ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Replacing A Method?

Feb 9, 2009

I know there is a way to dynamically adding a method to a object, but is there a way replace (like override) dynamically a method?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Replacing Png's Dynamically?

Mar 4, 2009

My code is attached - I'm trying to replace the loaded pngfile with the next one to load everytime the swf loops. The codeattached is on the first frame of the timeline and it just loadsthe next png on top of the old one. Any time I try to put anunload() or a removeChild(myBitmap), nothing displays. I could havesworn that the way I'm using load() it would just replace the

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Images Dynamically And Replacing A Movie Clip On The Stage?

Feb 21, 2009

I am trying to do something that seems like it should be relatively easy. Well bang goes that theory. Here is what I am trying to do. I have the path to a group of images stored in an xml file. I want to load them to a movie clip on the stage. doing this directly by reading the xml file and using loadMovie("filename"); bsaically does what I want it to do with just a few problems, 1. the movie repeats so the same image is pulled from the server multiple times sucking up bandwidth. 2. On slow connections the images can sometimes load slow making the movie not display properly. What I would like to do is load all the images into some structure and add the images to the movieclip in the time line when needed. How does one accomplish this in action script 2.0?

In a perfect world, I would just load all the images to an array and load the array element to the movieclip on the stage.

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Php :: Dynamically Typed Languages And Remote Method Invocation

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Actionscript 3 :: Method Of Animating A Jpg Background That Dynamically Changes With Buttons

Feb 29, 2012

OK here what I'm envisioning and keep in mind ive only just started playing with flash so I really am a total novice at this point: I want to have two buttons which load different jpegs which are pretty large (about 5000 width x 600 height) to animate as the page background. so in my BG layer for the main timeline i added a container movie clip (5000x600 also) and in the container movie clip's timeline i have it classic tweening across the stage back and forth. then on the main timeline i have my two buttons which are supposed to load the backgrounds. the thing that seems to be messing it all up is the fact that i call "stop();" in my action script to stop on my 3rd frame of the main timeline after the preloader etc. in my testing i added yet another movie clip that animates and it keeps animating when i cal stop(); but the background image is not animating any more.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Attaching A Movie Dynamically With The Attachmovie Method?

Sep 14, 2006

basically i am attaching a movie dynamically with the attachmovie method like so:

for(var y = 0; y < rowSize; y++) {
for(var x = 0; x < colSize; x++) {
attachMovie("box", "box" + count, count);


now for each attachmovie they have a Event handler, rollover,rollout, but, on the release event holder I want it to load in some XML like so:

path.onRelease = path.onReleaseOutside = function(){
//alot of my nifty code that will be skipped for elongated post purposes
//but here is where im getting a error


I thought at first having the XML declared in the loop does make it just loop through 15 times ( length of my nodes) and just display the last XML item, but when i declare it before it, it does NOTHING !!!!!!!!!! it doesnt even display a damn thing, soon as i put it within my loop it displayed atleast something?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load An JPG Dynamically - Method LoadMovie Isn't Working?

Mar 2, 2004

I need do load an JPG dynamically. The URL is variable pase by Javascript.So... I have do create de variable in the JS e send it fo Flash.I'm getting this variable already. Using swfLiveconnect, and in the javascript the method SetVariable(var,value); I'm changing de value of the var. I can chage textfields, but the method loadMovie isn't working, by putting de URL param as the variable I get from javascript.Here goes the code I'm using:


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">

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Actionscript 3 :: Call A Setter Method With Arguments Dynamically In Flash?

Jul 4, 2011

This AS3 function works for normal methods and getter methods:

public function MyClassTestAPI(functionName:String,* {
var value:*;
try {


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Actionscript 3 :: Overriding Public Method In Dynamically Loaded Class And GetDefinitionByName()

Aug 22, 2010

I have two SWFs: main.swf and external.swf. main.swf needs to access some methods in external.swf, so it loads external.swf into itself and uses getDefinitionByName("package.Class") to access the class and one of its methods:

var ExternalClass = getDefinitionByName("package.Class") as Class;
var ClassInstance = new ExternalClass();
var NeededFunction:Function = ClassInstance["NeededFunction"] as Function;
var response:String = NeededFunction(param);

Now, I need to extend the functionality of NeededFunction (which is a public method)... I know it's possible to override public methods, but how would I go about this with a dynamically loaded class?

