ActionScript 3.0 :: Class Interaction - Access Every Displayed Object Of A Certain Kind At Once?
Mar 2, 2012
How do you access every displayed object of a certain kind at once? Here's the code.
I want to replace the underlined part so that it refers to every instance of the dirt symbol without an insane number of iterations. From that, I plan to make the player capable of standing on each dirt symbol as they are being created, as well as move all of the dirt symbols with ease.
public class Example { public function Example () { }[code]............
You can see that the two last classes extend the first one, and both have the 'variable' property. In case that I have an instance of Example and I am sure it is also an ExtendedExample OR AnotherExtendedExample instance, is there some way to access the 'variable' property? Something like
function functionThatReceivesAnExtendedExample (ex:Example):void { if(some condition that I may need) { ex.func()
I have a Canvas object with a number of imported SWF's that the user can move and resize within the Canvas. What kind of object or library would I need to invoke to export just the Canvas to a SWF or preferably another vector based file type such as EPS?
I'm not sure what is causing this but I have objects that are transparent on the stage till they are called (object.alpha==0). The background image is of a room with fairly bright light.But when the background changes to a dark room the transparent items in front of it have white outlines around them...making the file unusable.
i have a movie clip in my library which has a text box inside it , and it is Exported for Action Script , with a name "MenuItem"and i am creating objects in my AS file like ..
menuItem = new MenuItem(); menuItem.menuLabel.text ="i am object 1"; addChild (menuItem)
I created a button class with a method that will allow me to control an external SWF. However, the loader for the SWF is created on my main timeline. Is it possible to access the loader object from within my button class?No matter what I try I either get an error that the variable is not defined (rightfully so because I haven't defined it in the class, it's defined on the main timeline) or that the object is null (when I declare the loader from within the class, which I know is wrong as well)
I have a document class called Main, and a class called DispatchEventExample. In DispatchEventExample, I'm trying to add an event listener to the stage but get an 1120 error, access of undefined property stage.
If I understand things correctly, even though I create an instance of DispatchEventExample in Main, it's not added to the display list & therefore cannot access stage.
I have a class that have a method to do some work and return a MovieClip. How can I access the stage from the class ? I don't add the class object to stage.
My code is like this :
Code: import com.ClassName . . . var c:ClassName= new ClassName(); var mc:MovieClip; mc = ClassName.create("some parameter");
I want to get access to the stage from ClassName class file.
I have 2 classes: bullet class:Extends MovieClip and stores information about bullets while handling their movement and properties. enemy class:Extends MovieClip and simply so far stores the x,y co-ordonates of the enemy. I want the bullet to home onto the enemy object in the movement function by referencing the x and y position of the enemy.
Here's the code: //Main as3 file stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,clk);//stuff that happens on click function clk (e:MouseEvent){ shotcnt += 1; shotobj.push(new pshot(player.x,player.y)); addChild(shotobj[shotcnt]); [Code] .....
I have a movie clip symbol placed on the main timeline. The class linkage to that movie clip is Sheet. Inside Sheet class, I make a public string call _textRow. Inside the Sheet's constructor, I create a new TextField call values_txt. Inside the Sheet class again, I create a public function call updateTable().
The document class is Main. From the, I need to call updateTable() function to update the text inside values_txt. And I need to find a way to get to values_txt. That's where my problem lies.
Actionscript Code: package{//imported stuff herepublic class Sheet extends MovieClip{public var _textRow:String = " Lorem Lorem again";public function Sheet(){addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, initSheet);}public function
Basically, I need to run Sheet's updateTable() from and update the values_txt.text with _textRow string. But I don't know value_txt's target path.
I created an array of objects and put an event listener on each of them. My problem is that when the object is clicked, I want to access a method inside the object's class but I do not know how to reference its position in the array. This isn't very clear but hopefully my code will make it clearer.
This line is inside while loops and puts an event listener on every square.
How can I know which square has been clicked?
Note: returns the following error:
ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property placeChar not found on flash.display.Sprite and there is no default value.
I'm currently trying to add the resulting XML (xmlResult) to a textbox that is on the stage. I did try using MovieClip(root).[instancename].text = ..... however it didn't work - null object reference?
package { public class ChatHistory extends MovieClip { public function ChatHistory()
I have a class, and I'm trying access an object outside of that class. For example, in my class I have function: onNodeLoad(node:Object)with that function I can access the properties of node just fine, but outside the class I cannot.In the function that is inside the class, I can trace (node. title)I want to be able to do that trace on the main timeline.[code]So right now, in my main timeline, trace(con.node) comes up null.I've tried to declaring _node public, private, public static.
I made a movie clip that is linked to a class named "Fugel". In the "Fugel" class I want to access the object's properties (x, y, rotation, alpha...) that I created in the main FLA file. I'm trying to center it in the constructor, but I don't know how to. The "this" keyword doesn't seem to work.
