ActionScript 3.0 :: Communication With Loaded SWFs, Application Development?

Apr 7, 2009

I am currently in the process of developing an application with Flash/AS3. I have worked a lot with AS3 (FlashDevelop) before so I am rather familiar with it, however, since I won't be the one designing (nor the only one for that matter), and because it isn't a one day job, it is important to be able to get some structure in the project. So that we can have a "core" of AS3 that loads SWF-files and then does the interaction with the loaded SWFs, like providing information for fields and submitting the data, etc.
However, I've searched and I can't find any good up-to-date information on how to actually take care of the communication with the loaded SWFs. I found a lot of tutorials on it, but every single one ended up simply not working or being "depreciated" by the compiler because they were built for earlier versions of AS2/AS3 or Flash. (I found this promishing guide: [URL].. but that too ended up being depreciated) The only working piece of information I've found is LocalConnection, but it is really not well-suited for this, and from what I can tell a very complicated way to go about things.
So my question is how does one go about implementing the communication between AS3 and the loaded SWFs?
Being able to dispatch events or call functions both ways is basically what I think is necessary.Or perhaps there are better ways to go about application development with Flash?

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My Questions:

I want the application to be able to call methods inside the loaded SWF. To do this, would I just call Security.allowDomain("domain original app was loaded from") in the startup process for the loaded SWF? I want the loaded SWF to be able to throw events that are caught by the application. Can I accomplish this through the SWFLoader.swfBridge property? I am defining an interface for the methods inside the loaded SWF. But, I don't want to leave the implementation up to the customer. Instead, I want to provide another SWF that contains the interface implementation and have it be a constraint that the customer includes it in their SWF. I am not very familiar with the Flash authoring environment, how would it work so that the interface implementation SWF exposes its methods in such a way to be accessible to Flex? Is there a way to sign the SWF so that the Flex application knows that it is dealing with the original, not a spoof? How would the Flex code pass in arguments, since it is across SecurityDomain boundary -- is there marshalling involved (say if I want to pass in a Dictionary or some kind of object graph)? The Flex application may load hundreds of these smaller other SWFs during its lifetime. How do I make sure it doesn't keep using up more memory? I plan on using SWFLoader.unloadAndStop() and clearing all references in the Flex object that refers to it. Is this enough? Will the AppDomain for the loaded SWF be torn down automatically so that the class definitions are no longer in memory?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Communication Between Swfs Using LocalConnection

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//Creates new image loader
var imageLoader:Loader;
//Holder variable for the image to load


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protected function departmentDropDownList_changeHandler(event:IndexChangeEvent):void


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-Google Web Toolkit


Being proficient in C# and .net, I feel that Silverlight may be the easiest for me to work with. I am worried however with regards to the penetration of Silverlight (this is a consumer-facing application). I am not asking to implement Google Maps into my web application. Rather I am attempting to create a new similar website (not mapping, but similar concepts).

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Jun 29, 2009

I have a web application that functions as a dashboard, allowing a user to see summaries of historical data to view trends, etc. As an extension to this, I want to allow the user to drill-down into the historical data if they so wish.What this will amount to is a table of time-value pairs, showing the time a particular data point was recorded as well as its associated value. The issue is that there could be a very large amount of data on record (millions of points is entirely possible), which means it wouldn't work to load all the data up front and display it to the user.

So far, my best idea is to implement the table of time-value pairs with "infinite scrolling" - i.e. the first x points are loaded and then as the user scrolls down the next x points are fetched and so on until the user reaches the end of the data (with a fixed-size cache of points, so that I don't run out of memory). The issue with this approach, though, is that there's no way to get to the end of the data without first fetching every point in between.

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Edits based on comments below:The development environment is flex and the database is SQL Anywhere, though the back-end logistics are less important to me than a clean, functional UI.

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Aug 2, 2006

Flash - 8 : Above is an example of what I would like to do/have done. I've gotten as far as loading the "loaded.swf" into the "start.swf" but my problem is I'd love to use that little loading action I made earlier without copying and pasting into the new movie the same actions for a different link. So, how do I load "loaded2.swf" into "loaded.swf" via the link in "loaded.swf"?

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Dec 9, 2010

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Sep 6, 2011

wf which loads an swf into a movieclip called content_mc here is the code located in the blank swf
startLoad ("startPage")
var loadedSWF:Loader
var content_mc:MovieClip=new MovieClip();
function startLoad (SWFname:String){
loadedSWF = new Loader ();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Communication Between Loaded And Container SWF

Jul 18, 2011

I need to communicate from loaded swf to the container swf in AS 3.0. This is the code for document class of loaded swf followed by code for source swf document class. How I can call the method xyz() from the external swf?

