ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Simulation - Remove Objects From Vector?
Aug 4, 2009
I'm creating a simulation in which a large number of objects are added to vectors and then taken away in random order (as more are being added). To remove the objects, I splice the object from the vector it's in, and notify all the other objects that an object ahead of them was removed so they can change their indices accordingly. As far as I know, the objects have no other references (I think), and within the object, I set everything to null. I read somewhere that you can't put "delete this" in the class, so I didn't bother with that. Will this be sufficient to get the object garbage collected, or should I do something else? What are the best ways to get something like this garbage collected?
I need a proper array code for making a dynamic text field that up dates as the user pushes the keypad (btns) I played with some stuff like the one below and cant seem to make it work
i am currently making a flash "pond" with fishes in it, and i have the ability to add food pellets onto the pond, how should i make the movement of my fishes to the food x,y location ? so it will be smooth , rather than setting the x,y location of my fishes to the x,y location of the food pellets.Also is there a good place to learn how to make my fishes move by its own?Fish class
I am wondering how to remove a specific element from a vector.[code]...
So from the code example above I was using Element.pop() but thats wrong -I think -as it removes the LAST element. I need to remove the element at the location of the match.
create vector files programatically? The company I'm working for has to deliver vector assets to our clients (which are originally designed in flash, then the elements positions,scale and other details are stores in the database), and we want to eliminate the need for a human to actually create the vector graphic.
I've done some searching and can't find a good answer on workflow for importing vector graphics in Flash 8.I created a layered Photoshop file and opened in Illustrator to save in .eps format. I'm using Flash 8 and Illustrator CS3. I've tried many options (including trying to simply create my buttons in flash), but can't seem to get the buttons to import properly for scaling purposes into Flash.
What is serialization support like for the new Vector class? I have a Vector.<GameMove> which I'd like to serialize into a ByteArray. GameMove is a custom class. I presume it's necesssary to call registerClassAlias() on GameMove, but do I also have to register Vector.<GameMove>? It's it it's own distinctive type, or is it kinda composed of those two types?
Trying to create a 2D vector. I'm getting type coercion errors when trying to store the 2nd vector inside the first.
Code: var vector1:Vector.<Vector> = new Vector.<Vector> var vector2:Vector.<CustomClass> = new Vector.<CustomClass> for(var i:int=0;i<5;i++){ vector2[i] = new CustomClass() } vector1[0] = vector2; 1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type __AS3__.vec:Vector.<CustomClass> to an unrelated type __AS3__.vec:Vector.
Not sure what it's really called, but I'm curious as to how I would go about taking two images I've drawn and somehow make Flash tween them. It's hard to explain as I don't know about it other than that I've seen it executed in a few animations before. I know for sure because of some that used it poorly, where the parts of two completely different images transitioned like a tween. I want to try to use this with static images that go together in a short animation. Is this a built-in function in Flash? Or is it some user-made ActionScript function? If either, what's it called or how would I use it?
I want to arrange certain objects from a vector/array into a gird
Currently, I know how to do this during the creation of the objects.
Here's the grid function I've created:
function ArrangeInGrid(uiRow:uint, uiCol:uint, iOffsetX:int, iOffsetY:int):void { for(var i:uint = 0; i < uiRow; ++i) {
Now I want to be able to apply the same logic of arranging objects in an array/vector in to a grid, how do I do it?
Or suggest a more efficient way to do so (if you have).
I want it to be flexible in how many rows and columns the grid can have. The vector I'm using already has the cards in it. I can't just push the cards into the vector cuz of the way I manually created my cards.
Is this the correct, most efficient way to recycle objects when creating an array of objects?
package com { public class CreateList extends MovieClip { //this is the object I will be recycling private var newProperty:PropertyRow; //this is the array I will use to reference the objects
I know there are different situations where one would be better than the other, but I'm comortable with a generalized statistic of... How much faster is blitting than using vector Sprite objects in Flash?
What I want is to sort a Vector array of objects(not primitive), based on a propery(Number). (think character.zDepth). Generally the same thing as the sortOn function of Arrays, except that we don't have that for Vectors. like myArray.sortOn(x, Array.NUMERIC) Dealing with Vector arrays of primitives not complex objects.
Code: var myArrow:ArrowMovieClip = new ArrowMovieClip(); var vectorDisplayObject:DisplayObject = stage.addChild( myArrow );
I used the code above to create an instance of an arrow graphic that I made using the line tool (the graphic is embedded in a movie clip). I now want to add different colored fills and different stroke sizes and colors using code. Is it possible to do this with pre-drawn vector graphic objects, or is it only doable if I create the arrow with code using things like lineTo and curveTo?
