ActionScript 3.0 :: Draggable Toolbar's Transparency?
Aug 31, 2007
Is there a way to turn off the transparent appearance of the toolbars when you drag them in Flash CS3. For example, when I drag the actionscript toolbar, it turns transparent and it's really lagging on my system
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May 29, 2010
I am having a problem with CS3 Flash and the toolbar on the left. Certain tools have options and those options are not showing up. Yes, I went to Customize Tools panel and checked and those options are listed to the right of each tool that should have them (Example: Rectangle tool: oval tool, polystar tool , etc) and even hit reset to default and still those options do not show up on the actual toolbar. I made a graphic thinking that would make them show up and no it didn't.
It seems to be a problem for each tool that has a options and they are
1. Free Transform Tool,
2. Pen tool and
3. Rectangle tool.
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Jan 27, 2004
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Jun 3, 2009
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Feb 2, 2009
The proposed task has to do with the creation of an application in which the user will be able to insert, drag&drop and remove rectangles. The properties of each rectangle (name,x,y) should be saved in an xml instance.
1.Create a vertical toolbar with the above buttons: rectangle
2.Create a movieclip that will be your workspace on the right of your toolbar named stage.
3.Create a function that will be triggered by the new rectangle button and will attach to the stage rectangles as movieclips named rectangle(i) (rectangle1, rectangle2,...).
4.Create a function that will be triggered by the move button and will drag and drop a selected rectangle.
5.Create a function that will be triggered by the delete button and will remove a selected rectangle.
And what I have done so far is:
i = 1;
newrectangleButton.onRelease = function() {
stageMC.attachMovie("rectangleID", "rectangle"+i, i);
stageMC["rectangle"+i]._x = Math.random()*stageMC._x;
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Do I build the bar in Flash and then the HTML portion in dreamweaver or do I build it all in Flash? Would an iFrame work for this sort of website?
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Jul 17, 2009
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Aug 15, 2009
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Apr 11, 2011
For anyway having that problem in Actionscript 3 clicking through the transparent parts of a PNG file. I finally figured it out:
var hitTestPoint1:Boolean = false;
var myHitTest1:Boolean = false;
var objects:Array;
clip.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, doHitTest);
clip.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging);
clip.buttonMode = true;
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May 30, 2010
URL..they rocky frame you see is a PNG and it's converted in MovieClip to be able to change it's index so it's always in front of the other objects.Problem: once I get what I want (MC+png is in front of everything) I'm not able to interact with anything under the MC anymore.I know the problem it's that the png extends for all the MC space but I really need to make those object under the frame interactable.
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Feb 8, 2011
im using the pngEncoder from adobe, its working great. But all my .PNG's are saved with a whit bg, how to export with transparent?
ActionScript Code:
function eventPostPictureToServer(e:TimerEvent):void
var urlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
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Apr 4, 2006
I have a PSD with about 30 layered transparencies. I exported each individual layer as a PNG 24 with the transparent background in tact. I then made identical layers in Flash just like I had in Photoshop, and imported each PNG to it's corresponding layer at which point I converted the graphic to a movie clip for future scripting animations. Once I got to the 24th layer Flash quit recognizing my transparencies and my first Flash layer masked anything else I brought in from layer 24 on....but the layers above remained OK!! I checked and double checked my Photoshop exports and had several Flash "gurus" check my work. Nobody can figure out what is wrong! Is there a limit to the number of PNG tranparencies allowed on seperate layers in a Flash document?
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Dec 22, 2008
I'm working on a project where I want to use a transparent png, and when authoring in Flash CS3 (using actionscript 2.0) the png image appears transparent just as it should. However when I test it the .swf file loses the transparency entirely. The png image was saved for web from photoshop as png-24.
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