ActionScript 3.0 :: Despite All Effort - Preloader Still Not Displaying First

Aug 15, 2009

I don't export a single thing to the first frame.I removed all references to absolutely everything (except my preloader - which is about 10kb) from my document class.The only reference to my main class is a MovieClip which links to it placed on Frame 3 (Frame 2 is reserved for asset loading and is skipped by the preloader). Yet still, when I simulate a download I sit staring at a white screen until the entirety of my main class and the resources it uses have loaded. Heck, I even got desperate enough to try having my preloader goToAndStop(4) after it finished (frame 4 is completely blank and there is no frame 5). The swf stayed the same size and the loading behaviour didn't change.

EDIT I also attempted, and got working, a multi-swf version. However, my submission medium only accepts single swf work, so unfortunately this option isn't available to me.
END EDIT I would, of course, be willing to provide any other information if it may be relevant.

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thumb_load.onEnterFrame = function() {
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at Main()

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<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
function openDemo_MarketGuys(demo)


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response.write "data1=" & Server.HTMLEncode(rs("data1")) & "&" &"data2=" & Server.HTMLEncode(rs("data2")) & "&" &"data3=" & rs("data3") & "&"

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