ActionScript Code:
package com.scottgmorgan {
import flash.display.Sprite;
public class ExternalMovie extends Sprite {
public function ExternalMovie():void {
Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Communication Between Main And Externally Loaded SWF

Aug 30, 2010

I basically need to communicate to an externally loaded swf and send info back to main swf. Below is some sample code of what I am trying to achieve:

In the main swf:
var imgLoader:Loader = new Loader();
imgLoader.load(new URLRequest("external.swf"));
var MC:MovieClip = imgLoader.content as MovieClip;
//var MC = MovieClip(imgLoader.content);

In the external swf:
btn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,externalCli ck1);
btn2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,externalCli ck2);
function externalClick1(e:MouseEvent):void {
trace("external Click 1");
//main swf goto nextFrame;
} function externalClick2(e:MouseEvent):void {
trace("external Click 2");
// main swf goto PrevFrame;

The trace I have setup in the main swf, trace(MC) returns a null value.

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Mar 19, 2009

In short, this is what im trying to do: Communicate from externally loaded swf to main/parent .swf. On my main .swf I have this code on my main timeline to import and center an external .swf:

import flash.display.*;
//turn off stage auto resizing
[Code] .....

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Aug 12, 2011

I'm upgrading some elearning code to AS3 and having trouble with a "Jump Menu" that loads at 3 in the main swf. The idea is that users can jump to any frame in the module randomly.Here is the main swf code:

//Main swf shell
var menuLoader:Loader = new Loader();
menuLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Even t.INIT, doneLoading3);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: CS4 - Communication Between Loaded External Swf And Main Timeline?

Feb 4, 2010

I'm having issues with an animation and need to get it functioning properly. I've posted two example/demo files to illustrate desired functionality.The main timeline (testMain.swf) consists of a loader, section/slide one content, and a button (bttnClick) set to load an external swf (external.swf).

external.swf contains two additional sections/slides and two 'next' buttons (bttnEnter with 'bNextOne' & 'bNextTwo' instance names) to navigate. When the second 'next' button (bNextTwo) is clicked I need the loaded external swf to fade out revealing the original main timeline (testMain.swf) and returning/stopping playhead at the 'slideOne' frame label. Does the external swf need to be unloaded even though users will most likely go back to it? What�s the best way to handle this?

If you could assist with the external swf fadeout to main timeline, the return to 'slideOne' frame label, and insight as far as the best way to return to the external swf.

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Web Development - Assets Loaded In Flex / Images Wont Update?

Nov 11, 2010

I build a project with Flash Builder. I copied everything from the "bin-debug" directory to a server (including all images we use which are under /assets).

After I have updated the project, and a few images, i recopy the primary .SWF file (Main.swf) and everything under assets up to the server again. Unfortunately, when I run the application, I am clearly running all of the updated code but the images have no updated.

The new SWF was definitely copied up as well as the new images (I can say that with 100% certainty), and additionally, I cleared my Flash Cache, so that's most likely not the problem either.


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Web Development :: Web Development - Search For All Tagged Photos Associated With User Some Id I All Of Facebook Users?

Nov 3, 2011

I'm using the the Adobe ActionScript 3 SDK for Facebook Platform to get all the tagged photos of the current user. Is this possible?

I've tried this:


But that only gets me the photos belonging to that user.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loaded Swfs Not Working When Loaded Through Xml?

Jun 10, 2010

I have a "photo" gallery that loads numerous SWFs through xml, one by one on click. All works fine. All my SWF work fine stand alone. But when I load them into the player, many swf dont work example, I have textinput textfields in many of the swfs, which work fine on their own but not when loaded into the player. Then I have a word search game that works fine when alone, not when in player. I can see there is something as my mouse cursor changes into the "button finger", but nothing visual.

All drag and drop assigments work fine etc. I have no idea whats up. I have receantly switched to as3 and in as2 there was _lockroot declaration that solved similar problems, but now in as3 (where it supposedly should be automatic) it doesnt work. As it seems that it cannot recognise it own stage value, or selection_focus when loadedinside another swf through xml.Using cs4, as3.

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Web Development :: Web Development - Browser Support Like For Bare SWF Files?

Aug 31, 2009

Does anybody use bare .SWF files as webpages? I know it's possible; it seems to work fine for me. Why would I embed a SWF inside an HTML page if it's just going to be full screen (I mean the size of the browser's normal viewable page area, not COMPLETELY fullscreen)?

Is there a lack of browser support? Or is this functionality determined by the browser's Flash plugin?

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Web Development :: Web Development / Make A Web Based Video Recording?

May 10, 2010

I want to have a web site which switches the web camera of users, makes a video recording and send results to my web server.Is it possible to do that? I think it should be. For example such sites as starts web camera. Should it be done with the Adobe Flash technologies? Is it hard to do that?

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