Actionscript 3 :: Object Data Type In AS3 And Flash Builder 4.5.1?

Jul 15, 2011

I am trying to save a Sprite object as a file on the device I'm working on and it seems to work. the problem I'm having is reading the saved file back and placing it back on stage as a sprite. Below is the code I have so far, could someone tell me what it is I'm doing wrong? I have a suspicion that the saved isn't what I expect it to be since the file sizes have been under a kilobyte.

public function save_album(e:Event):void
var outFile:File = File.documentsDirectory; // dest folder is desktop[code]....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Possible To Strict Data Type Custom Object Properties?

Feb 8, 2010

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PHP Code:
myObject = new Object();
myObject.nameLabel = "New Releases";
myObject.artOrientation = "portrait";
myObject.artAmount = 5;

I find the new compiler and debugger capabilities very useful, since I'm not the most detail-oriented, so I (usually) like that Flash forces me to strict-type my variables and such. Anyway, I was wondering if it's a "best practice" to strict data type a custom objects' properties, and if so, how to do it in the logic above? I kept getting syntax errors when I just tried it initially.

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XML :: Data Not Being Exposed In Flash Builder

Feb 26, 2010

When I run the flex application, I'm expecting to see 25 records from users table of my database in a list component, and all I see is 25 of this: [object User]. I tried to follow this tutorial: [URL] but as he is using ColdFusion, I am using an HTTP service type. Basically, what I did:

1) Connect to data service (Http)
2) Entered a url of xml data, method GET, operation of getAllItems
3) search as name string as data type for the parameters of this operation
4) users as service name (services.users as service package)
5) test operation (authentication required) and clicked test, which showed the xml data
6) Configure return type, selected User as root (not users), and clicked it for "is Array?" option
7) Then selected the list component, checked "New Service Call", and for bind_to_field I checked "id" (not sure exactly what bind to field does)

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protected function list_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void {
getAllItemsResult.token = users.getAllItems(/*Enter value(s) for */ search);
} <fx:Declarations>
<s:CallResponder id="getAllItemsResult" />
[Code] .....

I do notice an error message that says "access of undefined property search". But again this was generated code so I have no idea where it was supposed to be defined. My main concern is that it's not showing records from the database (via the xml) but rather just showing:
[object User]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: 1118: Implicit Coercion Of A Value With Static Type Object To A Possibly Unrelated Type?

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my_cb.addItem({data:1, label:"First Item"});
my_cb.addItem({data:2, label:"Second Item"});
my_cb.addItem({data:3, label:"Third Item"});


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Flex :: Flash Builder - Not Assigning Data To Variables?

Mar 4, 2012

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protected function btnSubmitUser_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
username = txtUsername.text;


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<s:TabbedMobileApplication xmlns:fx=""


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how would i go about parsing that out into an Object so that it looks like this:


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Flex :: Flash Builder - Data Provider Not Working If XML Has Single Node Value Or Less

May 20, 2010

i get this error when i retrieve an XML that only has 1 node (no repeating nodes) and i try to store in an ArrayCollection. -When I have MORE than 1 "name" nodes...i do NOT get an error. My test show that XMLListCollection does NOT work either.

TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert "XXXXXX" to mx.collections.ArrayCollection.

this error occurs as the line of code:


Why can't ArrayCollection work with a single node? I'm using this ArrayCollection as a dataprovider for a Component -is there an alternative I can use that will take BOTH single and repeating nodes as well as work as a dataprovider?


private var myList:ArrayCollection= new ArrayCollection();
private function getList(e:Event):void{
var getStudyLoungesService:HTTPService = new HTTPService();


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Flex :: Flash Builder - Datagrid Within Repeater - Data Bind Warning?

Jul 8, 2010

In my Flex app I am using a repeater to show a report on my database data. On this report the user can "drill-down" on the data to show more detail. In order to make this easier on the eye I have a header label and then a datagrid within the repeater.Whilst this works perfectly, because the dataprovider for the datagrid comes from an array in the repeaters dataprovider, it is causing the following warning:Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to "report"The warning is for this line:

<mx:DataGrid id="dgReport" dataProvider="{}" rowCount="{}">


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Flash :: Parsing X-amf Mime Type Data?

