ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Visible Buttons With Graphics?
Oct 30, 2010
Everytime when i want to create invisble button for banner....i run into same problem and don't remember how i FIX it.Now I clicked on FILL COLOR then i just can't create a RECTANGLE because it fill the retangle with color.I tried for NO STROKE n NO FILL then it won't created a RECTANGLE.I created the layer for BTN. Select the Rectangle tool in the Tools panel.Now NO STROKE then what do i have to do with FILL COLOR ...
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Oct 30, 2010
After created the button with graphics.On Button Layer...UP show circle, OVER show blank,DOWN show square, HIT show black circle.Can you tell me it is OK because after I add layer for ActionScript still getting errors.I want to make sure i did right up to this point.
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Mar 20, 2006
I have searched this forum and can't seem to find an answer. I'm loading an external movieclip inside an empty movie clip. But when the clip loads, I can see all my graphics that i have placed outside the stage area, that i want animating in.
I understand I can use a mask, but i feel like the mask is slowing my animation down because of how big it is. There must be another way.
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Aug 9, 2010
I need to create flash content dynamically- towards that need to build images. I need help on two points
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b) do we have open-source tools to create fxg files to import into flex builder
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Jul 29, 2011
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Jul 29, 2009
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Jul 6, 2003
i have 10 buttons (b1,...,b10) and want to set their default visible property to false. I want only 1 of those mcs (pick by random) to be visible. How i do that?
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May 19, 2009
I created a button in one movie. I nested a second movie that is the same size as the first movie. In the second movie I can successfully hide an object in the first movie with an object in the second movie. However, I can't prevent a button in the first movie from being shown in the second movie.
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Aug 1, 2011
I want to create multiple layers where each layer has some graphics and buttons on it. I am using Flex so I like to do this using actionscript.
Does anybody know how to create a layer in actionscript?
How do you attach these layers to your stage?
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May 8, 2009
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on (release){
_root.gotoandPlay ("Menu");
or would that only work in replaying a movie?
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Oct 23, 2009
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Mar 13, 2005
I'm trying to create a menu, where some buttons becomes visible when the user "rollOver" a box the buttons is beneath. Look at menu system, at the main page. I place my buttons within a MC, and gives the MC this AS:
But when I move the mouse over the buttons, they aren't enabled, probably because flash got the idea that the MC is above the buttons, and that the MC is a button.
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Jan 24, 2006
I'm working with a dynamic slideshow that was already set up. Instead of thumbnails each image has a button that you click to see the image. I cant get the buttons to turn off for the categories that have less than 26 images. he button instance names are imgB1, imgB2,etc... they are in a container that is called: mc,collection_menu with an instance name of: collection_Menu basically in the script bellow the: visible=false is not working, is this the right syntax... what is wrong here
// this is the main button to start the slide show
collButtHolder.Bali.onRelease = function() {
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Mar 18, 2011
In flash, if you have a complicated graphic (like a complex diagram) that doesn't change much and you want to move/zoom/rotate it around, then does Flash perform better if you convert all graphics into symbols? Or does making symbols slow things down?
Background: Sometimes, you do things for so long, you can't remember why you started in the first place. Whenever I import graphics in flash (like from Illustrator, for example), I select everything, press cmd-B (or ctrl-B on Windows) repeatedly, "breaking apart" everything until I can't, anymore. Then I press F8 and create a symbol.
That's just what I've done for like the last 10 years. It's to the point where I don't even think about it, anymore. I vaguely remember doing this after learning that performance improves when you break apart graphics to create a symbol.
Now, I have a problem: I'm translating/rotating/scaling a massively complex, static diagram and it's too sloooow. I'm trying every technique I can think of to speed things up—every little bit counts.I've read this link and lots of others but I haven't come across the topic of creating symbols.
Summary:should I go back through and make everything a symbol? Should I go through and make everything NOT a symbol? Which is faster?
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Apr 9, 2005
I was wondering about MC and hey can help to lag a game out. I set up an advanced class system so i don't have to use MC to simulate walls, all i use isthe x,y,width and height. Well anyway since i don't need MC anymore I was wondering if there is a way to attach Graphics instead of MC cause a Graphics file size is relatively small than that of a graphic, I think. If anyone could tell me thats true and show me a way to attach graphics that would be nice. I haven't tried it yet but maybe if I exported the graphic from the library imihgt be able to call its name, but it doesn't have an instance name so im stuck.
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Oct 8, 2009
i am trying to receive in my function as a parameter either a shape or a sprite and then access their graphics property, but this gives me an error:
public static function makeRect( obj:DisplayObject, ...
var g:Graphics;
if(obj is Sprite){
//1119: Access of possibly undefined property graphics through a reference with static type flash.display:Graphics.
