ActionScript 2.0 :: Incorporating The Separate Graphic Stages Of The Button Control

Dec 20, 2009

how can i make a button respond to mouse release and/or Enter key release, depending on user input.. when I press Enter, I would like to have the button(s) behave in the same way as if I was clicking it with the mouse, possibly incorporating the separate graphic stages of the button (appearance of button down when clicked with mouse = appearance of button while Enter key is down, etc.) ... and am also curious as to how you can tab between buttons then just press enter to deploy it... i know how to make a button react to button.onRelease and somewhat to the Enter key... separately.. but not as a combined package

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Make All Button Stages Look Same

Jun 23, 2009

I have a button that has 4 timeline stages: Up, Over, Down, Hit. Rather then manually setting everything to look the same at each point, is there a way for me to make it that now matter what it will look the same. I want it to look like the "up" position at all times.

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Make 3 Animated Gif Files For All 3 Stages Of Button?

Jul 31, 2009

I want to make 3 animated gif files for all 3 stages of button. If I use transparent png files when creating gif Im gonna preserve transparency of png files, my question is if I import transparent gif animation to flash and convert them to button stages are they going to keep their transparency. If somebody know how to do this please help.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling MovieClips - Separate Graphic With Tween

Oct 30, 2010

I'm having some trouble with the attached file, I've tried lots of things but just can't seem to control the movie clip. On click on 'Detailing' from the landing page a new slide *slides onto the stage 'content3'. Within this I have added a separate graphic with a tween 'gr_detailcopytest'. I want it to start only when it lands within the main stage's masked area. I also want the tween to stop too after its played out. I have tried adding a stop action at the end of the tween but this stops the tween altogether - Furthermore, when I click on another menu item and go back to 'Detailing' I want the tween to start again.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Control Separate Swf's In One Html?

Sep 23, 2006

how to control separate swf's in one html. Problem :One swf needs to tell the second swf to go to and stop at a specific frame and they are both in the same HTML. Im having trouble writting the actionscripting that specifies the other swf to gotoAndstop at a certain flag. how do I change this, so it can say what I want it to do?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Control Between Separate.swf In Frames?

Aug 20, 2002

for my site I am using HTML frames. 1 frame is called "menu" and the other is called "main". I am wondering if there is anyway I can control the .swf in "main" with the .swf in "menu".

More specifically - would it be possible to set a variable in the .swf contained "menu" and then depending on the value, make the .swf in "main" act in a certain way.

For example set the variable within the .swf in "menu" :


and then do a check within the .swf in "main" :

If my variable==1 {do this} ?

I havn't actually tried "just" doing that because I think it will take more. Does anybody know?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Two Separate SWF On The Same Webpage Control Each Other?

Jun 30, 2010

I've done a search and found out about LocalConnections but I don't seem to be able to apply them to my issue.

I have two separate SWF files that appear on the same web page. Both are simple animations and all I want is when the first has finished playing for the second to start, and them when that has completed restart the first one again (and so on...).

I'm also guessing that in order for this to work I'll need some code in the first SWF to detect that the second has finished loading otherwise nothing will happen when the first SWF reaches the end.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Control An External Movie In A Separate Browser Window?

Jul 31, 2008

i am creating a website for a band, with an mp3 player. i want to be able to make an mp3 player that pops up in a separate browser window. the mp3 player would have a "playlist" that can be dynamically changed from the main window, which gives a list of albums & tracks to choose from. the model for this is Rhapsody's web interface. so, how would i go about creating & dynamically changing the playlist (while music is playing) across multiple browser windows? the "playlist" would be an array of references to mp3s, i guess-- so is there a way to pass events & variables across the windows?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Timeline/load Control From Separate Html Page?

Oct 22, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load An App In Stages?

Oct 21, 2009

I would like to load my flex based application in stages (but I'm getting lost in the details).

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Stage 1: A small movieclip style intro shown while loading the main app
Stage 2: The main UI developed using flex + flash components.
Stage 3: A 3D graphics viewport (away3d)
Stage N: 3D models loaded on-demand

I would like to load each stage in sequence, pausing if the next stage is not yet ready.

I looked at dynamic libraries, but it seems like the classes you select + all references to classes made by those classes are included in the library (am I wrong here?).

Each stage will reference classes from its parent (i.e. stage 3 references flex classes loaded in stage 2, stage N references away3d components loaded in stage 3, etc). So if all references are included in a dynamic library, then Stage N SWFs will duplicate many classes from the prevous stages, and likewise with stage 3 & 2 classes.

It seems best if I could just split my SWF into separate StageX SWF files based broadly on package names. This would make it easy for me to split up the size appropriately, and would avoid me needing to be concerned with missing references at runtime or duplicate loading of classes.

But I don't know how to go about doing this, or even if I'm on the right track with my thinking here. Can I accomplish this without making it impossible to manage the project?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Detect The Stages Frame Rate W/o Timers?