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Adobe Flash Builder Http Data Service Call Fails Only After Export?

Dec 8, 2011

I wrote an app using adobe flash builder that makes an http data service call to a website.

When I build and launch the app it loads in my browser (the address in the broswer is C:Userspath omyapp.html) and works perfectly. However, when I upload the app to my website or even launch it from outside the project build directory, the HTTP service call fails with the popup

Security error accessing url
Destination: DefaultHTTP

Of course I googled this error and realized it may have something to do with a 'crossdomain.xml' in my web root directory. I tried this and it continued to fail.
Below was my crossite domain file

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "">
<allow-access-from domain="" />

I'm using the free trial version of Adobe flash builder, but I do not see anything indicating that this has to do with the error.

Data from http service call is in xml format.

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Flex :: Sending A Json Object Over Flash Builder 4 Webservices?

Aug 12, 2010

Can I use the webservice wizards in Flash Builder 4 to send a json encoded object...not as a string but as type application/json; charset=UTF-8

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Flex :: Flash Builder - AdvancedDataGrid DataField - Use A Subarray Or Object?

Aug 5, 2011

I have an advanced data grid in flex (flash builder 4). It's dataProvider is pointing to an ArrayCollection (this._encounters). Inside that array collection is a property that is an object (a client object).

I tried setting the dataField to "clientObj.firstName" to refer to the first name property within the clientObj property of the this._encounters array collection. It did not show anything. So, I added a labelFunction to that column (code below) to set the text in the cell. This works fine and now I have values showing in the grid.

The problem is now when I click the title of column to sort it. It throws an error that property clientObj.firstName is not found in my array collection!So, is there a better way to set the dataField / source for a column and point at a property in a sub-object -- or a way to fix the sort?

Below the first column

<mx:AdvancedDataGrid x="0" y="25" id="adgEncounters" designViewDataType="flat" width="100%" height="100%" dataProvider="{this._encounters}">
<mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn headerText="first" dataField="clientObj.firstName"


In the mxml above, this is the changed line - notice the stringSortByField added:

<mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn headerText="first" dataField="clientObj.firstName" sortCompareFunction="{stringSortByField('clientObj','firstName')}" labelFunction="encounterGridLabelFunct"/>

If it were a numeric field use the numericSortByField. If it were a date string from a database, use the dateSortByField function instead.

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Nov 14, 2011

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Jan 25, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Define A Custom Data Type In Flash?

Sep 16, 2009

How can I define a custom data type in flash? for example in C/C++ I can do something like this:


Is there a way something like this can be done in flash? Basically I want to be able to create my own variable types.

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Php :: Use HTTPService Rather Than URLRequest To Send Data. Content Type Is Messing With The Data?

Jul 28, 2011

I need to send a byte array of data (its an image source) along with a bunch of other vars to a service.If I send the byte array using something like the following

var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest ( '' );
var loader: URLLoader = new URLLoader();
request.contentType = 'application/octet-stream';


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Mar 4, 2012

Is there any "automatic way" to casts an "Object" to a personalized Model Data Type in ActionScript 3?


Manish's answer was enough for me and according to rcdmk's comment, the p:String isn't about the Type of data that the loop will go through, it is actually the name of the property, which makes sense because every name is a String.

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Flash - Create A Vector With A Runtime Defined Data Type?

Feb 17, 2011

Typically you create a Vector (strongly typed array) specifying a data type like:

new Vector<PictureBox>();

However I need to create a utility method that should be able to create a vector of any given datatype. Is it possible to specify a type using a variable instead of hard-coding it?

var type:Class = PictureBox;
new Vector<type>();

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AS3 :: Xml - Loading Images And Data Into Flash Via XML - Catching Type Error

Apr 25, 2011

I am loading images and data into flash via XML. Some bits of data are missing an image or just don't have one for various reasons. When the image URL is null flash returns the message TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter url must be non-null. I have been trying to catch this error using IO error event but I am unsure if this is the the correct method for doing this as I can't seem to get it working. This is causing a problem for me because when I add the items to the stage the data doesn't match the images and what I would like to do once I am able to capture this error is push a default image into the _trackArray which i will then use to add items to the stage.


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