ActionScript 3.0 :: Get JSON Object In Correct Order?

Dec 7, 2009

I'm getting a large JSON string and decoding it into an object, i'm looping through this object to create the interface. The problem is it seems to build the interface in a random order, is this because actionscript 3 loops through the properties of the object randomly?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get JSON Object In Original Order?

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Actionscript 3 :: Json - Counting Elements In JSON Array Which Is In An Object

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package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
[Code] .....

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#########loop that creates the clip########
for(var b = 0; b<story_arr.length; b++){
if(story_arr[b].nodeName != "title"){


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ActionScript 3 :: Layer Order - AddChild MovieClip To Correct Sprite

Oct 23, 2011

I created two empty Sprites to serve as layers, bottom_spr and top_spr. When clicking a button, a MovieClip appears and follows your mouse, until you click, then its position is fixed. As soon as the button is clicked, I addChild the MovieClip to the correct Sprite. Unfortunately, the layer system doesn't see to work, because they are layered in the order I place them, the Sprites don't seem to influence it. How is this possible?

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public function Game() {
ground_spr = new Sprite();
[Code] .....

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Flash 10 :: Auto Format - Maths Functions Not Done In Correct Order

Apr 23, 2011

I have some code that looks like this:
ActionScript Code:
level_btn.x = 50 + (i - 1) % 10 * 50;
It sets the x location of my level button. But this is in a for loop (that's what the 'i' is for.) I run it and everything works perfectly, as it should, not a single problem. Then I press the auto format button in the flash actionscript editor. (It's the button that adds all of the ; to the end of each line and other stuff)

Well that changes my code to this:
ActionScript Code:
level_btn.x = 50 + i - 1 % 10 * 50;
thinking it's done me a favour but it hasn't. It's got rid of the brackets so it won't do the maths functions in the correct order. I've tried adding more brackets in places and other stuff but I just don't know how to fix it. It's annoying because every time I press the auto format button I have to add the brackets in again.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Correct Order Of Events (brackets First, Etc) To Reflect The Equations ?

Jan 25, 2005

I have five simple equations that I need help converting to ActionScript. I'm making a small "calculator" that takes input from the user and displays a number representing the result of the equation. They're two sets of equations: 1) three-scenario fee calculator to compare the annual costs (X) of renting versus buying equipment; 2) comparison of two rental plans. The numbers entered need to stay the same - the alphabets represent what the user will input. The equations are as follows:
Scenario 1:

X = ([A � F] / G) + H + I + J + (K x 12) + ([L / N] x M)
Scenario 2:
X = ([B � F] / G) + ([E x C] / G) + H + I + J + (K x 12) + ([L / N] x M)[code]....

I've looked at my resources at hand, but my brain just shuts down when I see numbers and letters representing numbers. I do speak three languages fluently, so I (think) I make up for to properly assign the correct order of events (brackets first, etc) in ActionScript to reflect the equations above.

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Actionscript :: Custom Object Does Not Fully Encode Into JSON Object?

Jan 21, 2011

I have the following class:

public class PartBean extends DatabaseObjectBean{
public var partNumber:String;


I end up with this string: {"description":"Test","partNumber":"-1"}

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Nov 28, 2011

Created an editable flex grid which exposes a method called getGridData() to javascript. I am using the JSON.encode() method of the [url]....library to convert the grid object's dataProvider into JSON before returning it.

ExternalInterface.addCallback("getGridData", getGridData);
public function getGridData():String

However, when I sort a column in the user interface, the encode method is failing throwing the following error

Property usingCustomCompareFunction not found on mx.collections.SortField and there is no default value.

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AS2 :: Post JSON Data From Flash With The JSON As The Body Of The Request?

Nov 5, 2010

I'm working on a Flash AS2 application that needs to post JSON data to a web service.In previous projects, I've used LoadVars.send() or LoadVars.sendAndLoad() successfully to manage this:

var send_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars(); = JSON.stringify({some json object});
var response_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
response_lv.onData = function(rawdata) {


In somepage.php, I can grab that JSON data using $_POST['data'].However, on this project, the developer of the web service requires the JSON content to be the BODY of the request (i.e., not a name/value pair). Is this possible with LoadVars?

