ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Textfield Within Static Function?

Jul 10, 2011

Just transitioning into object orient programming and I got stuck trying to create textField using static function. I searched online about this and none of them were useful. I dont want this to be just public function because then I cant access this function from other classes. I would like every classes to access this function so I need it to be static.

package {
import blahblah
public class example extends MovieClip{[code]..........

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Static Function Calling A None-static Function?

May 18, 2011

Basically, what I mean is I i have few layers of classes, that calls and change something on the 1st(root) class. In between the process I have to use static var and static function.But when I want to run a function which does not change any variables, for example:otoAndStop(someFrames), I need to make the function a static function too or else there would be error

1061: Call to a possibly undefined method checkStatus through a reference with static type Class.


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Jan 6, 2010

Ok, so I have a bit of a mess here (Which I'm probably not doing right anyway, which could be my problem...). I have a document class, I'll call it as, that creates an object from another class known as There are also other objects created from other classes, or will be in the future. Now, amoung all this, and all of the other classes will use to make objects require the use of dragging functions (starting and stopping dragging). On stopping drags, position checks are then made to compare a particular hidden movieclip with the dragged MC.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Static Class Needs A Non-static Function

Nov 22, 2009

Alright, so I have a class that is linked (via the linkage panel) to a scrollbox class. I'll paste the class here:[code]Ignoring the formatting, the commented out functions are the ones causing the issue. Adobe says that it's a static class and I can't use non-static functions. The way I wanted to use it was:

1. Call the page button generating function above.

2. In the main code in my program is this line:scrollbox.setClickFunction(historyContent.generate Page);So when the buttons that are supposed to be generated are clicked, the scrollbox class can call the History pages generatePage function and pass it which page to show. (I did this because there was a lot of text and a limit on how much would display, so small chunks sounded logical).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Static Class To Change TextField?

Jan 19, 2012

I'm trying to make a static class that will change the text written in a TextField inside a SWF file.
In this case I have a MovieClip with a TextField inside with a message. I want to be able to make a class that giving this TextField and a message, that will change in the button.
Certainly that I'm forgetting something obvious, I get the correct trace messages, but the textfield disappears. The initial text is "Start" and I want to change that to "OK". For now I just want to change the text, but after I want to be able to change the text format.
So far I have this:
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class ChangeTextField extends MovieClip


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public static function Lose():void {

this is the error i get: 1180: Call to a possibly undefined method OverIt.i just want to call a function from inside of the public static funtion.both function are inside this class:

public class Game extends MovieClip {

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating A Static Class?

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ActionScript Code:
package com.bee.utils


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Actionscript 3 :: Catch MOUSE-UP Event Over A Static Textfield In Flash?

May 7, 2010

When the user presses the mouse, and releases it over a static textfield with selectable text, no MOUSE_UP event is fired - not on the stage and also nowhere else.I experienced this when using a scrollbar class on a movieclip with a nested static textfield.When the user drags the scroll handle and releases the mouse over the textfield, the dragging/scrolling is stuck.To test this, create a new AS3 fla file, place a static textfield somewhere, and put in some text. Make sure the selectable property is checked in the properties panel.Add this script to the timeline:[code]Now test the movie and click the mouse. You will notice that trace('up') will not occur when you release the mouse over the textfield.

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Apr 7, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error - Null Object Reference When Creating A Static Variable

Feb 5, 2010

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public class B extends A

For reference, these are the 2 classes:

public class A


Also, this error only occurs when the variable is static. If it's just a normal variable it works fine, i.e.

private var OTHER:Class = B;

If I change the static variable to point to a different class, it's also fine, i.e.

private static var OTHER:Class = Main;

I can probably work around this, but it's a bit of a pain in the ass. Anybody know what's causing it, or is this a Flash bug?

View 5 Replies :: Creating A Static Drawing Whose Dimensions Get Changed Based On Parameters Supplied

Jan 20, 2012

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I would like to do the following:Have a few objects (e.g. 20 of them), each time I mouse over any one of them, it moves up and each time my mouse leaves, it moves down.[code]...

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public function myFunction():void {
static test:Object = null;

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Jul 30, 2009

I have some problems working with "static function"For example:

Code: Select all   public static var someText:TextField = new TextField(); 
public static var FORMAT:TextFormat = new TextFormat("Arial", 12, 0x000000);
public static function myText():void


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ActionScript 3 :: How To Get Mouse X / Y Inside Static Function

Jan 18, 2012

I need Mouse coordinates inside a static function. It isn't a mouse event function and there isn't anything passed in the function.
// Main class
// MyClass
public static function something():void {
// Get Mouse Coordinates
// myclassclip.x = mouse coordinates

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Declaring And Using Static Method/function

Sep 2, 2009

I wanted to use a couple of stand-alone function/or static methods by declaring them in the external *.as file and import it.

The problem is, when I import it, I had to instantiate a new class from imported class to use any of these functions which is not necessary in my situation, I just wanted to be able call these functions.

It (AS) does not allow me to declare those functions outside of class declaration, (tried with static keyword in front of those functions just like in C++).

I also tried to declare the class itself with static keyword (also just like C++) but AS also does not allow me to do that.

Remember whole points is declare couple of helper functions in external *.as file and use it over and over.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access A Class Var From A Static Function?

Jan 21, 2010

I've summarized my issue in the following [code]...

1119: Access of possibly undefined property mc through a reference with static type Class.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Call Public Static Function From JS?

Jan 6, 2011

Is it possible to call/envoke a public static function from JS? I can't seem to get it working and Im almost certain it cannot but I thought I would ask the community.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error Accessing A Static Function

Nov 22, 2011

i have two classes , and i need to call static function from one class to the other. also when i call this static function i need access the local variable of that class. Class Test2: Quote:


when i run these class i get the following error col: 10 Error: Access of undefined property testVar. this function works if i change [testVar] to a static variable , is there any other way to make this function work other than making the [testVar] variable to static?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Calling Public Static Function Set?

Jul 4, 2007

I'm using exanimo's statemanager class but I dont know how to use this function:

public static function set defaultStateID(defaultStateID:String):Void

how do I call this function?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Calling And Executing Static Function

Aug 12, 2007

I have 3 external .as files...

In I have the following function...
static function checkPossibleMoves(){

I'm able to call and execute this function from using the following code...
But whenever I use the same function call in CheckerP2 the function does not execute?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stage.addChild In Static Function?

Aug 13, 2007

Does anyone know how to addChild(aMovieClip) to stage by using a static function, like:

public static var player
public static function LoadPlayer()
GameEngine.player = new Player

(Or better yet tell me how to run functions in different class without creating instances of them or using static function )

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