ActionScript 3.0 :: Vector Graphic MC Button

Mar 17, 2011

I have drawn a few buttons in Illustrator CS4 and copied them into Flash (AS3 document). Everything as far as button functionality is working fine, (rollovers, clicks and whatnot), my problem is (hopefully) quite simple to fix, I just can't find how to do so! When I hover over the buttons, the solid parts of the vector (the parts with fill colour) are selectable, however the parts with transparent fills are not (e.g. the space between two letters, or the negative space of an 'O'). What I want is for it to be selectable as if it was a box shape, but keep the transparencies there.I don't know if the problem is resolved in Illustrator or Flash, if anyone knows please reply! I've tried a few things in Illustrator already, such as drawing transparent bounding boxes around the graphics, however the same problem persists.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Bitmapdata With Vector Graphic And Image Data

May 6, 2010

I have displayobject with vector and image data And I am trying to scale it in order to get big jpeg out of it with JPGEncoder.The thing is that once I am resample it using the Bitmap class (Matrix) and with draw method it's getting pixelated.How can I take a container with vector graphic and bitmap image and rescale it to bitmapdata without getting things pixled.This is the displayobject:The image in the center is high resolution image which I resize and all the other elements are vector graphic.Since the image is high resolution and all the other elements are vectors if I just call the scaleX property of the displayobkect it increase the contenier size and it all looks very good. But if I want to take a bitmap data out of it it's look terrible, The fonts getting pixelated and even the photo.I will like to know it there is a way to do it without getting things pixelated.

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Professional :: Convert A Vector Graphic Into A Motion Guide For Flash?

Dec 22, 2010

Is there seriously no way to convert a vector graphic into a motion guide for Flash? Are the Pen and Pencil tools really the only way to define the path for a motion tween? I have CS3 (Flash, Illustrator, PhotoShop). I just got the trial version of CS5. I have a subscription to[url]... I have searched these forums and the internet in general for hours.

All I want to do is move a symbol around in a circle, but my pen/pencil skills are not sufficient to create a circle. Editing the CS5 motion path has proved exceedingly tedious and not round. There's a perfectly good circle tool in all four applications...

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Flex :: Change The Fill And Stroke Separately In A Vector Graphic?

Oct 13, 2011

If I have a rectangle which has a fill of blue and stroke of orange how can I change the stroke to black and the fill to red using actioncript.

When I use the following code it changes the entire rectangle to 0x008000 (green). Either the fill is covering the stroke or it is changing both the fill and stroke to 0x008000 (green).

var myColor:ColorTransform = myRectangle.transform.colorTransform;
savedColor = myRectangle.transform.colorTransform;
myColor.color = 0x008000;


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Flash 10 :: Tween With A Vector Graphic Expanding As It Moves Down But It Cant Handle?

Jun 30, 2010

So I just got CS4 and the all Im trying to do is a tween with a vector graphic expanding as it moves down but it cant handle it, it plays out all laggy and its the same when its published. Can any of you guys help?

Just as a note CS3 does the same job just fine I dont know whats wrong with it I have played around with the publish settings and my frame rate is set to 25fps.

To test it I did the same thing with just a vector square on a new file and it reacts the same way!

Theres no actionscript going on just simple stuff that should work but fine but doesnt

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Adding Stroke Or Fill To Vector Graphic Objects That Are Pulled From The Library?

Sep 28, 2010

var myArrow:ArrowMovieClip = new ArrowMovieClip();
var vectorDisplayObject:DisplayObject = stage.addChild( myArrow );

I used the code above to create an instance of an arrow graphic that I made using the line tool (the graphic is embedded in a movie clip). I now want to add different colored fills and different stroke sizes and colors using code. Is it possible to do this with pre-drawn vector graphic objects, or is it only doable if I create the arrow with code using things like lineTo and curveTo?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Vector Of A Superclass Hold A Reference To A Vector Of A Subclass?

Sep 13, 2011

I'm getting

ActionScript Code:
1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type>[code]....

which surprises me as ConfigurationVO inherits from NodeVO.Is the compiler really not able to figure out that a Vector of a superclass should be able to hold a reference to a Vector of a subclass?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: F8 - Button To Make Graphic Appear In Frame

Jan 18, 2009

I'm fine with on(release) to take to a new frame etc but this is my situation.

Imagine a Windows PC. You click the Start Button, it makes the start menu appear, no matter what folder/window/software you have open. Now liken it to a flash movie. Interactive, to make a button to make a set of graphics appear in a set place on the frame.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Swapping Button With An Animated Graphic?

Apr 27, 2009

What I'm trying to is make a button that when you click it, it swaps the button out for an animated graphic. So that the button looks like it turns into something else. For instance, I have a house on a hill and when you click it, a person should come out of it. And another instance, there is a bottle and when you click it, it sprouts legs.

Is there a way to do this without swapping the whole scene? I have other animations that are constantly playing so if I were to do that, it would mess up the other animations.

