Flash Detection - Replacing With Jpeg Or Gif

Oct 11, 2005

automatically replacing a flash file with a jpeg, for non flash users.

I also am looking for some scrpt which tells users if they haven't got a/the correct flash plug in. My site uses a flash 5 file as well as flash mx 2004.

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But now the tracks are objects in an array, that will grow larger and larger (and slow down the game over time). How can I paint them on the level bitmap? And how to reload the bitmap when you restart?Have searched for an answer for days but have not found one.I know how to combine a bitmap and add it to the stage, but not how to replace it in the movie clip object:

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[Code] .....

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<cfcontent type="image/jpeg">
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generate Jpeg-files (or gif/png) from the content that is on your stage?I'm working on a Coloring game in flash, but my client want that the visitors can make a wallpaper of their coloringwork.

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Capturing Screen To Jpeg In Flash Exe File?

Apr 26, 2010

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Mar 23, 2011

I've been grappling with this problem and am still in need of a solution. I've built a flash site that is image-rich. Images are JPEG files pulled into "createEmptyMovieClip" that I have in AS 2.0 on the flash file. Unfortunately the quality of the images are really bad and that seriously compromises my site.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing JPEG From Flash To Coldfusion?

Sep 9, 2008

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JPEG Size And Image Losses In Flash CS3?

Jun 2, 2009

I am creating a website for a wedding and using the photos of the couple on the website.  I created designs in Photoshop CS3 with the following settings:Document Size: 6.25" x 8.25" or 1875p x 2475p @ 300pixels/inch To use the image in flash, I used "Save As" in photoshop to convert image into JPEG with "Quality 10 Maximum" setting.I created a Flash CS3 document with the following settings: Document Size: 6.25" x 8.25" or 494 x 550 pixels I imported the JPEG image from photoshop into flash and came in an image much larger than 6.25"x8.25".  I resized the image in flash with constrained dimensions to 494x550 pixels and it the text shadows and glow lost its clarity.
TRIAL 1Obviously something was wrong.  So, I went back to Photoshop and used the save for web/devices option and saved it as a high quality JPEG.  Same result.
TRIAL 2This time, I tried a different trick in Photoshop.  I went to Image->Image Size and changed the image resolution to 150pixels/inch and used "Save As" again.  I imported it again to Flash and now the image was too small.
How do I match the image "save as" from photoshop to the flash document size so that I dont lose resolution?  I used Zoomify in photoshop successfully without losses.  Why is it not possible to just import an image to look the same way a JPEG file appears?

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Professional :: Png And Jpeg In Flash For Break Apart Command?

Mar 11, 2010

why the png function differs from jpeg in flash when the break command is put to use.when i import a logo png into flash and then go to modify>break apart all .the logo then has a rectangle full of black dots and i cant keep just the logoso its hard to remove and keep just the logo required.but importing a jpeg and then using the command modify>bitmap>trace bitmap i get a good result with none of those multiple black small dots.now what id like to know is,if a png can have the command=modify>bitmap>trace bitmap applied to it.i would have upload a file for better explanation but...they have been disabled for a while.

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Flash :: Export A Full Image From Jpeg?

May 17, 2010

Could somebody give a  hand with this? I am trying to export a flash image to jpeg. I can do it but the image is cropped when I open it in photoshop. This is the original image (is is an screenshot and not exported with flash):


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Professional :: Modifying JPEG Files In Flash?

Apr 6, 2011

I was trying to erase(using eraser tool) some portions of the jpeg file after importing it in flash.. It does not work....I even converted it to symbol but the problem remains the same. Is it permitted or I am following the wrong approach.

I had another issue with a swf file..It plays perfect in the flash player...But when the same file is imported & played in the After Effects, it displays a still frame..

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