Here is the code for the "Fugel" class:
Code: package { import flash.display.MovieClip; public class Fugel extends MovieClip { public function Fugel() {
I'm using the following code to arrange indexes of objects on the stage the only problem is I can't access an Object that has been made in a class in an external AS document. if i go into the document and trace I can see it but i can't access it from the document class and arrange its index anybody have any ideas?
Just wonder if I can reference entry point object from any place in the app? Is it maybe assigned to some global object, like stage is for example? Currently I use static methods and variables, but this breaks encapsulation.
I have extended an mxml component with an actionscript class. I'm trying to access a component in the mxml file using the id (in order to add an event listener) but I cant seem to do it.
I get:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
How does that work? How come when I use "addChild(l);" (l being my Loader object), the SWF has already played to it's first stop point?How do I prevent that? It actually throws an error because of it.
I have written a framework that facilitates RPC calls between AS3 and PHP 5 called FlashMOG. I recently got a forum request that has introduced a pretty bizarre question regarding access control. This will be a lot easier to discuss if you have access to the FlashMOG 0.3.1 client source which is here:
The basic idea is that I have a FlashMOGService class which has an RPCSocket member that it may share with other FlashMOGService objects. The idea is that you can create two distinct FlashMOGService objects and have them both connect to the same host/port via socket. I use my special RPCSocket class for two reasons:
1) Let developers use one port but separate functionality into two distinct services...a form of multiplexing i guess
2) RPCSocket adds functionality to the standard Socket class that works to serialize and unserialize data and get it where it needs to go. The essence of the problem here is that created a class with a FlashMOGService object as a member and has tried to assign a private method of his class as an event handler to the FlashMOGService object:
My initial thought is that this should be fine because it's all done within the class. However, when I consider the monkey chain that results in this function being called, it seems almost logical that it wouldn't work. The problem is that the browser freezes when a socket message arrives that tries to call the service's client method, _service.client.firstClientMethod. This client firstClientMethod is attempted when data arrives from the server on the Socket (an RPCSocket, actually). The RPCSocket class deserializes the socket data and extracts an array with a service name, a method name, and an array of arguments. It looks into its own private class variable (an array of services using the RPCSocket) and tries to invoke whatever function was assigned thusly:
I'm guessing there's some kind of infinite loop going on to check access control for the various intertwined classes.
I am looking to determine the final event or location where it could be determined that an Image, or a UIComponent, has been rendered to the user. I need to know when it has been displayed and thus is, presuming it's not covered up or at a silly location, visible to the user. In the UpdateComplete Event Documentation it says:
This is the last opportunity to alter the component before it is displayed. All properties have been committed and the component has been measured and layed out.Overriding the dispatchEvent on an Image shows that the UpdateComplete Event is the last one that it dispatches after an update of the .source property. Breakpointing and walking the code after that event shows that the LayoutManager seems to finish with it's actions before the Image is displayed.
I have watched the dispatchEvent on and updateDisplayList on the canvas container and no dice. I assume that there is some higher (lower) object that I might be able to extend or listen to that would give me that final piece of information.
NoisyImageTest.mxml - test application for watching the event loop. If you breakpoint at line 22 you see the last updateComplete event but the image is not yet displayed. Stepping through the code from there, it exits the thread after the LayoutManager but still has not updated the screen. I assume that there is a point where the systemManager or stage or some other item could say it drew the image.
Is there any way to get width/height of a loaded movie, excluding any area that is not displayed? My problem is that I am loading swfs to use as icons in a menu and am unable to get the desired width & height in order to calculate dynamic spacing based on how large the icons are. Most of the swfs where published with a document size of say 50 pixels x 50 pixels but some vary in dimensions. When I access the width or height property of the swf, I get a value that includes objects in the swf that fall out of bounds of the size set in the fla. Basically I get values that include areas that are effectively masked. So my 50x50 icon (that displays just fine), gets me a width of 63x86 or something like that. My sloppy workaround that I would like to replace was that I republished all of them with a extra property that I can read when I load them instead of using the width and height.
It's too complicate to explain but I'll give you an example
I have an AS3 ResultEvent Object and this object has several propeties which can be accessed by this or event.result.age and, I have this String variable: eventProperty:String that contains "name" or "age" How do I access to event.result. with the variable?
I'm having some troubles with the use of interface and inheritance in AS3. I've done lots of OOP in the past and what I'm trying to do seems obvious to me, but doesn't work in AS3. The question is : Is it possible to override a function that return an Object of class A, and make it return an Object of Class B which extends A ? It seems not to be possible, since I'm getting a signature error in Flash, when compiling. For example, the following set of class do not compile (the code in function definition doesn't matter):
I have a class CoverPoint extends Pointwith some extra function.except for that ther is no difference. I would like to use the functions of Point with a return value of Point, to calculate those CoverPoints.Can i turn the return value into CoverPoint (since all the vars are the same, there shouldn't be a problem with that, right?), so that it can be stored in my var cP:CoverPoint;