I have a game where "targets" hide behind trees and when they pop out from behind, you click them and they are destroyed. For some reason though, when you click the tree they are hiding behind, they still get destroyed. I want them to be safe from the user clicks when hiding. Here is a sample of the code I am using:
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClickHandler, false, 0, true); function onClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
but that did nothing as well. As you can see, it is not the click of the user that causes the target to disappear, but the hittestobject that causes it to disappear.
I'm currently design an application that when a button is pressed it expands to display further information.A major issue I am faced with is that if the button is pressed whilst contracting so that it expands again, the co-ordinates are saved from when it was clicked, meaning it will never return to its original state.
I either need a way of disabling the mouse click on the button whilst the TweenMax is doing its job in contracting the button, or by extracting the coordinates from an array. I've managed to get the array of coordinates from my menu class into the main class, but can't work out the best way in order to stop the problem from occuring.
I'm trying to figure out how to disable a button after it is click and then enable it once another button is clicked. I'm stuck on how to enable the button.
on (rollOver) { this.gotoAndPlay("s1"); _root.slideshow.gotoAndPlay("s4");
I've had this problem numerous times. I want to disable click events for a Button and have the Button appear disabled, but still respond to rollOver/rollOut events.
1. Consider a UI where users can vote for items they are viewing via a "vote" button when viewing an item -- they view one item at a time and there's one vote button on the UI.
2. User clicks "vote" and it sends the vote information to server etc, and stores in the session that the user voted for that item.
3. User can only vote for an item once. So to reflect this, I disable the vote button via Button.enabled = false. This makes the button visually disabled for the user and the user can't click it to vote again.
4. However, I want the user to know why the vote button is disabled, in case they forget they voted for the item and don't intuitively know why the button is disabled. In order to do this, I want rolling over the disabled button to give the user some feedback, like a tooltip that says "You already voted for this item."
5. Because the Button is disabled, I cannot respond to rollOver or mouseOver events.
There are alternative ways to letting the user know why something is disabled, but many times I think a roll over response with a visually disabled button fits the UI situation best. The only solutions I've come with are to check hitTestPoint with the mouse location on mouseMove (nasty) or create an invisible overlay button over the disabled button (also nasty.)
I'm working on a site that is circular in format.It works fine when a single click occurs after all tweening and easing has finished.If a click occurs before tweening or easing of the menu is finished it throws it into dissarray.[code]...
i am making a flash mp3 player and was wondering if there was away to disable a button if a certain event happens. I want my volume to go up to 100 and then disable the button from making the sound go any loader.
How do you disable only the MOUSE_OVER event for a an instance of the Button class in AS 3? MyButton.Mouse_OVER = null ; Will not work as it is not a writable property. MyButton.enabled = false Will not work as that disables the entire Button and that is not what I want.
I have attached a sample fla file of what i am talking about. I am trying to get a button to do two different functions with one CLICK event. depending were you are on the time line a window should open on close when button is clicked. The problem is it dose it once, opens then closes. I would like it to work every time the button is clicked either open or close depending on the state.
I have screen in which I have a button which sets the clip to lower quality, and I also have to have the mouse event in which when the mouse is clicked (anywhere on the screen), this sends you to a different frame (gotoAndStop). The problem is, when I click on the button, not only it does its function, but the mouse event also does. What I want to do basically is to disable the mouse event while pressing the button.
I've got 20 images and I used this script in each of the frame where it loads the image. Is there a simpler way to load images in to a MC with a button click event?) How do I add a removeChild command here? the images keepon overlapping.
I have created a Flash presentation that includes the standard playback flat > flat grey forward and playback flat > flat grey back buttons from the Windows > Common Libraries > Buttons list. These give me errors when I try to set an event handler to intercept a CLICK event from them. What type ov event should I be trying to set up to handle if CLICK isn't an option?
Consider the following mx:Button:<mx:Button click="doSomething()" id="myButton"/>Is there some way to programmatically emulate the user clicking the button?One obvious way to do it would simply be to call doSomething() which would give the same end result as clicking the button. But I'm specifically looking for ways to emulate the click -- that is something along the lines of myButton.click() (if that should have existed).
Im thinking this is easy but i cant figure it out. See attached file. When the side button is clicked and the user chooses the red or blue button, I want the color name that was chosen to show up and replace the word gray under the side button.The gray Dynamic text box under the side button has an instance name of myCurrentSideColor.
Below is my code. import fl.events.*; var currentObject:MovieClip;
Possible Duplicate:ActionScript 2 Moving an object I am new to AC. I have a button and a object. Is there a way for the object to move horizontally if i press down on the button in Action Script 2
I registered a very simple button event listener in A.mxml:
<mx:Script><![CDATA[ import mx.controls.Alert; public function Handler():void
It works fine when clicking the button everytime.Now I want to have something interesting,that is,I want to capture this buttonClick Event in another mxml file,say B.mxml and do something in B.mxml instead of A.
Possible Duplicate: ActionScript 2 Moving an object I am new to AC. I have a button and a object. Is there a way for the object to move horizontally if i press down on the button in Action Script 2
I have created a linkbar with two labels. Now, I need to keep a track of the label clicks.i.e. If in the beginning "First" is clicked, the details will be displayed. After that, if without submitting the details, "Second" is clicked then an alert message should come to inform the user that "First is still in progress, do you want to cancel and begin Second operation". Vice-versa for Second to First transition. I need to know how to write events to keep track of which button clicked.
I have never used the Double Click before but now that I am trying to apply it to a button it's not responding. button1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, buttonClick); function buttonClick(event:MouseEvent):void { trace('has been double clicked'); } Is there more to know about the DOUBLE_CLICK?
How do I detect the enter key being pressed on my button and fire the click event handler? (For example on a TextInput field there is an 'enter' event).
i am not an action script developer nor flash designer, i just want to have a small action script sample that i will edit a little to make it interact with my javascript code. By the way, i want to have a button and a label on a flash form, when the user clicks on this button the onclick event will call another function 'setText for example' this setText() function will change the label text. So i think the code will be something like this:
I managed to put the button and the label i want just the code i will write to make this work.
I am trying to learn JavaScript and I am wondering whether JavaScript has a event listener just like ActionScript's ENTER_FRAME. Basically, I want this event listener to listen "all the time" not just wait for any particular instance (mouse click, keyboard event) of event.