ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Realalistic Line Drawings Of Girl's Faces With Lines Represing?

Sep 26, 2006

I'm doing an art project in Flash where I'd like to make realalistic line drawings of girl's faces with lines represing long flowy hair. I want to make the hair appear to be flowing in the air as if a cool breeze is blowing on it.

I tried drawing these lines for the hair flowing in the air frame by frame, but it just doesn't look natural. I was wondering if anyone knows of a solution I should do with Action Script. I have a couple specific questions in addition to my request for an AS solution to create the look of natural looking flowing hair.

1) Can AS create photorealistic natureal looking hair?

2) Can AS creates a natural looking animation of the hair moving in a sequential, breezy flow?

3) If yes and yes, how can the file size be kept low while still maintaining the apperance of a photorealistic drawing?

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Class File (DrawingArea):

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my name
is Bryan

in the textArea

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Save Faces Messages After Redirection Due To ViewExpiredException?

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It does what it is supposed to do. But I wanted to have some FacesMessage displayed on view if the user was redirected to it due to ViewExpiredException. So, I added a FacesMessage before redirection using NH.handlenaviage(). But it didn't work, and the reason was that the FacesMessage survived only one Request Processing Cycle.

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Persist and pass FacesMessages over multiple page redirects

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Code: Select allvar movie:Shape = new Shape();
for( ... )

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Away3D - Scaling When Replacing Faces On Mesh

Aug 26, 2010

The problem relates from trying to create BitmapMaterials from scaled bitmap images. Away3D is being used, but I guess the principles at work are general. The source images are of different sizes and scales. The idea is to map the images onto a 400*300 mesh, adding empty space to the sides of the image when the scales differ - so, for example, an overwide image would be scaled down to have a width of 400, with blank space being used to fill gaps at the top and bottom of the image. An initial function creates a mesh, and adds two faces using the material. This works perfectly. However, a near identical function is used to remove the faces and replace them with new faces using a different image, and this produces an incorrect scale - the faces end up displaying the zoomed center of the source image.

Here's the ActionScript Code:
//WIDTH = 400 , HEIGHT = 300
var loadedBitmap:Bitmap = event.currentTarget.content as Bitmap;
var newBitmapData:BitmapData = new BitmapData( WIDTH, HEIGHT, true, 0xff );
var targetRect : Rectangle = new Rectangle( 0, 0, loadedBitmap.width,
loadedBitmap.height );
[Code] .....

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