I was thinking I could do something like this, but it doesn't work:

var ClassInstance["NeededFunction"] = function(param1:uint):String {
var newString = "Your number is: "+param1.toString(); //New functionality
return newString;

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Actionscript 3 :: Call A Method Dynamically With Unknown Number Of Arguments In Flash?

Jul 6, 2011

I have an object MyTester, that has an instance of another class MyClass, and I want to test MyClass API through it:

public class MyTester {
internal var myObj:MyClass;
public function MyTester() {


How can I cancel the switch and make it work for any number of arguments?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: 1180: Call To A Possibly Undefined Method Error For DEFINED Method

Nov 19, 2010

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Make A Public Static Method Call Another Method, But Flash Throws Error 1180?

Feb 19, 2010

I'm tryng to make a public static method call another method, but Flash throws error 1180, sayng that the method called by the static method is undefined.

Code: Select allpackage
import flash.display.MovieClip;[code]....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Convert A Fortran Method To A Macromedia Flash Method

Dec 23, 2010

i have a fortran method which creates random numbers. i want to convert this method to a flash method . I want to get numbers from this method and use them in the delay method of flash.

the fortran method is the folowing

real znew1 , zold1 ,a,m,z1,p,TIME1
a= 16807.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Overcasted Superclass Method Not Triggering Subclass Method?

Feb 1, 2011

I have a class called Animal that has a method foo() and I call it out within the Animal class.

protected function foo():void

I also have a class called Cat that extends Animal and overrides the method foo()

override protected function foo():void

However when calling the function foo() from the superclass it traces out Animal not Cat (using a Cat object).How can I make superclass call out methods in the subclass?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Replacing Mouse With Mc

Nov 20, 2009

When I use the code in red once my cursor has replaced the mouse i can no longer click on my boxes. When i do not use the hide mouse code i can click the boxes just fine. What am I doing wrong? [code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading SWF From Another One (Replacing)

Jul 28, 2011

I have a main shell swf file that has two buttons on it that should each launch/load their respective swf files (tool1, tool2). These should essentially replace the main swf file. Also, I have a button on tool1 & 2 that should bring you back to the main menu. All these files are then compiled into an exe. Seems easy enough, but I'm not entirely sure where to start.

So far I have:
import flash.display.*;
tool1_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoTool1);
function gotoTool1 (e:MouseEvent):void{
Loader(this.parent).load(new URLRequest("tool1.swf"));

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Replacing Movieclip With Another When It's Clicked On?

Jul 9, 2009

I've got music player and one of the controls is a movieclip which acts as a PLAY and PAUSE button. What I would like is to swap the image of this movieclip everytime it's clicked. How would I go about doing this? Here's my code...


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Replacing Child To Another DOC

Jun 15, 2010

Simple Question: Is it enough to add the Child to be replaced to another DisplayObjectContainer or must it be manually removed from the former one before?

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Css :: Sifr Not Replacing Font

Jul 21, 2010

I am trying to use sIFR to replace the headlines (e.g. The Tour of A Lifetime) on this page: [URL] The font I want to swap in is Verlag by hoefler & frere jones. I had this working the other day but it suddenly stopped working: the font does not replace. All the js/css/flash files are linked correctly. I tested my verlag.swf and it works. And, I tested sIFR with a different font and the replacement worked. Am I having issues because I have yet to buy a Verlag license for the server?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Replacing Mouse With A Mc?

Nov 20, 2009

When I use the code in red once my cursor has replaced the mouse i can no longer click on my boxes. When i do not use the hide mouse code i can click the boxes just fine. What am I doing wrong?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Replacing The Root?

