ActionScript 3.0 :: Direct Communication Between Two Local Swfs ... Socket?

Mar 6, 2012

I have some software developed where I have setup good communcation between some VB software and flash software. Communication is done locally via socket connection. I was hoping I could do the same except with two swfs. Who acts as the host? do I need a host?


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Flash :: Execute An External .exe From A Local .swf Using A Local XML Socket Server (C#)

Jan 7, 2012

I'm developing a game add-on/plugin which replaces a built in feature of an online game. The game loads an .swf therefore, my solution also has to be an swf for it to work 'in-game'.

I would like to be able to have the user press a button in the custom .swf I am making - and this would open an external application (amongst other things). I.e. if there was a button that said Notepad, it would open Notepad.exe on the machine.

My initial thinking was that i could have a XML Socket server 'daemon' runnning (c#) , which i could connect to with flash - however, as both the swf and the daemon are local, flash complained and gave this error: "Error #2010: Local-with-filesystem SWF files are not permitted to use sockets."

The only way i know to fix this - is to change the security settings of flash - not very user friendly!

So! Any thoughts on how I could otherwise go about this? I was thinking a custom http server could do the trick (connected with URLRequest) although i'm not too sure.

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Flex :: Actionscript 3 - Flex Socket And Erlang Socket Communication

Jun 29, 2011

I'm creating a client-server game. My client is a flex based game, and my server is erlang server. At the beginning, when I test directly my flex client in flash player, I can establish a connection easily to my erlang server through socket connection. And both can exchange data with no problem. The problem rise when I deploy my flex app at Apache http server, and running it using a browser by calling [URL] my flex socket sends message requesting for a crossdomain policy to my erlang server. So I create an xml message that represent a crossdomain policy, and send it back to my flex app as a response for that request.

Yet still I can't establish any permanent socket connection between my flex client and my erlang server. I know this because I add listener on my flex socket that will modify its internal state to CONNECTED, if a connection between client-server has established.

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AS3 :: C# - Socket / Server MMO Communication

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I'm working on a flash MMO with a c# server. I have a simple messaging protocol for the sockets. When a client joins he sends out this:


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Actionscript 3 :: Socket Communication With Different Language?

Oct 27, 2011

when using Socket class to make connection with server, how actionscript transform data to server with different language implementation? The server may implement in .NET, ruby, or java, the following is the code example:


when I use java implements the server side, why and how actionscript "know" the way to communicate with java(what if using .NET implements the serverside), does it mean actionscript "clever enough to know the server side language?". what if write customer object to socket(and how), and server responds to actionscript. Could anyone explain the mechanism or recommend some material about these topic?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex Socket Communication With C# Produces

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I use C# to read a string (BinaryReader.ReadString()) from the socket stream. But the problem is that flex doesn't writes the string in suitable format, so C# will be able to read that. C# reads a 7 bit encoded integer which indicates the length of the string, and just then reads the string. But flex doesn't writes a string in this format (I use socket.WriteUTF(), and even socket.WriteUTFBytes() didn't work), so C# can't read the string. Here's a little information of how C# reads/writes a string from a socket stream:

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Actionscript 3 :: Communication Between Flex And Java Socket?

May 19, 2011

I have a Flex AIR app, and i am trying to get data from a Java Server. Can some one tell me if this approach will work?

Start a ServerSocket in Java and wait for a connection. Use Flex to connect to the same port. Write some data to the socket from Java Server. Read the data at the Flex end and process it.

I think i am able to get this working, but the data that i read back at Flex end seems to be empty.

My server code is :

socket = new ServerSocket(port);
client = socket.accept();
InetAddress address = client.getInetAddress();


My current problem is socket.bytesAvailable becoming 0 and therefore obj is coming up as "". So how to read data sent from the server using a Socket in Flex?

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I have a socket server listening on 2 ports, 1 port for the socket server and 1 port for the policy server. My code is below, in this scenario, data is sent and received perfectly fine. however, for example if I add a button with a simple:


after the initial connection, it doesn't seem to send any data to my server (I have my server printing all data transmissions to the console for checking) Initial connections work fine, as seen below:


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Flash :: Php Communication - Multiplayer - Local Works - Another Computer Does Not

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ActionScript 3.0 :: AVM2 -> AVM1 Communication Bug With Local Connection?

