ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Variable Name

Nov 16, 2009

I have a xml file with some elements. I need to create a movieclip for each of these element. The name of the movieclip should be different for each.


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so the variable will be _root._var plus what ever the instance name of the movie clip it's in is, how can i do this?

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And in this flash movie, in a text area, it shows whatever you type in before the string "".

How was this done?

Is it possible to pass a variable to a Flash Movie thru the URL?

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could I process the "USERNAME" variable with some code somehow and get it to return my USERNAME back to me in the Flash movie?

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IDE :: Dynamic Variable Name In Recordset?

Feb 2, 2009

// what i have
ans1 = pollSet.getItemAt(0).ans1;
ans2 = pollSet.getItemAt(0).ans2;
ans3 = pollSet.getItemAt(0).ans3;


How would I go about declaring a dynamic variable based on the field name like I'm attempting to? Of course I could leave it the way I have it, but for future reference, how would I harness the scope of "this"?

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//14 total
for (var i:Number = 0; i < 14; i++){


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Reference To MC Using Variable?

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Using AS2. I have a variable defined:

activenav = "services";

I then want to reference the variable in a MC string. I've tried many variations of this:[activenav]Clip.gotoAndPlay("Out");
Essentially, I want Flash to see this as:
Getting syntax error.

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function changeVar(variable,varValue) {
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If you dont know the lazyloader code then can you please explain how to create a dynamic variable for a bitmap???

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//skey is a label which should contain the xml node VALUE
skey.text = 'reftables_additem_load_dataprovider.lastResult.DATARESULTS.VER_DATA.' +

answer to remain on the screen

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for (i = 0; i < (k-1); i++) {
pivot = _root["AI"+i][i][i]; // existing AS2 code


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Target.text = ""
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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Variable Definition?

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In this game I'm creating I want to be able to add movie clips to the stage but give them instance names which will increment per clip.To give you an idea of what I mean, here is some sample code (which in my mind should work):

ActionScript Code:
for (var i:int=1; i<=10; i++) {
var root["enemy"+i]:MovieClip = new enemyBall();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Calling A Dynamic Variable?

Sep 14, 2011

i have the following script, i'm just doing tests over failed attempts, I have a "cnc+i" dynamic variable, wich is a BitmapData type, i'm sure it's declared since the trace function returns true at the output, what i have a problem with, is at the moment of attaching the Bitmap, i don't know how to call it, and i don't want to do it manually like this: cnc1. Since i am planing on putting the attachBitmap inside a for loop:

ActionScript Code:
import flash.display.BitmapData;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Variable - How To Optimize

Jan 27, 2012

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variables.ex1 = this["ex" + exerciseID].text;
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variables.ex3 = this["ex" + exerciseID].text;
variables.ex4 = this["ex" + exerciseID].text;
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But I want to optimize this. I want those variables "variables.ex1, variables.ex2, etc" are dynamic.

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IDE :: Pull A Variable From Php (or XML) Into Dynamic Textbox?

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OK, I have my php and MySQL working fine. I'm pulling the data. I found how to format the data that is returned in the php as XML. My problem is I can't get my Flash textbox to load the variable from the php file. Like most things, this is probably very easy if you know how.My flash dynamic textbox is given the variable name topTeacher. From what I understand, I don't need to worry about an instance name.My php file looks like this:

$con = mysql_connect("localhost", "USERNAME", "PASSWORD") or die('Could not connect to server');

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Flash :: IDE - Send A Dynamic Variable To Php

Aug 7, 2009

And i m struggling for this past 5 days without knowing the solution AS3 script
i wanna send a dynamic variable from flash to php... this work gr8 flash file


in this php file i want to change "$i" dynamically. which the data from from flash should update. i dnt know how to do. when i give 2 then database should fetch fp_id =2, if i give 1 ishoud get fp_id 1.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Variable Name Array?

Jan 4, 2010

I'm new to AS3 and converting some old AS2 code that uses dynamic variable names. I know that you cannot do this in AS3>? [code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [CS3] Dynamic Text To Display A Variable

Jan 25, 2009

Just starting out and really being trying to learn some game making basics etc but seem to be stuck on displaying some text.

If I have a dynamic text box with instance name "instance" and this is placed on stage. I have no problem making this read as my variable using this code:

function onLoad()
{_root.instance.text = variable};

when I have dynamic text within a movie clip and this movieclip is brought to the stage using attachMovie.

To clarify what I mean, I have a movie clip of an emeny zombie named EnemyZombie, inside this movie clip is a text box to show it's HP (ie, it's health left over), the text box has instance name EnemyZombieHP.

