ActionScript 2.0 :: Control Between Separate.swf In Frames?
Aug 20, 2002
for my site I am using HTML frames. 1 frame is called "menu" and the other is called "main". I am wondering if there is anyway I can control the .swf in "main" with the .swf in "menu".
More specifically - would it be possible to set a variable in the .swf contained "menu" and then depending on the value, make the .swf in "main" act in a certain way.
For example set the variable within the .swf in "menu" :
and then do a check within the .swf in "main" :
If my variable==1 {do this} ?
I havn't actually tried "just" doing that because I think it will take more. Does anybody know?
Is it possible to edit a movie clip so it doesnt effect it in another frame? I want to edit the 'ground' in level 2 but so it doesnt change it in level 1. I have tried making a ground2 but with no sucess...
Using Flash CS4 Pro (version 10.0)I am using a timer function to pause a text effect in a movie clip (textEffects).I also have a separate movie clip (Bfind) that when rolled over, it controls the textEffects movieclip. On roll out of Bfind, textEffects is restarted at frame 1.Everything works great until i hover over and out of the button target a few times. The bug I am having is that it seems the timer function is ignored after textEffects goes back to frame 1.[code]and the following is how i call the function on 4 separate frames in textEffects:[code]
how to control separate swf's in one html. Problem :One swf needs to tell the second swf to go to and stop at a specific frame and they are both in the same HTML. Im having trouble writting the actionscripting that specifies the other swf to gotoAndstop at a certain flag. how do I change this, so it can say what I want it to do?
I've done a search and found out about LocalConnections but I don't seem to be able to apply them to my issue.
I have two separate SWF files that appear on the same web page. Both are simple animations and all I want is when the first has finished playing for the second to start, and them when that has completed restart the first one again (and so on...).
I'm also guessing that in order for this to work I'll need some code in the first SWF to detect that the second has finished loading otherwise nothing will happen when the first SWF reaches the end.
i am creating a website for a band, with an mp3 player. i want to be able to make an mp3 player that pops up in a separate browser window. the mp3 player would have a "playlist" that can be dynamically changed from the main window, which gives a list of albums & tracks to choose from. the model for this is Rhapsody's web interface. so, how would i go about creating & dynamically changing the playlist (while music is playing) across multiple browser windows? the "playlist" would be an array of references to mp3s, i guess-- so is there a way to pass events & variables across the windows?
how can i make a button respond to mouse release and/or Enter key release, depending on user input.. when I press Enter, I would like to have the button(s) behave in the same way as if I was clicking it with the mouse, possibly incorporating the separate graphic stages of the button (appearance of button down when clicked with mouse = appearance of button while Enter key is down, etc.) ... and am also curious as to how you can tab between buttons then just press enter to deploy it... i know how to make a button react to button.onRelease and somewhat to the Enter key... separately.. but not as a combined package
I am working on a flash piece that is composed of one master swf that has five options/sections within it. Each option loads two separate swfs that operate at the same time. Within those swfs are url links which open in the same window, replacing the page with the flash piece on it. Is it possible to link back from the opened url in a way that will go to the frame in the main swf's timeline that will reload the relevant swfs?
I had suggested just targeting a _blank window but the person I am attempting this for doesn't want that.
I am very new to ActionScript. I have a .fla file which contains the AS2 code for the frames. What I need to do is that I have to export this code as a separate file. There may be a separate file(or class file) for each frame code. Is it possible to me do it automatically without losing animation interactivity and functionality? Or is there any other way?
I want to know that how to control frames at run time, I mean how we know that currently I am at which frame (running stage). Can we fetch the value of Frame at runtime?
I want to take a folder with 20 pictures, in some way convert them into a movie. And then apply so that I can navigate the frames one by one in the movieclip by moving the mouse right and left (move mouse left - navigate backwards frame by frame, move mouse right - navigate forward frame by frame).
I'm dynamically loading a file that will indicate when to show certain words at certain frames. However, I'm having trouble with the concept of timeline control from ActionScript (I'm building everything programmatically in Flash Builder). Let's say my tuples has frame and word: 5, "duck" 13, "cow" 22, "pig"
There is a sprite associated with each. What I would like to do is something like the following: for (frame in timeline) { //should iterate from frame 0-22 (last frame in list) if (frame in list) { list[frame].alpha = 0; }}
I already know that my display of sprites works and whatnot, I'm just confused on how to play through the timeline in this kind of way, or if it's possible to dynamically do this. Related, can I control how fast the timeline plays? To give a more thorough explanation, I'm looking to visualize word appearances over time in a text. So "duck" may appear as the 5th word in a corpus, "cow" as the 13th word, etc. My list contains tuples of word positions (unique) and the word that appears at that position.
I have a small selection of words that I'm interested in from the corpus, so not every position is represented. I would like to be able to have a SWF movies that essentially starts at the beginning of the corpus, go through my word list in order of appearance in the corpus, and then display the word (and have it fade out). So, if there's a word at position 5 and 10, then should appear in much more rapid succession than if there's a word at position 15, and the next one doesn't appear until 50. Basically, I would like to keep that temporal component.
Im making a scrolling image gallery basically i have 2 movieclips inside a main movieclip, MC_a and MC_b. MC_a animates the scrolling effect of the thumb panel. within which there are 15 buttons. MC_b has 15 large photos arranged in 15 frames. (1 photo per frame).
what i want to do is when i press a button in MC_a it will gotoAndStop at the frame in MC_b displaying the large photo.
