ActionScript 3.0 :: Opening Doors When MouseOver?

Feb 27, 2011

[URL] I'm making a website menu and I have two sections of menus- one for personal and one for business. What I am trying to accomplish is when the user's mouse rolls over either door. The door will open and stay open until the user takes their mouse outside the door area (I put a transparent rectangle at the bottom layer and converted it to a movieclip symbol and named it personalZone and businessZone to use as reference points).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Opening The Three Graudge Doors ?

Aug 3, 2009

I tried to code something in AS3, it works technically, but not so smoothly.Try opening the three graudge doors here: http:[url]....They don't relly want to open and seem to open when the mouse moves out of the movies clip which is not how it's programmed:

one.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER,oneOVER) ;[code].......

I have remove child there becasue if I didn't, the movie would go above the opened door and when moused over, would replay the animation.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Opening And Closing Doors?

Feb 28, 2012

Imagine a locker room that you can open and close the doors. I have the opening and closing working (one sample below) but I need to make it so that only one door can be open at any time. I had thought about using a boolean that switches between true and false within an if/else statement. If the boolean is false (no doors open) then the one clicked can open. As it opens it sets the boolean to true so no others can be opened. Trouble is to close it the way its set up right now you click it again and the movieclip's timeline continues and resets to the closed position. This is an issue because the opening of the door sets the boolean to true and I need a false value to click the button again and close the door.I'm building on top of a tutorial I've just run through so ignore the "response_mc" - although that's where I'd put a "Please close the open door first" line through the else function.

ActionScript Code:
// Door ActionScripting
mc_door1.buttonMode = true;
mc_door1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickDoor1);[code].........

there are a total of 15 doors which are all set up the same way (a 15 frame movie clip that has its button mode turned on). Is there a less intense way of coding it rather than doing the above 15 times? Finally diving into AS3 and getting it slowly (been married to previous versions for so long it was hard to force myself to change).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Combining Functions - Get The Doors To Be Randomly Generated?

Mar 19, 2012

In a game in which a player must pass through one of three different colored doors , each of the doors on the stage is a different instance of the same symbol. The symbol contains three frames labeled "door1", "door2" and "door3". I am attempting to get the doors to be randomly generated. The following code seems to work correctly when I trace it:
 function getNewDoor(min:Number, max:number):Number
var getNewDoor:Number = Math.round(Math.random() [code].........

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Doors That Open Up To A Home Page Menu?

Mar 5, 2011

I'm having trouble creating code logic for 2 doors that open up to a business and personal section. I want them to be coded for all these scenarios:

1. when user's mouse is over the door (or section), the door opens up. the other stays put where it is. (done)

2. when the user exits the zone, the door closes shut (but slower than the opening)

3. if the user's mouse exits and reenters very quickly, i need to detect that somehow and rewind the easing function? example

if (user left and reentered in 2 sec){

what kind of method or class gives access to a rewind function.

[URL] put an http: before that and the whole link will work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Isometric View Game - How To Make Doors

Dec 23, 2004

I've been studying this isometric view game...and I was wondering how to make doors, unfortunately I'm not experienced enough to try and create a script that will actually work. I added the fla. file which I'm currently studying.

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Flex 4 :: Change Image On Mouseover / Mouseout Function Fails When Mouseover Quickly?

Mar 6, 2011

I have a basic mouseover in my flex application which changes an image onmouseover and changes it back onmouseout using the code mouse Over "functionToChangeImageSource()" and another one to mouseout.It works fine when you slowly mouse over and out, however if I quickly move the mouse over it, it occasionally stays on the mouseover image and the mouseout function doesnt appear to kick in. Is there anything I can do to fix this, or does anyone have any ideas why its happening?Also, I've tried the rollOver and rollOut instead but it has the same problem.[code]I'd imagine you're correct about the mouseover event not completing before mouseout is but how to I fix this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MovieClip MouseOver And MouseOut Both Called When MouseOver

Dec 30, 2011

I have a simple movie clip for which i bind two events 1-MouseOver and MouseOut

in these events i am just tracing simple text

But the Problem is when i take my mouse over the movie clip both events called tracing the string in the output panel

Infact, things should be done like that on mouse over, its text is printed and when i take my mouse away[out] from the movieClip MouseOut event should be called.

ActionScript Code:
import fl.motion.Color;
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Role-Playing Game In Adobe Flash CS3 - Include Doors Inside Rooms?

Jun 13, 2010

I am currently working to a Role-Playing Game in Adobe Flash CS3 with ActionScript 2. I must include doors inside rooms, but when I do that, my player dissapears. I use this code:

for (var i = 0; i<mapHeight; ++i) {
for (var j = 0; j<mapWidth; ++j) {

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IDE :: 3D-movement On Mouseover?

Aug 19, 2009

How to do the movement like at the following site [URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouseover Through Other MovieClips?

