Flash 10 :: Tween With A Vector Graphic Expanding As It Moves Down But It Cant Handle?
Jun 30, 2010
So I just got CS4 and the all Im trying to do is a tween with a vector graphic expanding as it moves down but it cant handle it, it plays out all laggy and its the same when its published. Can any of you guys help?
Just as a note CS3 does the same job just fine I dont know whats wrong with it I have played around with the publish settings and my frame rate is set to 25fps.
To test it I did the same thing with just a vector square on a new file and it reacts the same way!
Theres no actionscript going on just simple stuff that should work but fine but doesnt
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play ();
} else {
stop ();
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ActionScript Code:
1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type
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If I want to pass in a vector to a function, a vector of any object specifed would it be someVetor:Vetor.<T>? beause FB 4.5 sais T is undefined.
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Dec 24, 2010
Created Vector with the initial length of 100.
var v:Vector. = new Vector.(100);
v[90] = "Ninety"
v[190] ="oneninety" //RangeError: Error #1125: The index 110 is out of range 100.
//How to change the length from 100 to 200 to store a value at index 190
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May 3, 2011
i'm trying to create a expanding Form with a smooth transition effect, here the code:
<s:TitleWindow xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
But the problem with this is that even with creationPolicy set to all not all items seem to get initialized. This causeses the tweener animation to lag when clicking the "register" button the first time. after the first click, the animation is smooth.
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