ActionScript 1/2 :: Not Have The OnRollOver Happen When The Cursor Is Over The Toolbar?

Jun 3, 2009

I have a picture that is 500x500. My stage is 500x500. I have a tool bar that is on the bottom of the screen. It is in front of the picture. My onRollOver command is set so that on roll over the picture changes. Even if I am hovering over the toolbar the image still changes. I can not for the life of me figure out how to not have the onRollOver happen when the cursor is over the toolbar. Picture = pic_mc and toolbar = tb_mc I can not figure this out and I know how simple this is, but I am just at a lose. SIDENOTE: The tool bar is not a rectangle it is an irregular shape so I can't just say X,y area I figured I could use the toolbar shape to be the "block" from the image activating the onRollOver.

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It seems to be a problem for each tool that has a options and they are
1. Free Transform Tool,
2. Pen tool and
3. Rectangle tool.

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The proposed task has to do with the creation of an application in which the user will be able to insert, drag&drop and remove rectangles. The properties of each rectangle (name,x,y) should be saved in an xml instance.

1.Create a vertical toolbar with the above buttons: rectangle

2.Create a movieclip that will be your workspace on the right of your toolbar named stage.

3.Create a function that will be triggered by the new rectangle button and will attach to the stage rectangles as movieclips named rectangle(i) (rectangle1, rectangle2,...).

4.Create a function that will be triggered by the move button and will drag and drop a selected rectangle.

5.Create a function that will be triggered by the delete button and will remove a selected rectangle.

And what I have done so far is:

i = 1;
newrectangleButton.onRelease = function() {
stageMC.attachMovie("rectangleID", "rectangle"+i, i);
stageMC["rectangle"+i]._x = Math.random()*stageMC._x;


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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="">


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