I've tried placing script in MC_b in a layer called "action" and extending it to 15 frames:
import; stop(); Object(root).MainMC.MC_a.button1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,pla y1); function play1(event:MouseEvent):void
I did this for all 15 buttons but none of them works. btw, i am using actionscript 3, Flash CS5
I've set up my flash movie to play and stop at certian frames in the movie. I'd like to add a pause button to pause the movie anywhere in the timeline or animation and then resume from spot it's paused on. This is for a presentation.
i need to fire separate method for individual menu item clicked ,so that individual item can handle separate method.and i need know what all the properties are available in menu item like type="radio".
I have been at this for about 19 hours straight! I am going to go to bed immediately after this post, but for crying out loud, I have NEVER had this problem before today! Before anyone reads ahead and says 'you have to attach your sound object to a completely separate mc to be able to control it independently from all other sound/root volumes.' see if the following code accomplishes just that:
What I need to do is assign 5 separate dynamic text fields to 5 seperate buttons and at the same time to those same five buttons i would like to add 5 images that i would be able to change merely by swapping out the images in the file theyre in on the server.I would also like to get a nice transition between the images...ALSO i want to dynamically load the images for the buttons that will be used for switching from picture to picture(which im thinking i will be able to do after i know the how to do point the aforementioned things.)
Through tutorials I've found around the net I've been able to get most of the parts together... but i get lost because what they show you for AS2 they don't for AS3 and vice versa, at least that ive I guess my question is... would i need to set up 5 seperate dynamic text fields on the stage and then set each one of them to one of the corresponding button. If so what AS code would i need to use to do so. And if not what would i need to do?
The other part of the question would be I know about the UILoader... would i be able to use it as my buttons and images, if so would i need 5 seperate ui loaders for both the Thumbnail buttons and the images or is there a way that would be better to do it? and once i do that would i do the transitions using frames and tweens like with AS2?
If I create a new flash AS3 file and create two blank keyframes in my actions layer I can add actions to each keyframe separately no problem. I can then easily switch between the actions frames from the menu bar on the left of the actions input panel. However if I try and do this on any of my projects i've been working on for a while when I create a new blank keyframe in the actions layer and try to add actions to it, I get sent straight back to my first actions keyframe and not a nice blank page. Can I even apply seperate actions to seperate keyframes?
This is NOT the same as my last thread as i am after three and NOT ONE as last time. In the attached movie there are three seperate movies loading into three seperate tweens. Please note that i am happy with this movie as it is, and do not want to change anything about it except for the script itself. It refurs to three seperate clips "b.a","d.c" and "f.e". What i want is for the script to incorperate all three clips under one name of "mc" And instead of have three seperate widths, "width 1","width2" and "width3" i want the script to also incorperate all three widths and heights into just one name of "width" and one name of "height".
I am using this method to create a slider to control frames in a movie clip.
The slider works well when I'm in the scene that contains the slider. When I go to a scene that does not include the slider, I get the following output error. TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. How can I stop the stage.add.EventListener when I navigate to other scenes that don't include the slider. This is my first as3 project. The project functions as it should but I don't know if the output error will cause problems later.
I want to create a preloader that plays a certain amount of frames as it loads the rest of the frames. So, I have labels on the frames basically and need a preloader to play the "loading" frames as it is loading the "content" frames. Does that make sense? I have no idea how to even start this one... p.s. I am using AS 2.0, but if it can be done in 3.0 easier, I can switch over its no biggie
there seems to be no accepted method of playing multiple flv using buttons. My latest attempt has me putting multiple instances of the flvPlayback component in different frames and using buttons to navigate to those frames. It works but nothing anyone has posted anywhere will result in removing the flv when you go to a different frame and instance. This was simple in AS2. Load movie to a traget and each time you load a new movie the other one goes away. REALLY goes away.
basically im making a quiz on my main timeline ive got my questions and answers and on the last frame i want it to say how many answers the user got right. ive made a movie clip on this last frame. in the movie clip ive got 11 frames with the posible totals so frame one would be 0/10 frame 2 would be 1/10 etc what i want to do is when the user clicks the correct answer on the other frames i want flash to make the frames within the movie clip to go 1 step forward.
I have a function that counts days and some other variables and displays the values via dynamic text.
I have to place the incrementCount(): function every 12 frames so that it increments the values. Seems like it would be easier to simply modify the script to count "every 12 frames" but I can't find anything that tells me how to "count frames" in flash. Seems to be this is probably basic but I've searched how do you do this. How do I get my script to work so it's frame based so I don't have to put incrementCount() every 12 frames?
Is it possible to have an movieclip of about 50 frames and navigate between these 50 frames? As if u put a marker on frame 10 and one at frame 30 and if u use a button it plays to frame 10 and stops and use another button to go from frame 10 to frame 30 and stop... and reverse if u use the earlier button.
I want to preload all of the voiceover swf files before a lesson starts so that they are instantly available when each frame / page that incorporates a voiceover is first visited.
I am trying to manipulate (move up and down, enable/disable and launch a form) child controls inside a panel control. However I am unable to get the id of the child control on which the click event occurs. To illustrate, I am trying to create similar functionality as is available. I am trying to create the up-down buttons that you see in the image at http:[url].......
im trying to make a music/sound control and FX sounds control,so i have my FX volume level as a variable(FX_vol) and also the Music/sound volume level as a diffrent variable(M_vol),so i set them as sounds that i can use trough coding:
Is it possible to control a Flash movie from JS when you have no control over the source? I have decompiled the movie to see its inner workings, but I know nothing about Flash, so I'm mostly in the dark. I found this resource, Interaction with JavaScript, but it's not working for me (probably because I don't know what message to send to the movie).
I have a flex application and have embedded a flash (SWF) file into it using <mx:SWFLoader>. There is an "Exit" button on the Flash file. I want to be able to handle the button click event on the flex application.
So when that button in the flash file is clicked, I want to perform an action in the parent flex application.