Here is the code I have from some tutorial.

houseBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, houseClick);
function houseClick(event:MouseEvent):void{

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Make Button Follow Moving Graphic?

Aug 7, 2010

I have made a simple Drag and Drop map, where its the map being dragged by the mouse. The thing is, i need to have a grid of buttons on this map, which you can click. But since im dragging the actual map, my buttons wont follow. They stay where they are.An example would be the united states world map, then each state is a button i can click. A problem would be that if the entire map is covered in buttons, then my mouse cant drag the background map as im selecting a button when i drag. perhaps i can make the buttons drag the map instead?This is the code for dragging the map:

Map.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, grabMe);
Map.buttonMode = true;[code]..........

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Flash5 :: Hit A Button That Would Bring Up A 540X400 Graphic?

Sep 27, 2011

We are just starting out with Flash CS4 and we are looking to have 4 pages or maybe we should stay stages.

1. Text and Buttons (buttons will take you to a bigger description of the text)
2. Similar to 1st page
3. Similar
4. Actions that the buttons will be calling for

We are thinking that with the 3 pages, the 4th page if we have that in layers, the layers and show seperate actions we request from our buttons. And then an example would be on page 1 they hit a button that would bring up a 540X400 graphic. And another button might bring up the same type but a different picture and I am figuring if they are on different layers we can do it this way.

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Professional :: Button Or A Graphic Symbol A Class?

Feb 6, 2010

Im just learning classes and objects.... and read that a movie clip is (or has) a movie clip class... So I'd figure that buttons and graphic symbols also are classes? If yes, why are they called 'symbols' instead of 'classes' by Flash dialog?

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IDE :: Change Button Graphic On Mouse Click?

Sep 29, 2009

This is the website that I'm working on. Not much going on yet but I have this invisible button that turns the radio on and off.. what I would like to do is have an image of the radio that I made up where the light is on for when it turns on and then back to off for when it's off.


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May 7, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Vector Of Objects - Pass In A Vector To A Function?

Jul 23, 2011

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Actionscript 3 :: Increase Vector Length To 200 After New Vector.<String>(100)?

Dec 24, 2010

Created Vector with the initial length of 100.

var v:Vector. = new Vector.(100);

v[90] = "Ninety"

v[190] ="oneninety" //RangeError: Error #1125: The index 110 is out of range 100.

//How to change the length from 100 to 200 to store a value at index 190

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Flash :: Graphic Added Over Button Is Blocking MouseEvent?

Oct 29, 2009

I have a couple of buttons that slide up and down, when in the up state I add an X graphic to symbolize a a close button. However the X graphic seems to be blocking my button action.I have an example in the movie I've been working on >> here <<.There are 2 movies here, the big one if you click either blue tab you will see what I'm talking about, X button shows up, but clicking over the X area will not drop the button down. You have to click on blue button area to drop the button back down.Now I've made a smaller test movie adding the X button basically the same way and if you will notice it works fine (will animate to the right even if you click over the X graphic)Here is my code in the Big movie (I hid the tween code so it won't be so long):

function handleButtonClick(event:MouseEvent):void {
var as MovieClip;
var id:Number=Number("button")[1]);


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Using A Button To Change The Color Of A Graphic While Staying In The Same Frame

Feb 8, 2010

I am trying to simulate adjusting an LCD screen's contrast using two buttons.
The LCD is one graphic on ONE key frame that runs the entire length of the timeline.
Not sure how to start with the action scripting for this... i would like to use hex values if possible, but had no luck so far with my AS2.
The hard part is that i have a text box on top of the LCD on many different keyframes and the color / brightness of the this will have to change accordingly with the LCD screen.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Incorporating The Separate Graphic Stages Of The Button Control

Dec 20, 2009

how can i make a button respond to mouse release and/or Enter key release, depending on user input.. when I press Enter, I would like to have the button(s) behave in the same way as if I was clicking it with the mouse, possibly incorporating the separate graphic stages of the button (appearance of button down when clicked with mouse = appearance of button while Enter key is down, etc.) ... and am also curious as to how you can tab between buttons then just press enter to deploy it... i know how to make a button react to button.onRelease and somewhat to the Enter key... separately.. but not as a combined package

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Change The Colour Of A Graphic Once A Certain Button Has Been Clicked?

Jul 5, 2004

I'm looking at creating some template designs for presentations and stuff like that. The only problem I have is not being able to get the consumers tastes down to a tee. The thing that is letting me down at the moment is that im not sure how to dynamically chage the colour of a graphic once a certain button has been clicked. e.g "say if i have index as my default page and the colour scheme is different tones of red how would i be able to change this to blue or green once another button has been clicked."

It would be much better to have this layed out as 'AS' rather than having many different (goto frame label and stufflike that. Im trying to phase myself out of tweens and focus more on the AS side of the whole game.