Feb 22, 2010

I am creating a local connection to play an as2 movie, which works.... the first timehah.Observe the link below: the above file by playing the banner, then killing it, then loading a new one and attempting the play method again...)I've tried closing the connection before reusing it, but it says the connection is not open... traces a successful send each is the link to the abstracted FLA:

HTML Code:
var bannerContainer : Sprite = new Sprite();
var connectID : LocalConnection;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Communication Between Swfs Using LocalConnection

Dec 11, 2007

I have the following scenario: one swf has a series of buttons that send play commands to 10 other swfs in the same html page (no frames). After some googling I found out swf to swf communication is done via LocalConnection. ( [URL]

a) every example I found is passing text strings from one swf to the other (what is written in the form field in transmitter swf 1 is echoed at receiver swf 2. I don't want to pass text, just want transmitter swf 1 send a play action to receiver swf2 that is waiting stuck at a stop action. What is the syntax for this?

b) all examples also have one swf sending to only one other. how do I differentiate which one of my 10 receiving swfs actually performs the above play action?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Communication Between Embedded Swfs?

Jan 26, 2010

I have a main swf that embeds another swf. I want to be able to tell the embed swf to do something.

//Creates new image loader
var imageLoader:Loader;
//Holder variable for the image to load


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Communication Between Multiple SWFs On A Page?

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I basically need to set up an interface in an html page with 3 different swfs in different spots of a table that need to communicate with eachother (basic stuff like going to certain frames within the targeted swf when a button is pressed, etc).

I'm pretty sure i've seen it done, but i can't seem to figure out what kind of approach i need to take. I'm guessing its going to take some javascript, but i'm not sure.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loader Class - Best Solution For Communication Between SWFs?

Mar 18, 2009

I want to ' import ' or ' download ' some SWF file into my main-swf file. I then want them to do a lot of communication back and forth. The best would be if I could just call functions from the new SWF file from my main-swf file, or the other way around. Do I use the loader class? And do I use the .parent.parent thing? Or is there a better solution?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Communication With Loaded SWFs, Application Development?

Apr 7, 2009

I am currently in the process of developing an application with Flash/AS3. I have worked a lot with AS3 (FlashDevelop) before so I am rather familiar with it, however, since I won't be the one designing (nor the only one for that matter), and because it isn't a one day job, it is important to be able to get some structure in the project. So that we can have a "core" of AS3 that loads SWF-files and then does the interaction with the loaded SWFs, like providing information for fields and submitting the data, etc.
However, I've searched and I can't find any good up-to-date information on how to actually take care of the communication with the loaded SWFs. I found a lot of tutorials on it, but every single one ended up simply not working or being "depreciated" by the compiler because they were built for earlier versions of AS2/AS3 or Flash. (I found this promishing guide: [URL].. but that too ended up being depreciated) The only working piece of information I've found is LocalConnection, but it is really not well-suited for this, and from what I can tell a very complicated way to go about things.
So my question is how does one go about implementing the communication between AS3 and the loaded SWFs?
Being able to dispatch events or call functions both ways is basically what I think is necessary.Or perhaps there are better ways to go about application development with Flash?

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Actionscript 3 :: Local Playback Security Setting In Flash For Outside Communication With Inside As-classes?

Dec 14, 2010

I'm using external actionscript files located in the root of my webfolder, but I also want to communicate with another website.

How should I set my Local playback in publish settings? Access Local Only? or Access Network Only?

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Flash :: Connect Properly To Optivote Device Through Local Socket Connection?

Oct 21, 2010

Optivote IR8 is basically a voting system with a bunch of remote controllers, which can send IR signals to a receiver, which is connected to a computer through a USB port. And I'm trying to write my own little software for that with Flash.Optivote receiver communicates with software through a virtual serial port. When I connect to that port through PuTTY, I can see signals whenever I press any button on the remote controllers. Although, when I connect to that port through Serproxy (which relays a socket connection to a serial port connection), the remote controllers don't seem to work. I just get the same signal every half a second or so, over and over. I'm guessing the receiver is trying to make some kind of handshake this way.

The thing I can't figure out is what PuTTY does that Serproxy doesn't to make the serial port connection work. Maybe there's some proper way to tell the other end when I connect?(I use Serproxy, because Flash applications cannot connect to a serial port directly, but supports socket connections)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Local Connection Between Two Swfs?

Jan 29, 2009

In AS2, and creating a local connection between two swfs, what do the commands "comeBack" and "section" do?What's there place in the process?[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Local Connection Between 2 Child Swfs?

Aug 5, 2011

When I try loading 2 swfs that use a local connection to communicate I get this error

ActionScript Code:
SecurityError: Error #2070: Security sandbox violation: caller file:///C:/Users/Siggy2xc/Adobe Flash Builder 4.5/Mass Media CG/bin-debug/swf/controlPanels/animation/Test.swf cannot access Stage owned by app:/Mass_Media_CG.swf.