Jul 6, 2009

In AS2 I sometimes like to be able to just wipe everything off in one clean swoop and replace it with a new SWF.Which is of course uber simple, simply "_root.loadMovie("new_world.swf");"

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading New SWF While Replacing Old One

Dec 13, 2010

I'm working on a project for the new year gathering at our work. I made an application in which you can type a wish for the company and when you send it your message will be displayed in an dynamic text field and in the background fireworks are launched. These fireworks are external swf files, made in adobe after effects. They are launched when clicking a button. They are played at random. However, after playing 2 or 3 they start slowing down, probably because they stack on each other. I need the new swf to replace the old swf, now my application keeps loading new swf on top of each other.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Static Method Accessing Instance Method?

Sep 14, 2010

two classes, both extend EventDispatcher. Static method in 1st class calls instance method in 2nd event not getting caught. [code]also, since dispatchEvent() is an instance method, is there any way of calling it without first instantiating the class? i expect not.

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Flash Detection - Replacing With Jpeg Or Gif

Oct 11, 2005

automatically replacing a flash file with a jpeg, for non flash users.

I also am looking for some scrpt which tells users if they haven't got a/the correct flash plug in. My site uses a flash 5 file as well as flash mx 2004.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Clearing And Replacing XML Data?

Jul 24, 2009

I'm creating a gallery of thumbnails and main images from a loaded XML file.The initial load is fine and all is working, Thumbnails are produced in a masked movieclip and the first image is defaulted to display at start perfectly well. The gallery also has several categories in it which a user can view by clicking a button for each. eg Sites, Designs, Cards etc. Each of these categories information are held within different separate XML files. eg sites.xml, designs.xml and cards.xml etc.

Now here lies the problem. When a user clicks a new button the new XML loads the new information and the files display, but on top of the thumbnails/main images that were already present because the file that was initially open has not cleared. So what I want to do is simply remove the data that is currently being displayed, so in essence removes the images etc. Then replace those with the images from the new XML file.Is this at all possible because from searching the last week I haven't been able to find it. I guess I can't see the wood for the trees at the moment.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Replacing The LoadMovie Function

Oct 11, 2009

I have a website which needs to 3 images into 3 movieclips when the page loads. The page gets the URLs for the 3 images from an XML document, ie.


What I want to do is make a function which gets the image URL for each image and puts them into a target movieclip each. In AS2, the loadMovie function could do this. In AS3, I've figured out how to add an image to a movie clip, like this...


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Replacing Existing MC With External SWF?

Oct 25, 2008

I'm trying to load an external swf on a button push but cant seem to get the code right. it loads behind instead of replacing what is already there.

var bg_mc:Background = new Background();
addChildAt(bg_mc, 0);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Replacing A MovieClip With A Drawing?

Oct 27, 2010

I'm creating a platforming game, and I have a fun little water thing set up. My goal is to be able to drag a water object from the library to the scene, and have the water physics kick in when the game starts.
To do this, I made the water object a black line, because width is necessary to know how wide I'd like the pool to be.  Within the class I have a heightmap, so then I can connect all the heights together with lines using the drawing API.
The problem is, I can't get the original black line to disappear while still displaying the new lines and points Setting the alpha to 0 will permanently make everything invisible.  I'm kind of new to this so maybe it's a dumb question.

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Xml :: Flex: Replacing A Node In A XML Object?

Jan 25, 2010

I have looked at some of the related posts on this subject but i can't figure out how to solve my problem. I guess it has something to do with the fact that its monday.Well, here goes. i have a XML object containing:


And i want to replace only the label node with a new one. i put the new ones in an XMLList but now im stuck at how im supose to replace the actual nodes. This is how the XMLList looks like:

<style properties=""/>[code].....

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Regex :: Replacing Segments Of A String?

Jun 6, 2011

I have absolutely no knowledge in Regex whatsoever. Basically what I'm trying to do is have an error class that I can use to call errors (obviously) which looks like this:

package avian.framework.errors
public class AvError extends Object


The idea is to replace {0} with the first parameter parsed in ...params, {1} with the second, etc.

I've done a bit of research and I think I've worked out that I need to search using this pattern:

var pattern:RegExp = /{d}/;

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