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for (var i:Number = 0; i < oProduct.prosAndCons.pros.length; i++) {
if (i == oProduct.prosAndCons.pros.length) {

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var plan:Object = { "testParam": 50, "testParam2": "someObject.someParam" }
var someObject:Object = {"someParam": 100}// this actually doesn't get defined until runtime
trace ("testParam " + plan.testParam);
trace ("testParam2 " + someSortOfInterpreter(plan.testParam2);

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Python :: Serializing And Deserializing Object With JSON?

Aug 2, 2011

Is there a way or a library made to deserialize a JSON string into a typed object in ActionScript and Python?

For eg.

class Person
String name;


So, the last statement basically casts the object we get after deserializing the jsonString into the Person object.

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Actionscript 3 :: Populate New MovieClip() With JSON Object Properties

Jul 6, 2011

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Feb 8, 2010

So I just started using JASON to make my application data driven. I'm not doing any encoding, only decoding (I encoded once to create an example data layout). My question is, how come I can't cast the data that I read in into the object that it is? I know that question is useless without an example so here goes:This is my data class that I encoded once to create an example JSON file.

ActionScript Code:
public class ButtonData


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Actionscript 3 :: Json : Parsing JSON Data?

Sep 28, 2011

I am sending a request to a server, and in return I get a long block of JSON.



Is there a way to do this? I checked if the property was enumerated and it returned true, but I cant find a way to access this data.

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Dec 13, 2011

I have to work with webservices in Actionscript. I found the following code that allows me to use JSON URLs that implement only the GET method. However, it doesn't work for POST methods (doesn't even enter the "onComplete" method). How can i "POST" JSON data using Actionscript 3.0?

import flash.display.Sprite;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Correct Use Of Var Object?

Dec 30, 2009

I am trying to store the x and y position of a mc and thought I would do it using object. I am getting a compile error but do not see why?

"Case insensitive identifier 'object' will obscure built-in object 'Object'"

var some_mc = new object ({_x:150, _y:50});
trace("some_mc x position is " + some_mc._x);

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Json - Use A JSON API In Flash?

Jan 15, 2012

I was wondering if someone could explain or point me in the direction of how to implement an API that uses JSON in ActionScript 3.0. What I specifically want to know is how would I grab specific information. The following is how I do it in XML but I don't know how I would do something similar in JSON as in getting the equivalent of an XML tag. For example with the twitter API I'd like to grab the text [URL]


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Javascript :: Php Null Object Given By IE But Other Working Correct

Mar 1, 2011

there is a problem with IE browser it does not recognize object HTMLEmbedElement and not proceed for further execution . i have no choice because there is nothing to be updated in programming code

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get / Set Correct Height For Masked Object

Sep 12, 2009

I'm building a class for a data grid that creates everything dynamically, and allows the user to add buttons to a cell easily. If the user defines a height for the dataGrid that's smaller than the content, the content is cropped and a scrollbar is added. Now here's where my problem occurs. Once the content is masked, and you then try to access the .height property of the dataGrid, it will return the height of the dataGrid + the masked content.So I added a get/set override function for the .height property. Now this works, but only if I'm constantly updating the height as I create my dataGrid. What I'm curious about, is how (when the properties aren't overridden) when you add a child to a MovieClip, it's .height property is updated automatically? For example if you have

ActionScript Code:
var par:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
// each Cell is 20px tall.
var cell1:Cell = new Cell();
var cell2:Cell = new Cell();

The .height will equal 40px. Is there a set somewhere inside addChild that updates the .height property, or is there a different way that they do it? Basically I'd like to override the .height property after a certain amount of the dataGrid is built (to compensate for the difference in masked content height), but since the override happens from the very beginning, I'd like to know if there's a better way of setting my MCs height rather than constantly setting it as I build the grid. Or better yet, is there a way to get the proper height of an object that contains masked content without having to override the height?

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Flash :: Finding Correct Scope Of An Object For A Callback?

Dec 11, 2009

I'm working on writing a tweening class in as2 that has a callback variable and I can't seem to find a good way to get the scope without specifically passing in a scope variable as well. This tweening class needs to work in classes as well as on the timeline. Here's what my codes looks like right now.params.scope[ params.onComplete ]( params.onCompleteParams );params is an object passed into the class. This works but I don't want to have params.scope in there.

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Nov 21, 2011

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public function getFormattedCreatedTime(item:Object, column:DataGridColumn):String {
var value:Date=item[column.dataField];
return dateFormatter.format(value);[code]....

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Mar 4, 2011

When you initialize a new object, how can that class have access to a variable from the parent?In this case Blob needs to be able to access scale?[code]

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