Sep 19, 2011

I am trying to detect the AS2 stages frame rate w/o timers. My FlashAsset for Authorware and Director can detect it using #frameRate from the outside of the SWF.
Does anyone know a undocumented command or how to address the stage as the MovieClip? I cannot use Timers, etc. to accomplish this do to programming restrictions of an old Flash Asset one of the two platforms I am using requires.

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Jun 26, 2009

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<mx:MenuBar id="jj" labelField="@label" itemClick="MenuItemClick(event)" x="23" y="228">
<menuitem label="File">[code]......

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ActionScript 2.0 :: F8 - Attach Sound Object To A Separate Mc To Control Independently From All Other Sound / Root Volumes

Mar 15, 2008

I have been at this for about 19 hours straight! I am going to go to bed immediately after this post, but for crying out loud, I have NEVER had this problem before today! Before anyone reads ahead and says 'you have to attach your sound object to a completely separate mc to be able to control it independently from all other sound/root volumes.' see if the following code accomplishes just that:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Incorporating Easing Into Function?

Jan 6, 2006

i have this function that moves my mc under a mask, when it gets to the higher than the mask its text changes then moves to a position lower then the mask and scrolls back up to its origional position with the updated text. the problem is i need help making it ease instead of just moving with "this._y -=6"

my code:

function newProject(g, d, l, c, t) {
dtext.onEnterFrame = function() {[code].....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Incorporating Php In Duplicate Movieclip?

Feb 24, 2008

Im creating a portofolio for myself, and im trying to make it database dependent, so i can update it through mysql and php. Im loading my vars from a database called portofolio, where i want to load a title, description, id, and a url to an image. In my fla i have the following code:

//postition of the first thumbnail
var nextx:Number = 25;
var nexty:Number = 25;[code]....

i would like to have all the data from the DB imported using only one query, and then have it displayed in the thumbnail duplicates.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Vector Graphic MC Button

Mar 17, 2011

I have drawn a few buttons in Illustrator CS4 and copied them into Flash (AS3 document). Everything as far as button functionality is working fine, (rollovers, clicks and whatnot), my problem is (hopefully) quite simple to fix, I just can't find how to do so! When I hover over the buttons, the solid parts of the vector (the parts with fill colour) are selectable, however the parts with transparent fills are not (e.g. the space between two letters, or the negative space of an 'O'). What I want is for it to be selectable as if it was a box shape, but keep the transparencies there.I don't know if the problem is resolved in Illustrator or Flash, if anyone knows please reply! I've tried a few things in Illustrator already, such as drawing transparent bounding boxes around the graphics, however the same problem persists.

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Professional :: Incorporating Flash MP3 Player Into Website

Jan 15, 2012

I bought a flash mp3 player from Active Den which I'm hoping to incorporate into my (tumblr) site. The mp3 player was made 2 years ago.
The mp3 folder with all files needed is here: [URL]
And the code for my site is here: [URL]
I'm hoping to add a transparent background too so it doesn't overlay the site itself when active.

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Actionscript 3 :: Incorporating ASP.NET And Flash Components In One Site?

Jan 21, 2011

I need to integrate ASP.NET into an existing Flash site. The site is heavily laden with Flash and needs to communicate with a SQL Server database. I want to use ASP.NET SQLDataSource for this purpose. Given that I need to integrate the two technologies for one web page on the site, do I need to make the site fully ASP.NET with embedded Flash objects? Or, can I just add a single ASPX page to the site that contains the web.config and connection string to SQL Server?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: F8 - Button To Make Graphic Appear In Frame

Jan 18, 2009

I'm fine with on(release) to take to a new frame etc but this is my situation.

Imagine a Windows PC. You click the Start Button, it makes the start menu appear, no matter what folder/window/software you have open. Now liken it to a flash movie. Interactive, to make a button to make a set of graphics appear in a set place on the frame.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Swapping Button With An Animated Graphic?

Apr 27, 2009

What I'm trying to is make a button that when you click it, it swaps the button out for an animated graphic. So that the button looks like it turns into something else. For instance, I have a house on a hill and when you click it, a person should come out of it. And another instance, there is a bottle and when you click it, it sprouts legs.

Is there a way to do this without swapping the whole scene? I have other animations that are constantly playing so if I were to do that, it would mess up the other animations.

Here is the code I have from some tutorial.

houseBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, houseClick);
function houseClick(event:MouseEvent):void{

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Make Button Follow Moving Graphic?

Aug 7, 2010

I have made a simple Drag and Drop map, where its the map being dragged by the mouse. The thing is, i need to have a grid of buttons on this map, which you can click. But since im dragging the actual map, my buttons wont follow. They stay where they are.An example would be the united states world map, then each state is a button i can click. A problem would be that if the entire map is covered in buttons, then my mouse cant drag the background map as im selecting a button when i drag. perhaps i can make the buttons drag the map instead?This is the code for dragging the map:

Map.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, grabMe);
Map.buttonMode = true;[code]..........