How can I allow the 2 swfs using a local connection to communicate?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Remote SWFs May Not Access Local Files

Feb 4, 2007

I have this situation (simplified):
MC-A.swf opened from local computer (C:/) and loads MC-B.swf which is hosted on a server.
When MC-B.swf is loaded, it tries to access file called "loader.swf" which is also on local computer (C:/).

When it tries to access the "loader.swf" I get the following error message:
*** Security Sandbox Violation ***
Connection to file:///C|/loading.swf halted - not permitted from [URL]
-- Remote SWFs may not access local files.

I read discussions concerning this issue, and as I understood, I could use:"[URL]");
to solve this problem, but it didn't work.
I wouldn't like to change the loaded file to load it's resources also from the web, since it can find them on the local machine.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remote SWFs May Not Access Local Files?

Aug 18, 2009

lod.load(new URLRequest(str2));how to unload the lod when second time i cal that to over come this (*** Security Sandbox Violation ***SecurityDomain )

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IDE :: Accessing Local Shared Object From Diff SWFs

Jan 19, 2009

I am facing a problem in accessing Local shared object from 2 diff. swfs. Let me explain the scenario clearly.I am developing a radio widget (in for ex)which has a button to open a html page (placed in as a popup with specific wt and ht. The html page loads the same SWF file of radio widget from "", means whatever changes we do for the SWF in maindomain will be reflected automatically in the popup also.Here where the problem is:

1. Say I am playing radio station "A" in main window and added this station to favourite list (which is done by storing in Share object). So when i open the popup its reflect there.

2. Now when i change radio station "A" to "B" in the popup and added "B" to favourites and closed the popup.

3. When I refresh the main window, I can get both "A" and "B" in fav, as expected.

4. But if without refreshing in main window when I changed to some new station "C" and then open the popup, it has got only radio station "A" in the fav list.

I am pretty sure this is because of Sharedobject.flush(). The thing I am wondering is, why the station "B" which is also pushed to sharedobject when added to favourite is getting deleted when I flush() the SO.?I googled many forums but not satisfied solution for this. Even I tried to get the Sharedobject.getLocal("SO","/") every time before using data in it. but no use.Is it a Flash limitation accessing LSO from diff SWF?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Local Connection - 2 Swfs Sending / Receiving Same Variable?

Feb 11, 2007

All of the tutorials I have found re: local connections seem to outline 1 swf sending info & the other swf receiving. Is it possible to have two swfs using exactly the same action script for their variables to effect each other? I've got two swfs with 2 different sets of buttons who react the same way on roll over. Once a button is selected it remains highlighted. I want to know if I can have a button in swf 1 highlighted but un-highlight when a button in swf 2 is selected?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Setting Up Socket Server Error "swfs With File-system Can't Use Sockets"

Jun 4, 2009

I'm trying to play around using SmartFox Server in AS3. I've created a simple test swf that works from the Flash IDE, but when I publish and try to run the swf file I get the socket error that swfs with file-system can't use sockets. Is there a way to get a socket server going that will allow local swfs to use sockets?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error #2148: Only Local-with-filesystem And Trusted Local SWF Files May Access Local Resources

Jul 4, 2010

I'm trying to load a local xml file:

xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("../xml/xmlData.xml"));

But I'm getting this security sandbox violation:

#2148: Only local-with-filesystem and trusted local SWF files may access local resources.

I don't get this error when I embed the XML file directly with the EMBED metadata tag.

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Actionscript 3 :: Socket.readInt() And C# Socket.Send() Different Values Of Int-variable?

Nov 19, 2011

When I send number (int)52 s.Send(BitConverter.GetBytes((int)872415232));, flash show me trace(socket.readInt()); 872415232 If i send 872415232, flash show 52.Why? And how it fix?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Launching A Local Html File From Local Swf?

Jan 16, 2007

i am having a problem launching a local html file from my swf. i have a button called print that when clicked it is supposed to open the local html file and print out the content. this is the code i used on the button

on (release){


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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Buttons In Loaded Swfs Loading Other External Swfs Into The Main Timeline?

Sep 11, 2009

I have a main fla file which loads an external swf into an empty movieclip on the main timeline which works fine but I want a button in the external swf to load another external swf into another empty movie clip on the main start.swf loads UKEIAMap.swf into (empty movie clip within start.swf) MapLoader_mc then a button havant_b within UKEIAMap.swf needs to load HavantProjectSheet.swf into (empty movie clip within start.swf) ProjectSheetLoader_mc without unloading UKEIAMap.swf

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