Actionscript 3 :: Creating A Tween With Static Vector Drawings?

Apr 7, 2011

Not sure what it's really called, but I'm curious as to how I would go about taking two images I've drawn and somehow make Flash tween them. It's hard to explain as I don't know about it other than that I've seen it executed in a few animations before. I know for sure because of some that used it poorly, where the parts of two completely different images transitioned like a tween. I want to try to use this with static images that go together in a short animation. Is this a built-in function in Flash? Or is it some user-made ActionScript function? If either, what's it called or how would I use it?

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ActionScript Code:
package com.bee.utils


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import blahblah
public class example extends MovieClip{[code]..........

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public class A


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1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type>[code]....

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Jul 23, 2011

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Dec 24, 2010

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v[90] = "Ninety"

v[190] ="oneninety" //RangeError: Error #1125: The index 110 is out of range 100.

//How to change the length from 100 to 200 to store a value at index 190

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Realalistic Line Drawings Of Girl's Faces With Lines Represing?

Sep 26, 2006

I'm doing an art project in Flash where I'd like to make realalistic line drawings of girl's faces with lines represing long flowy hair. I want to make the hair appear to be flowing in the air as if a cool breeze is blowing on it.

I tried drawing these lines for the hair flowing in the air frame by frame, but it just doesn't look natural. I was wondering if anyone knows of a solution I should do with Action Script. I have a couple specific questions in addition to my request for an AS solution to create the look of natural looking flowing hair.

1) Can AS create photorealistic natureal looking hair?

2) Can AS creates a natural looking animation of the hair moving in a sequential, breezy flow?

3) If yes and yes, how can the file size be kept low while still maintaining the apperance of a photorealistic drawing?

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Creating Shape Tween Using Envelop Transform

Jun 4, 2009

I'm trying to create a shape tween, in which I use the envelop transform. Somehow, when I change the position of the points on the left side of the object, the object rotates during the shape tween; if I change the position of the points on the left side, everything goes the way it should be. I recorded the screen while displaying the problem, I hope it is clear this way: [URL]

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Creating Tween - Imported JPG Fade To Transparent?

Sep 15, 2009

I am trying to create a tween in which an imported jpg will fade away to completely transparent. After importing the jpg image and converting to a movie clip symbol, I am able to create a motion tween where it grows and moves, but using the alpha setting, I cannot get it to become transparent. Is this not possible with an imported image?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating A Motion Tween On X Then Y Axis?

May 15, 2010

I am trying to figure out how to make my movie clip move from left to right then down with a motion tween script. I have the script written to move left to right on the x axis, but can't figure out how to add the script to have it then move down on the y axis.


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Feb 19, 2012

I am trying to start with a circle and have that circle gradually become a spiral, but I only want the shape to tween from the end of the spiral, rather than the whole shape itself, is there a way to do this without frame by frame animation in Flash CS5?

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Jun 19, 2009

I'm a few days into learning flash AS3 and I'm stuck. So i have movie clip that is made up of smaller clips, and I want to change the opacity of one of the sub clips. Here's my code so far

function entryOver(evtObj:MouseEvent):void


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Random Tween Of Certain Object

Aug 23, 2010

What I want to achieve is a script that creates a random tween of a certain object (a button object in this case), within a confined space (i.e. don't move the button out of visibility completely). My basic idea is:

a) for each button (there will be about 5 or 6 buttons in total), get its position.
b) for each button, move (randomly) either left or right by X pixels and (randomly) either up

Or down by Y pixels (where X and Y are random numbers within a specified range, e.g. random number between 10 and 40 pixels for instance). [However, before moving the object, determine if the new coordinate will put the object out of visibility. If it will, repeat step b) until it won't put it out of visibility. if actionscript has while loops, I'm sorted]

c) repeat from a [is there something like javascript's setInterval() for actionscript?].

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