun 23, 2011

I have a json object where I don't know some of the values at compile time, but I do know that all objects will be valid at runtime. So in the example below, the first trace will output "50" and I want the second trace to output "100", the value of someObject.someparam, which gets defined at runtime.

var plan:Object = { "testParam": 50, "testParam2": "someObject.someParam" }
var someObject:Object = {"someParam": 100}// this actually doesn't get defined until runtime
trace ("testParam " + plan.testParam);
trace ("testParam2 " + someSortOfInterpreter(plan.testParam2);

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Python :: Serializing And Deserializing Object With JSON?

Aug 2, 2011

Is there a way or a library made to deserialize a JSON string into a typed object in ActionScript and Python?

For eg.

class Person
String name;


So, the last statement basically casts the object we get after deserializing the jsonString into the Person object.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get JSON Object In Original Order?

Dec 7, 2009

I'm getting a large JSON string and decoding it into an object which i loop through to build an interface.

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Dec 7, 2009

I'm getting a large JSON string and decoding it into an object, i'm looping through this object to create the interface. The problem is it seems to build the interface in a random order, is this because actionscript 3 loops through the properties of the object randomly?

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Feb 15, 2011

I am looking for a walkthrough for implementing a call for a webservice from an swf file, I cant find any..

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