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Flash5 :: Hit A Button That Would Bring Up A 540X400 Graphic?

Sep 27, 2011

We are just starting out with Flash CS4 and we are looking to have 4 pages or maybe we should stay stages.

1. Text and Buttons (buttons will take you to a bigger description of the text)
2. Similar to 1st page
3. Similar
4. Actions that the buttons will be calling for

We are thinking that with the 3 pages, the 4th page if we have that in layers, the layers and show seperate actions we request from our buttons. And then an example would be on page 1 they hit a button that would bring up a 540X400 graphic. And another button might bring up the same type but a different picture and I am figuring if they are on different layers we can do it this way.

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Professional :: Button Or A Graphic Symbol A Class?

Feb 6, 2010

Im just learning classes and objects.... and read that a movie clip is (or has) a movie clip class... So I'd figure that buttons and graphic symbols also are classes? If yes, why are they called 'symbols' instead of 'classes' by Flash dialog?

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IDE :: Change Button Graphic On Mouse Click?

Sep 29, 2009

This is the website that I'm working on. Not much going on yet but I have this invisible button that turns the radio on and off.. what I would like to do is have an image of the radio that I made up where the light is on for when it turns on and then back to off for when it's off.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Incorporating A Live CNN News Headline Tracker - RSS?

Nov 24, 2009

I have a client who wants a live CNN headline ticker on their website.This would be easy if it were an HTML based website, but this one is a Flash based website.In looking around I've learned that you can use javascript or PHP to do this ... create a really simple live news headline ticker? Basically I have never done anything like this and have no idea how to go about it ... woould I use a component? What might the AS3 code look like to do something like this?

View 26 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Local Connection Incorporating Into A Mp3 Player

Mar 22, 2010

I have an mp3 player(AS3) loads in external mp3. I am trying to attach the flash local connection script to the mp3 script so that I can have the mp3 pop up in a smaller browser and it be controlled by the main homepage.

here is an example, [URL] select track 4, you will see it starts playing but also another small window pops up but its behind the main browser. this is then controlled with a 'Stop' and 'Play' function on the main home page.

thats what I am trying to create:

I have an example working for the flash local connection where you can drag a ball and it also moves in the smaller pop up window, see here: [URL]
So I have that working and I have the mp3 working, but I need to put both togther and cross over the flash local connection script and incorporate into the mp3 script.

What is the best way for me to send script information, I don't want to flood the thread with AS. You can download the flash lconnection files and the mp3 player from here!

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Local Connection Incorporating Into Mp3 Player

Mar 22, 2010

I need to put togther regarding flash local connection? I have an mp3 player(AS3) loads in external mp3. I am trying to attach the flash local connection script to the mp3 script so that I can have the mp3 pop up in a smaller browser and it be controlled by the main homepage.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Incorporating Commas Into Text Fields?

Nov 22, 2010

Ok, I have looked around and I know that this question has been asked many times but I still dont understand. I am developing an ROI calculator and need to acomplish two things, i think one will fix the other but here goes. 1. I need to make sure that when a user inputs their number in the input text field if they us a comma I dont get the NaN as a return. 2. How can I incorporate commas into the final calculation answer. For example if they enter 10000 my net result currently comes back as 105600. I would like it to come back as 105,600. I dont necessarly need to format as currency to make this work.

I am using CS5 and AS3 for the coding on this. I am not very expierenced in coding in Flash, as a matter of fact the fact that I have made it this far is amazing.

Here is my current code:

CalcBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, FindTotal);
function formatNumbers(num:Number, comma:Boolean):String {


I have looked at other suggestions and plugged them in with no luck.

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Flash :: Graphic Added Over Button Is Blocking MouseEvent?

Oct 29, 2009

I have a couple of buttons that slide up and down, when in the up state I add an X graphic to symbolize a a close button. However the X graphic seems to be blocking my button action.I have an example in the movie I've been working on >> here <<.There are 2 movies here, the big one if you click either blue tab you will see what I'm talking about, X button shows up, but clicking over the X area will not drop the button down. You have to click on blue button area to drop the button back down.Now I've made a smaller test movie adding the X button basically the same way and if you will notice it works fine (will animate to the right even if you click over the X graphic)Here is my code in the Big movie (I hid the tween code so it won't be so long):

function handleButtonClick(event:MouseEvent):void {
var as MovieClip;
var id:Number=Number("button")[1]);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load And Set Position Of A Button / Movie Or Graphic

Aug 6, 2010

How do I load ant set the position of a button, movie or graphic with actionscript only. Let's say I have an image that I want to display at a certain position with a certain size.

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