ActionScript Code: 1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type>[code]....
which surprises me as ConfigurationVO inherits from NodeVO.Is the compiler really not able to figure out that a Vector of a superclass should be able to hold a reference to a Vector of a subclass?
the applicable differences between an ArrayCollection and a Vector in flex? I'm unsure if I should be using one over the other. I saw that Vector is type safe and that makes me feel better, but are there disadvantages?
public var ac:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection(); versus public var vec:Vector.<String> = new Vector.<String>();
I once saw an effect on a flash add I wanted to try make myself also - the cursor makes a vake that blur out and disapear, much like the vake of a plane, just faster. The problem is I need to remove the vake when it has faded out, or else it just stay in the background and fill up forever! I know there must be an easy way for this. Can some of you tell me the best way here? I have attached the fla-file and scripts. You see a comment where I try to put the code...
I need to import a bunch of vector work from Photoshop into Flash. Is there a trick to it. So far, on import, it's converting the layer styles into black.
I am making a flash game. The game starts off running fast and smooth, however 15 minutes into the game it's noticibly slower. I worry that I am causing memory leaks by not removing objects from my game properly. I understand the whole garbage collection idea, but I still need confirmation.
I have a class "Ball" which display graphical circle ball in random x&y axis and Ifade out it with Event.ENTER_FRAME and specify removeEventListener if it reach alpha<=0 .Now I made multiple object from "Ball" class. Now, In my stage it works nice but when I see my Computer Memory status. my current flash.exe is increasing memory rapidly. Is how to remove my unusual object from my Memory. So that it would not get hang.
I'm trying to remove all objects from an array, and then emptying the array using splice. I'm restarting the game, removing all objects etc so that I can add them again. But what happens is that no object (enemies, blocks, bullets etc) is really removed. It's not visible anymore, but it's still on the stage wreaking havoc (hit detection still working, so enemies are avoiding enemies that were supposed to be removed, bullets hitting them and so on). And then when I restart the game a couple of times I have way too many objects and the game starts to lag. Code below: This is the code for the enemy, I have different loops for the other objects, but they all look the same: Code: for(var a=0; a<enemy1.length; a++) //loop through enemy1 { if(enemy1[a].dead == true) //check if dead { removeChild(enemy1[a]); //remove from stage enemy1.splice(a,1); //remove element from array }} So to reiterate, I need to remove the objects from the stage, and clear/empty the array.
So far I have this squid-shaped MC floating and making bubble-shaped MCs which rise to the top of the stage. The bubbles get generated by following the squid's (x,y) cordinates. The whole thing looks convincing enough. The only problem is that as the memory gets full, the bubble animation degenerates, so I want to remove them once they reach the top. I figured I could use a removeChild() function tied to the same EventListner that makes them rise, but once removed it will look for the object again and throw an error. I know I'm missing something simple here, but I can't pin it down.!
Code: var bubbleTimer:Timer=new Timer(1200); var i:uint = 0;
I have an array containing objects, where each object contains a boolean. I was wondering how I can remove only the objects where the boolean is set to true.I've tried doing it like this:
But it doesn't seem to work that well. (Reason for it not working may very well be another reason, but I thought I'd check here anyway since I'm an AS3 novice)
I am using a carousel (from Lee Brimelowe's tutorial) as the main method of navigation from my site's homepage. There are six icons in the carousel, clicking any one brings the icon to the front and some dynamic text and a button to navigate to a different page appear on stage. Clicking the icon again brings the icon back to the carousel and the text and button disappear.The site is multi-lingual (English, German, Dutch, Polish) and all text changes to the relevant language by clicking a flag button, including the text that appears beside the 'expanded' carousel icon - all of the data is loaded from XML files.
The problem with changing the language is that the entire carousel needs to be destroyed and rebuilt each time, as all of the data needed for it is only loaded on runtime. I have this 'kinda' working, the problem I am having is:If you change the language via a flag button when an icon is 'expanded' the dynamic text and button (theText and urlBtn) get 'stuck' on the stage and you have to do some clicking on the new carousel icons remove them - not ideal!Can anybody out there please advise me on how I would include some AS to remove these items too when the language button is changed?
but adding "removeDuplicates(aPeople);" after "createfile(thename);" has no effect: in other words, when I push the savefile button, it keeps creating clones of the same objects. What can I do?