May 19, 2009

Can I make MouseOver ignore movie clips that obstruct it from view somehow? found mouseEnabled = false, but it somehow doesn't work for children of a movie clip, like:
mc1.mc2.mouseEnabled = false;
That still acts as a barrier, while my intention is to make some children be clickable while others just be invisible to the mouse to allow things behind to be clicked.

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Play Animation On Mouseover?

Sep 22, 2009

I'm using Flash CS4 and I'm trying to create what I think is pretty simple. I have a tree that will have leaves. I want the individual leaves to fall on mouseover. When the animation is complete, I want the leaves to stay where they land and not reset back up on the tree. I know how to tween and animate the leaves, but everything else is really falling apart for me. I feel like this should be pretty simple. I've created the tree and leaves in illustrator and am importing the .ai file into flash and turning each of the leaves into a bitmap (as opposed to a movie file)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pan And Zoom On Mouseover?

Jun 6, 2010

i am trying to make an image gallery with pan and zoom effect on mouse over ...Now what i want is exactly like the below website .. [URL]remove space & see the website.

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Slide Object In On Mouseover?

Sep 4, 2010

I'd like to mouseover an object and have it slide across (tween) and stop. Then when the mouse is removed from the object, it returns to its original position.It's fine if we just make it happen to a box - don't worry about all the slideshow bits and all that.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Getting The Instance Name Of Mouseover'd Mc?

Sep 18, 2011

I'm trying to trace the instance name of a movieclip when I roll over it with the mouse. I have a grid of 2500 dynamically-created mc's so I don't want each mc to have its own onRollOver function for the sake of efficiency.Basically I want to know if there's another way to know which mc the mouse is over. I'm guessing my only option is to round the mouse's x/y coordinates and find which mc has the same coordinates. I can do that, but before I do I wanted to make sure there's not a simpler way.

Also, am I even correct in assuming that massive amounts of onRollOver's are inefficient? It seems like they would have to constantly be listening, though I'm not 100% sure how flash works.

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Flex :: Get A True MouseOver?

May 20, 2010

so mouseOver and RollOver, and their respective outs work great as long as your mouse is actually over the item, or one of it's children. My problem is that I may have another UI component "between" my mouse and the item I want to process the mouse/rollover(maybe a button that is on top of a canvas, but is not a child of the canvas). The mouse is still over the component, there's just something else that it's over at the same time.

Here is a simplified code example detailing my question copy/paste that into your flex/flash builder and you'll see what I mean:Edit, I just made this more complicated and true to my actual problem, drag slowly, if you move your mouse further than the button in a single frame it kinda breaks, but that is just in this simplified version

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" width="500" height="268"


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Scaling Up On Mouseover

Feb 7, 2010

How can I scale up an entire animation when the mouse moves over it? Background: I'm no newbie on web development (I do PHP, javascript, CSS et al, and get paid handsomely for it) but I've never done Flash. However I am updating this site [URL] (the guy in charge is a friend) and you can see the Flash radar thingy in the corner. That came from the original site and is very old, links to the wrong pages and has the wrong text anyway. I have compensated for its wrong URLs with redirects but the owner asked if I could update it.

Well, I have a new version in CS4 Flash (having spent several hours seeing if I could modify the original it became clear that a re-write was more sensible), and everything is fine - but the only thing I can't work out is how to scale up the whole image (and scale it back down when the user moves off it). The original code was this, which doesn't scale down even though the code looks like the original author meant it to:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: VR Mouseover In Flash

Jul 31, 2006

How do I make this code work for a mouse over instead of a drag?[code]

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IDE :: Different MovieClips - MouseOver Will Not Interact

Dec 19, 2009

I am set to learn all I can about flash. Here's my first problem:
function go(e:Event):void {
[Code] .....

I am not sure if the Mouse events are suited.. but the biggest problem is the MC's, I think. I want the mouse to interact with them.. just like a button you know. Made 3 different MC's, one for when its idle, one when MOUSE_OVER, and one when you click it.. they are on frame 1 , 5 and 10. The problem is.. the mouse cursor isn't interacting with anything.. the custom cursor "bijtje_mc" does work though.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 A Delayed Mouseover Button?

Apr 22, 2009

I want to create a menusystem that bases only on mouse over functions. Tough there is one thing that might become quite frustrating for the user and that is small by mistake mouseovers that brings them to another page.So what I want to create is buttons with a delay of lets say 200ms. 200ms that the user has to have her or his mouse over the button to activate it.But I have run into some problems, and after a lot of googling the only result I got is menu-buttons that are activated directly on mouse over, but does not act out the manuver until the delay is over.So the user could practicly have his mouse in china when the button is activated. Which is not the result I want.I want a button that is activated after that the mouse has spent 200ms on the button.This is the failed direct reaction Actionscript 2.0 of the button I got at the moment.

on (rollOver) {
timer = setInterval(goto, 200);


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On Mouseover Buttons That Move Objects

Jul 27, 2009

I am making a menu that consists of 6 different rollover buttons, these3 buttons sit on a path where the graphics look like a road. What I need to do is have an mc of a car that moves along the road. When the car is at button 1, and you mouseover button 2, the car moves towards button 2, then when you mouseover button 3, the car moves towards button 3 etc., all while the car stays on the road (path) that it sits on - so not like a mouse follow but constrained to the path. I also need the car to go in reverse, so if the car is at button 4, and you mouseover button 3, the car will move towards it.

