ActionScript 3.0 :: Drawing Lines Between Objects Stored In Array?
Mar 25, 2011
I'm trying to draw a line between circles stored in an array. I have a button on the stage which adds another circle to the stage. My issue is I cannot draw a line between the most recent circle added to the array and the one that will be added next.
It is a bit complicated and I'm not an experienced programmer by any stretch of the imagination.
Anyway, here's my code:
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function loop():void{; var a:Point = new Point(kite_mc.dot1_mc.x, kite_mc.dot1_mc.y); var b:Point = new Point(kite_mc.dot2_mc.x, kite_mc.dot2_mc.y); var c:Point = new
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onMouseDown = function (){
original_x = _root._xmouse
original_y = _root._ymouse
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Jan 23, 2004
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var myLine:Shape = new Shape;, 0xFF0000, 1);
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_root.attachMovie("Audiogram_Chart","Show_Audiogram",100000); //this is my MC that will hold the graphics
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Apr 20, 2004
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Apr 21, 2009
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if(line1.hitTestObject(line2)) //
So this is how we find the intersection point but we do not know how to draw / place an object on the intersection point.
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Jun 15, 2010
I'm trying to write something like this facebook app [URL] I've already written code to let user to move circles with mouse, but i've got a problem with lines connecting them- sometimes i see old ones, which should have been deleted already. I refresh all lines every time any circle is moved. Here is my code which draws lines
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Jul 28, 2011
I'm making an animation wich draws a line after a moving object (circle on a guide line). this circle is a movieclip. and I have many lines to draw up, so i put many of them on separate scenes. I've created buttons from movieclips, and when pressed it draws a line. I got everything to work properly, but when one line is drawn, and you press the same button to get the same line drawn again I get the error code.. #1009 cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.I think that it's because the graphics is still there but i can't seem to clear it before it draws again.. Ive used graphics.clear (); but that just clears all, so when it "draws" again it doesn't show..only the movieclip-animation works. so what is the problem here?my code for the line drawing is:
import flash.display.Shape;
var shape = new Shape();
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Mar 3, 2012
I have a candleStickChart in flex 4.5 with a dateTimeAxis horizontal axis.I wish to have a button that enables to draw a line on top of that chart.I wrote a code that each time the button is click, a new CartesianDataCanvas is created. than I do a pretty standard line drawing by listening for the MOUSE_DOWN, MOUSE_MOVE, and MOUSE_UP to draw the line.In the MOUSE_DOWN event I create the new CartesianDataCanvas, and update the annotaionArray as described in the following code: (candles is the candleStickChart's id)
public function startDrawing(event:MouseEvent):void
canvas = new CartesianDataCanvas;
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Aug 29, 2009
I what to make a function that is drawing a square without the fill only the lines in refresh(sometime fast, sometime slow). And I don't have a clue about the starting point of this function.
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Oct 6, 2009
I want to draw a curved line between random point. How can I do this? The random points are actually x,y positions of movie clips dragged on the stage and I want to code curved lines between them.
Im looking at curveto in as2 but not sure how to to do it?
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Jun 17, 2011
I made this one poor class that has a public function which draws with a single loop a shape with curveTo() function (I tested one option to draw straight lines with lineTo() and only curved lines with curveTo() function but in my opinion, that lineTo function where a bit slower, at least in my implementations of testin speeds).I sent to it four parameters (anchor points and the control points) as many times as there were some corners to draw and everything seemed to go well untill I checked which way is faster to draw single rounded rect. Flashs own way beats my version up with huge 120 m/s distance already in some 100 000 iterations. The format of data I tested to send to my class function to draw that goddamned thing were numbers in arrays, numbers in objects and numbers in my own class objects like linked list and the file that holds just four numbers included in arrays or linked list. And two separate arrays, one for anchor points and one for the control points, with just Point Objects were fastest (if I remember correct) way but still that 120 m/s slower than Drawing API in Flash.My function in the class where something like:
ActionScript Code:
public function drawShape(points1:Array, points2:Array, lineOn:Boolean = false, fillOn:boolean = false, lineThickness:Number = 1, lineColor:uint = 0, lineAlpha:Number = 1, fillColor:uint = 0xff, fillAlpha:Number = 1):void{[code]..........
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Oct 29, 2005
I was screwing around one day and thought I'd make a little line-drawing-thing. Basically it just attaches movie clips and draws lines between them using the drawing API. That was the easier part. Now I though I'd take it a step further and add some curves. I tried but the attached file is the best I could think of.
square.fla is the original file
lineCurve.fla is the file in which I tried to add curves.
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Nov 30, 2007
I am drawing some circles with a bit of code like this:
for (var i = 0; i<=1; i++){
for(var j = 0; j<= 1; j++){
//a and b being the gap between the columns and rows
What I would like to do is add some metadata to each point I create, containing the centre coordinates for that dot (e.g. i*q, j*b). I have no idea about this part. Then with an onRelease event on a given dot , I can get the location. I have never dynamically made an event firing object. My goal is to be able to draw lines between two clicked dots. Unfortunately I have to do this dynamically so I can introduce a bit of variety.
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Aug 16, 2004
Where are the cookies (shared objects) stored on the computer (win xp)?
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Feb 18, 2009
I need to draw on stage about 40,000 4x4 squares each a different color. The color is determined by an xml file. I have this working in as2 and have converted it to as3 the problem is the amount of time it takes to draw is causing cs4 to time out. I have extended the script time out to 60 seconds. In cs3 as2 it would draw the squares in about 15 seconds. I was hoping as3 cs4 would improve performance but seems to be the opposite. I have tried several methods such as adding children and various drawing variations. the bellow seems to work the best, but is still causing flash to crash.
ActionScript Code:
import flash.display.DisplayObject;
import flash.display.Graphics;
import flash.display.Shape;
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