Java :: Object Via The Response Writer To The Flex Builder 4.5?

Mar 8, 2012

the problem is as so: I have a java server running on tomcat 7.0 and having the library Gson 2.1 on it.
I have and object to be encoded into json that got an attribute which is an array and might be an empty one.

when I send my json object via the response writer to the Flex Builder 4.5 in the Network Monitor view in the response type I get unknown. well, I have done my research, and discover that this is a known issue.[URL]..

adobe said that with Flex Builder 4.5 this issue will be fixed. but apparently it ain't so.


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Java - Modifying AMF Response At Runtime?

Dec 2, 2009

I have built a simple flex application (using BlazeDS) which displays "Person" details by invoking a java service using flex remoting. So, my Person class looks something like this:

class Person {
public int age;
public String name;

As a java developer, here is my understanding: When I run the front flex app in my webapp, an RPC call is executed and BlazeDS does the hard work of invoking the right method, obtaining the result as an object, converting the object to AMF format (serialization). And, then the web/app server sends back this response to the requesting app over http. The flex app now does the task of deserializing the object received in AMF format and somehow make use of it.

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public class mySchoolDO
public var schoolName:String;
public var schoolLocation:String;


The showSchoolStudents will display all the details of students on to the datagrid. But, my datagrid is editable. And, I want to use WRAPPER CLASS around this object such that

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b> I shouldbe able to set the values as they are updated in the visual datagrid.

c> Finally save all the data and submit on submit click.

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My java class:

package com.controlefinanceiro.entities;
// imports


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May 18, 2011

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FLEX side :

protected function button2_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
var tmp:FlexAck = new FlexAck;"123456789123456789123456789";


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Aug 5, 2011

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The problem is now when I click the title of column to sort it. It throws an error that property clientObj.firstName is not found in my array collection!So, is there a better way to set the dataField / source for a column and point at a property in a sub-object -- or a way to fix the sort?

Below the first column

<mx:AdvancedDataGrid x="0" y="25" id="adgEncounters" designViewDataType="flat" width="100%" height="100%" dataProvider="{this._encounters}">
<mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn headerText="first" dataField="clientObj.firstName"


In the mxml above, this is the changed line - notice the stringSortByField added:

<mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn headerText="first" dataField="clientObj.firstName" sortCompareFunction="{stringSortByField('clientObj','firstName')}" labelFunction="encounterGridLabelFunct"/>

If it were a numeric field use the numericSortByField. If it were a date string from a database, use the dateSortByField function instead.

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Flex Code:
package com.example.vo


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Aug 16, 2010

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Make A Flash Generator App Like QuizCreator Og Quiz Writer?

Jul 11, 2010

I would like to make a flash generator app like QuizCreator og Quiz Writer. Does anybody here know how these flash generators are made.I guess they are written in for instance C sharp. But how is the flash movie generated with these apps. What is needed to make such apps?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: One Click More Than One Object Response Handling?

Jun 13, 2011

I am new in actionscript 3.0, currently facing a problem about the mouseClick event handling. I have 3x3 of object also can named it as cells.

//myObject class
for(var x=0; x<3;x++) {


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Java :: Regex For Eclipse/Flash Builder File Search For Comments?

Jan 5, 2011

In Eclipse (and Flash/Flex Builder) you get the option with Ctrl+Shift+F to do a file search and look for a regular expression. Would be a real handy thing to know.

I want to find the word negate if it appears in a Flex/java comment like the following:

// It was negated because


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Flex :: Convert Flex Builder 3 Project To Flash Builder 4

Oct 6, 2009

I just upgraded to Flash Builder 4 (beta 2) from Flex Builder 3 which I have been using since it came out. Problem: All the projects that were in my workspace from Flex Builder 3 did not carry over into Flash Builder 4 (e.g. in the "Flex Navigator" view if FB3). Flash Builder 4 now uses the .FXP format to manage projects, but Flex Builder 3 did not. Is there an easy way to get all my projects back into Flash Builder 4?

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I could play MIDI file where "filename" is a String type with "asd.mid" value. However, I tried to sent AIR's nativeprocess command to Java, it shown "could not read" error.


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Sep 15, 2011

Meaning specifically, what steps do you go through when creating a new application using these tools?

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