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Loop Until Mouseover Then Goto Frame X?

Dec 21, 2009

Where to even begin. I want to loop frames 1-25 until a mouseover, then i want it to go to frame 26.

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Make An Image Rotate Behind On Mouseover?

Jul 2, 2010

I'm a Web designer from London and although I have good Photoshop skills, I can't put together my designs for animation


I would like to know how I can make an image invisible until I hover the mouse over it. Once the image becomes visible how can I make an image behind it (on a different layer) rotate until I move the mouse away.

1. How do I make image invisible until I hover mouse over it?

2. Once image is displayed how do I make an image rotate 90 degrees behind it?

3. Once I move the mouse off, how do I make the button become invisible again, and the rotated image to be restored to it's original rotation.

I am using Flash / Photoshop (CS5)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Thumbnail Scroll With MouseOver

Aug 4, 2010

What I am trying to do is the old thumbnail scroller that scrolles up and down or side ways using the mouse over. And Unlike AS2 where I used the tween and "gotoNext" to play the animation. Wanted to try full actionscript.

So what I have is a movieclip with all the thumnails loaded and I can animate it using the ENTER_FRAME, but what I wanted to do was run the animation only when you mouse over it.

The ENTER_FRAME method:
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loop);
function loop(e:Event):void


But this will only move the thumbnails and once doesn't loop.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Ignore Children When Doing MouseOver?

Dec 11, 2010

Heres what happening,

Create Parent, Parent Creates Text above itself, (Like a name or status)

Is there a way to ignore children from the mouse over event? So that when i hover my mouse over the parent's children, the event isn't called.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Tween Class With MouseOver

Feb 10, 2011

I have a movie clip (box) with a text box embedded in it. I want it to expand and move to the middle of the stage when the user places the mousepointer over top of it. When the mouse is moved off I want the movie clip to return to its original position. My code almost works. The MOUSE_OUT works and returns the movieclip to its original position but the MOUSE_OVER causes the movie clip to bounce to the center of the stage, return to the original position and then bounce back to the center of the stage before coming to rest at the center location. I just want it to go directly to the center of the stage.

Also, if I have 25 movieclips like this, is there anyway that I can capture the xy coordinates of the current movieclip that is being clicked on so that I can use the same code for each movieclip to expand and move it to the center of the stage and return them to their original . I am assuming that I would have to capture the name of the current movieclip being clicked on, in a variable and capture the initial x and y coordinates in two other variables. Can I then use these variables in the following Tween statements? Not sure how to code it so that the statement will read the contents of these variables and use them as paramenters in this routine.

square1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER,tex ter);
function texter(e:MouseEvent):voidn
new Tween(square1, "x", Regular.easeIn, square1.x, stage.stageWidth/2, 1, true);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Animated Mouseover Effect?

Mar 2, 2012

when user mouseovers the green part, the mouseover effect follows the mouse where it goes within the green part. I have been looking for tutorials how to do this but to no avail

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouseover/mouseout Conflict

Mar 6, 2009

I have an image that grows on mouseover and shrinks on mouseout, and I'm using the following script for the events:


The problem is that while the image is growing or shrinking,if the mouse is on the exact border it simultaneously gets stuck on both the mouseover and mouseout fuctions, resulting in seizure-inducing loop. Is there any way to ensure that a function completes once it's started, or some other way to avoid the simultaneous over/out condition?

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Mouseover Enlargement/popup Of Images?

Sep 1, 2009

I designed a header that has four photos sliding into place, one next to each other. After this loads, I would like to have the site visitor be able to see an enlarged photo popup on a mouseover for each individual photo. Would I have to code something in the flash (create a button for each...?), or can I map the flash like I would an image?

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Animate On Mouseover On Lower Layer?

Sep 26, 2009

So, I had a problem animating a movie clip on mouseover which was solved here: Now the problem I'm having is that I want to movie some of those clips to a lower layer so that they animate behind an object on the top layer.If I put the same code on that bottom layer as in the top layer,

it tells me that I have a duplicate function definition.If I cut out the second half of the code,

function doStartAnim(e:MouseEvent):void {;
e.currentTarget.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER,doStartAnim) ;

and just put that other part it doesn't give me the error, but mousing over the leaf does nothing. Any thoughts?
P.S. - If I leave the entire code for the movie on the top layer (with the movie on a seperate background layer) I get the following error:
Description: 1120: Access of undefined property leaf5. Source: leaf5.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER,doStartAnim);I hope that all makes sense!

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