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Actionscript 3 :: Vector Number Does Not Extend Vector

Nov 16, 2011

I am currently being confused by the Vector class.I wrote a beautiful XML to TypedClass parser. Works beautifully and without fault. UNTIL a co-worker noticed we got a Conversion Error for Vector.<Number> to Vector.<*>.

Every Vector I've ever tested all extend Vector.<*>.

Vector.<Sprite>, Vector.<String>, Vector.<Point>, Vector.<Boolean>, Vector.<TextField>, Vector.<CustomObject>, etc etc etc. ALL of them.
<type name="__AS3__.vec::Vector.<String>" base="__AS3__.vec::Vector.<*>" isDynamic="true" isFinal="false" isStatic="false">
<extendsClass type="__AS3__.vec::Vector.<*>"/>


But then when I use describeType on Vector.<Number>, Vector.<uint> and Vector.<int>.

<type name="__AS3__.vec::Vector.<Number>" base="Object" isDynamic="true" isFinal="true" isStatic="false">
<extendsClass type="Object"/>


Now I have accounted for these 3 vectors individually as even uint and int does not extend Vector.<Number> as I would have expected.
And my parsing function works for all types correctly again. But my confusion comes as to WHY this is the case, and why I couldn't find any documentation on the subject.

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Professional :: Interactive Button Is Clicked A Circle Graphic Fades In / Fade Out

Mar 27, 2010

I am working on creating an interactive map. When a button is clicked a circle graphic fades in. When the same button is clicked I want the graphic to fade out the same way. I can only figure out how to make the graphic instantly disappear instead of fading out. I am following a tutorial and changing it to my needs. The tutorial can be seen here: [URL] The steps for the animation start at step 8. Here is the code I am using:


I am using Flash CS3 and Action Script 2.0. I would also like to have the circle graphic have a small photo pop up by it when the mouse hovers over it. What do I need to look into to make something like this happen? I haven't been able to find anything similar to doing this.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex3 - Convert One Vector Data To Another Vector Data?

Mar 11, 2011

Class ShootGame implements IGame{


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Divinding Vector Graphics Into Vector Graphics

Jul 28, 2009

I have a large vector drawing (imagine 5000x5000) that i want to break up into separate pieces. I know that I can convert this vector drawing into a bitmap and then use the copyPixels method to create many separate bitmaps of the different regions of the original vector drawing, but is there any way to subdivide it into movieclips that just contain vector graphics instead of a bitmap?The reason im dividing a big chunk of vector graphics into smaller pieces is for performance reasons, so flash would only render a small part of this big chunk at a time (only certain regions/voxels/subdivisions are rendered at a time). But bitmaps apparently take up a lot of memory and the system im using would take much less memory if these subdivisions could be preserved in their original vector graphics form.

I imagine I could use masks somehow to achieve this effect (for each subdivision, duplicate the huge image and mask only the region that the subdivision represents), but I dont know the performance costs of masking or if this will create other problems.So is there anyway to split up a movieclip of vector graphics into smaller movieclips of vector graphics the same way copyPixels can with bitmaps?

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Keep Graphic 10px From Top?

Apr 1, 2009

I'm trying to create a mini-gallery. The background is an image which auto-centres, cropping the relevent areas to ensure it fits perfectly central at the right aspect ratio.However, when I add a bar across the top, it gets 'cropped' with the image (ie. If I make the window thinner, it will get cut-off. Is there any way to keep an image exactly 10px from the top of the visible area - no matter how the background is cropped?


orig_stage_width = 960;
orig_stage_height = 600;
orig_back_width = 1600;
orig_back_height = 1200;


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IDE :: Change Graphic From ISO To Top-down?

Jul 20, 2010

So lets say I make a chess board in flash that is a top down view. Then if I want it in isometric view I simply go to the transform window and enter the skew properties of 60 and 30.

Now here is my question, is there a way to change from this ISO view back to the normal top down view?

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CS4 :: Change A Graphic Within Movieclip

May 10, 2009

I am building an RPG type game in flash and have hit upon my first problem.I have created a character out of various different body parts (upper arm, lower arm, hand, head, etc..) I would like to make it possible to change the look of each of these body parts (different types of armor / clothing) whilst maintaining the whole body animations.I'm becoming confused about how many things are inside each other! Rather than recreate a whole new set of animations for every conceivable combination of armor and clothing it should be possible to simply change one of the graphics within the movieclip that is the character.

So the structure I have thought of is like this:Whole body > Changeable graphic > Base Body Part (bare arm for instance)What is a sensible way to go about doing this? I'd like to have a solution that is easily scalable and won't require notably more work if there are 10 different types of changeable graphic or 1000.I think that I need use the event that triggers the armor / clothing to change for that body part, to run a script that either somehow changes which graphic it is displaying, possibly inside the Base Body Part movieclip.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Converting A Mc Into A Graphic?

Jun 19, 2009

I have a giant image that I vectorized in flash in order to stretch it to the stage size, but obviously this lags a ton (vector size is about 700x500). Is there a way to convert this vector (in a MC) to a graphic after resizing in order to reduce the lag?

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