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Sep 28, 2011
My question is: Set parentSprite.visible = false will make all children in parentSprite all invisible, right? And is there any way to just make parentSprite itself invisible without effecting it's children?
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Aug 8, 2010
I want to click on an object and make it appear and disappear. As the object is rectangular, I figured putting a white button the same size on a white background on a layer underneath the object would do this, but I can't seem to make it happen.I'm a complete novice, frustrated as I've been trying to achieve this all day and I'm sure it should be pretty simple, but could you give me the idiots guide. I know how to name an instance, make an object, script in actions on a separate layer. I would like to draw the button myself and give it an instance rather than drag it off the button component (as I can't work out how to make the component button white, change its size etc.!)
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Apr 1, 2009
my_Dyn_Txt1._visible = false
When the checkbox (cb1) is clicked the "my_Dyn_Txt1" is visible. The problem I'm having is - when I move forwad and back in my frames the checkboxes which were clicked are not visible due to
my_Dyn_Txt1._visible = false
How can I make ("my_Dyn_Txt1"), a clicked checkbox STAY VISIBLE even after I move forwad and back in my FLA frames?
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Oct 13, 2010
I've been coding all day so my brain is a bit fried. I just came accross something I will need to address and I'm trying to figure out the best way to approach this following scenerio: I have a mirror graphic, inside the mirror I need to have a movieclip fade from one pic to another and loop or fade from one clip to another. Either the one clip has two pics inside or theuse two clips with one pic in each which is pretty easy to achieve but I need to have each pic when displayed be a button that when released will gotoAndStop in a frame inside the timeline.
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May 11, 2010
I am creating next & previous buttons on my main scene. I have created a scrolling photo gallery as well as a random button to randomly select images. I have a photos layer that has 15 images tagged in the AS "img1" "img2".
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Sep 12, 2009
Basically, i want 5 buttons in one scene to link on to different scenes. The buttons are images. I tried doing it and each button goes on to the next scene which is not what i want.I have converted the images as button symbols and added actionscript on each of them, but it just links on to the next scene instead of going to different scenes.[code]
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Apr 22, 2011
I am making a bar of 4 different movie clip buttons in a row. Like "- - - -" and what happens is when you hover over them they expand and show content of what they are labeled. "info" hover over shows content. But the problem is, whenever let say hover over Contact, The "Info" title on the bar next to it will show. I'm unaware of how to make it so the "Content BOX" is above the rest of the hover links. All the hover links are all into one layer, in a movie clip. (So I can toggle the whole button bar from left to right.)
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May 15, 2009
How to create a class from an Animated Buttons in AS3? I learn the video name "Introduction to OOP" with the code AS 2 here:
Code: Select allclass ButtonClass extends MovieClip {
public function ButtonClass() {
this.onRollOver = this.over;
I don't know how to write it in AS3.
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Sep 26, 2004
I want to make a site for my personal gallery and i'm asking you if there is another method to make my gallery, other that the one when the user click Back and Next to navigate through thhe images in the order that i chose. I want to create some buttons dynamically (so i will be able to add images to the gallery without replacing the SWF) and assign each of these buttons an on(release) or on(press) event handler that will show the image for that button
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Jun 29, 2007
I'm using Flash CS3, Actionscript 2.0 and I'm trying to create buttons dynamically.I tried to follow the code in the link below. The code is correct for the most part but the only problem I have is that only the last button appears. For example, if I try to create 10 buttons, only the 10th button is created.
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Aug 24, 2007
im trying to dynamically create's an example scenario -> off stage is a movie clip called "originalButton_mc"I want to use a loop to duplicate this movie clip 25 times, and each one should be able to perform a unique onRelease function ex.
for (i = 0; i<25; i++) {
var newButton_mc = originalButton_mc.duplicateMovieClip("button"+i, i+1);
newButton_mc._y = i*22;
newButton_mc._x = 10;
the problem with the above code is that when I click my new buttons it always traces 25...because, clearly - my code is wrong, and the onRelease is getting rewritten for each button - hence its left with the last i ... 25.
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Oct 30, 2007
I'm creating buttons dynamically, but I want to add code also. something like (psuedo)[thumb + i].on Release = "_parent.thumb" + i + "Pressed()" can that work? I think I need targetMc?
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Aug 15, 2009
So I have this loop generating buttons based upon how many entries there are in my XML:
for (j=0; j < base.image.length(); j++) {
var newButton:imgButton = new imgButton();
Now I'm just wondering what the best way of assigning control to the buttons is (i.e. making them do something,). I'm wanting each created button to load a different image (defined in the xml) if that's of any use.
Do I need to add event listeners dynamically or something?
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