Actionscript 3 :: Overriding Public Method In Dynamically Loaded Class And GetDefinitionByName()

Aug 22, 2010

I have two SWFs: main.swf and external.swf. main.swf needs to access some methods in external.swf, so it loads external.swf into itself and uses getDefinitionByName("package.Class") to access the class and one of its methods:

var ExternalClass = getDefinitionByName("package.Class") as Class;
var ClassInstance = new ExternalClass();
var NeededFunction:Function = ClassInstance["NeededFunction"] as Function;
var response:String = NeededFunction(param);

Now, I need to extend the functionality of NeededFunction (which is a public method)... I know it's possible to override public methods, but how would I go about this with a dynamically loaded class?

I was thinking I could do something like this, but it doesn't work:

var ClassInstance["NeededFunction"] = function(param1:uint):String {
var newString = "Your number is: "+param1.toString(); //New functionality
return newString;

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package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class MyDoc extends MovieClip {


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:HBox xmlns:mx="">


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var appDomainA:ApplicationDomain = new ApplicationDomain();
var contextA:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext(false, appDomainA);
var loaderA:Loader = new Loader();
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I want to access a public method in application2.swf from the main swf that loaded it.

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Apr 4, 2012

I am defining this function in one of my classes:public function onUse():void {};Then in another of my classes (let's call it "class2"), I create a object of this class, and then want to override this function with another one. After some Google-Fu, I have found this, and used it...

button.onUse {
variable = value;


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var environment:AvEnvironment = new AvEnvironment(...);
environment.addChild(new Terrain());
environment.addChild(new Player());

I am trying to access a public property from AvEniroments class through the Player class, however I'm getting an undefined property error (#119). I've tried the following:

this.x = AvEnvironment.xs // public property in this class
this.x = parent.xs

I've also tried something like this:

var ev:AvEnvironment = AvEnvironment(parent);
this.x = ev.xs

but I get a TypeError. Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

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Jan 7, 2010

magine a Flex application which contains spam/ package spam {public var eggs:Eggs = new Eggs();
} At what point in the process of loading the .swf file will Eggs be instantiated?

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