ActionScript 3.0 :: Combining Functions - Get The Doors To Be Randomly Generated?
Mar 19, 2012
In a game in which a player must pass through one of three different colored doors , each of the doors on the stage is a different instance of the same symbol. The symbol contains three frames labeled "door1", "door2" and "door3". I am attempting to get the doors to be randomly generated. The following code seems to work correctly when I trace it:
function getNewDoor(min:Number, max:number):Number
var getNewDoor:Number = Math.round(Math.random() [code].........
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for setInterval:
function showClips() {
if (clips.length) {
clips[0]._visible = true;
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x += Math.cos(rotation / 180 * Math.PI) * speed;
y += Math.sin(rotation / 180 * Math.PI) * speed;
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fish.onLoad = function() {
fish.onEnterFrame = function() {
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one.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER,oneOVER) ;[code].......
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ActionScript Code:
// Door ActionScripting
mc_door1.buttonMode = true;
mc_door1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickDoor1);[code].........
there are a total of 15 doors which are all set up the same way (a 15 frame movie clip that has its button mode turned on). Is there a less intense way of coding it rather than doing the above 15 times? Finally diving into AS3 and getting it slowly (been married to previous versions for so long it was hard to force myself to change).
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if (user left and reentered in 2 sec){
what kind of method or class gives access to a rewind function.
[URL] put an http: before that and the whole link will work.
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for (var j = 0; j<mapWidth; ++j) {
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Jun 30, 2009
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1) Turn the entire intro.fla into a movieclip and place it at the beginning of main.fla PROBLEM: main.fla is substantially larger, and will bump up the load time for the intro.
2) Run the intro, and have it load the main page with a UILoader.PROBLEM: The intro doesn't Unload, causing problems with the main page. How can I unload the intro.swf from it's self?
3) Somehow combine both .fla's before I convert to a .swf. I think that I could eventually figure out how to make it work properly, but I'd rather someone tell me what the preferred method is and why.
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Jun 8, 2009
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-carbotech_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, callLink); <--- does the job for Mouse Out
-carbotech_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, callLink); <---- does the job for when the mouse is moving up
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Apr 11, 2012
I have tried on google with no luck so before I spend anymore time on this would like to know if it's possible.I have 50ish very small 1 - 2 second swf files each one is like one slide. I would like to combine them all together into one flash file.Is this possible, as a note I don't have the original source files I have just been provided with the swf files.
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Nov 5, 2009
1) I started off with one FLA that was scripted so the mouse controlled panning (horizontal and vertical). That works fine by itself. (image_panning_as3.fla)
2) I also have another FLA that was scripted so when you click the buttons a popup window will come in and play any SWF content. (test.fla)
I have tried to combine these files multiples ways. Putting #2 into a movieclip and #1 outside the movieclip. Tried to rewrite everything together with no luck. I am trying to do is combine the AS3 into one FLA (except for the or basically get the AS3 in #1 to go into #2 and have everything work (Pan around screen with mouse and buttons still activate popup).
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Oct 6, 2011
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Jun 6, 2010
I've got a project thats getting a bit big, so Im taking the actionscript out into separate as files. I want all the basic functions to be in and the make a library for more specific functions. I find that a lot of people use the import statement but I cant get that to work with a simple Hello World trace, yet the include statement works fine (see attached). I understand that import/include work differently, but which is the better method? If import, then is that heavier to work with. Any rate, what's the best way to organise code when it gets to the 1000+ lines?
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Apr 13, 2009
I created several SWF files, now i want them to interact with each other So there is main SWF file lets call it: main.swf then within that file(main.swf) I would like to create buttons which will be calling other swf files for instance by pressing one button one.swf will be open by pressing other button two.swf will be open and so on. Then I would like to create buttons within one.swf and two.swf which will allowed to go back to main.swf.
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Jan 8, 2011
i have the following code:
i want to add a child to this but it doesnt allow me, i can only add an eventListener to this.
how i can add a child to this without using an eventListener?
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Oct 13, 2009
I am very new to AS and I'm just starting to grasp the essentials of how things are working... but I haven't got to the point to where I can write my own from scratch, so I kind of have to "Frankenstein" different examples into a working project. I found a great XML slideshow demo that I want to overlay with a masking effect, but I'm having some difficulty combining the techniques.
At the bottom is my original slideshow code. If there's anyone that can modify my code or at least guide me to what I need to do to make it work,
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