Now, I use this code in the onEnterFrame function to spawn a new zombie ever few seconds:

//Adds 1 to the timer
enemyTimer = enemyTimer + 1;
//Adds new enemy to the stage every 2 seconds (60 frames)


This spawns the enemies as I wish but i'm stuck on how to make each one spawn with the EnemyZombieHP text reading the variable hp which I definded as 10 earlier.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Variable Inside Movieclips

Jan 21, 2011

I recently started learning Flash and Actionscript and now I'm trying to write an actionscript for the first time. Im doing this in Actionscript 2.0.I have a movieclip that consists of two images and one dynamic text field with a variable. The name of the images are "VS1_P1_RUN" and "VS1_P1_OFF" and the name of the dynamic text field is "pumptext". In the dynamic text field I have the variable "VS1_P1_Ind". VS1_P1_Ind is probably a boolean variable as it shows 1 or 0 in another program but in Flash it shows True or False (not sure if Flash thinks it's a text/word or a boolean).My script is supposed to display the image named VS1_P1_RUN if the variable of the dynamic text field pumptext shows the text True and it goes like this:[code]

So I'm completely stuck in what to do. The bottom code works as it should but I want the images to show depending on the value of the variable VS1_P1_Ind. I thought just changing the text field to dynamic and typing the variable name in the variable field would do it but no.If it could be a clue to the solution I'll also share that the value of the variable is not seen/shown in textfield while inside the movieclip. Creating a dynamic textfield outside of the movieclip shows the value of the variable just fine, True/False.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Charts With Variable Ranges?

May 5, 2011

Basically, I already have access to a tool (not flash, no source code available) that does all these complicated calculations based on dozens of variables and generates 2 charts/graphs based on those calculations. I'm making a "light" version that will only use 2 of those variables and a set of "standard values" that will act as a lead n/conversation starter.So, I have to display 120 different charts/graphs (60 pairs of graphs) that will be calculated by selecting variables from 2 different drop downs (one has 10 selections, the other has 6).Each chart is made up of 15 different data points that will be displayed on the chart with lines connecting them, so a total of 30 data points for each "set" of variables.

Here are my options:1) plug the numbers into the tool and grab a screenshot of the charts. Since the charts are ugly, I would have to physically re-draw each of the 120 charts to look the way it needs to in order to match the rest of the application2)...and this seems like the right way to go if I can figure it out...I can export the data points from the tool as xml, I use that to build arrays within flash and then dynamically plot the points and draw the lines. The only problem I'm facing conceptually is that the range on the y axis will change so I'll need to dynamically create the horizontal range line indicators, populate the range fields based on that range and keep everything constrained within the vertical limits of the chart.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Names For Class And Variable?

Sep 20, 2009

How do you make a new instance of a class with a dynamic name.

var dynamicname = new dynamicname()

i try something

var this["test"]:Class = new ["Test"]()
but offcourse its not this...

I need this couse i have a librairy with SWC fonts they are only reference.. I get the font name from a CSS file and after i need to make a instance of the SWC file so the font is embedded.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Variable In Class Declaration?

Sep 14, 2011

I need it to create "pieceName1" and "pieceName2" etc.I tried:var this["pieceName" + i]: PieceName = new PieceName();But that didn't work.I tried googling Array Notation but I also couldn't find anything that would help in class declarations.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Writing Variable To Dynamic Text?

Feb 8, 2012

This could seem like a real easy noob question but I am trying to write a variable 'gcouter' to my dynamic textfield. I am converting it to a string but still nothing appears in the textfield. Not sure what I am doing wrong? Could someone please check out my code and point out the "blindingly obvious: that I do not see right now???

BTW I have not externalised my script/classes as its been a while since i did this and I'm still thinking timelines like AS2 so please forgive that part. The project timeline is pretty short and I wasted alot of time trying to get it to work with as files and document classes. Here is the code (it's for a simple click to spot game and gcounter purpose should be obvious):


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Actionscript 3 :: Dynamic Instance Variable Name / Concatenation?

Feb 18, 2011

I have an array of project type codes like this:

project_types_array[0] = "p"

project_types_array[1] = "exp"

and a corresponding set of movie clips, exported for actionscript, with names:


I want to somehow dynamically attach a movieclip on the stage according to the project type that exists in the array. I could just do something like this:


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Flash :: Properties Of A Dynamic Variable Of A Movieclip?

Jan 9, 2012

I do occasionally use this useful property of the flash.display.MovieClip class

for eg:

var mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
mc["myVariable"] = myAnotherMovieClip;
mc["myVariable2"] = true;
mc["myVariable3"] = new Array(0,0,1);

Well, I'd like to learn more about this 'feature' of movieclip. As I got to know this from a colleague and do not really know as to what this is called in AS3.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Dynamic Text Using A Variable?

Jul 15, 2009

I know how do this this, I'm just wondering....

Why is the quality of "static text" better than that of "dynamic text"??

The dynamic text (loaded through a variable) looks jagged. Not horrible, but noticably different from the clean, static text.

*Both textboxes have "Anti-alias for readability".

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Send A Dynamic Variable From Flash To Php

Aug 7, 2009

i wanna send a dynamic variable from flash to php.[code]in this php file i want to change "$i" dynamically... which the data from from flash should update.when i give 2 then database should fetch fp_id =2, if i give 1 ishoud get fp_id 1.

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