ActionScript 3.0 :: Overriding A CreateLabel Method?
Sep 9, 2009
I would like to create many different labels which have identical properties but which have a different position and a different name. I created a main class called DefaultLabel which defines the format of a standard label and then I created a seperate class called Label which overrides the createLabel method with a different position and a different label text.
Ever since I added the Label class, my original label doesnt appear anymore and I receive error msgs (1119) stating that my formating properties (text, color, etc) are not defined and that they reference to a static type Label. Unfortunately I do not have Flash installed in English so I cant give you the original msg. Everything worked fine when I just created one standard label so I guess I made a mistake with overriding...
The various labels should be created in this class:
PHP Code:
package {
public class Label extends DefaultLabel
private var myLabel1 : Label = new Label();
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import flash.display.Shape;
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Sep 26, 2011
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Example is trivial. The problem is that the type of the getRandom function depends on its own type. One returns an apple, the other returns a fruit.Of course I get errors about override and coercion.
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Sep 24, 2009
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1. Is there a way to override the trace method? When I try with the following code I get an error: 1020 Method marked override must override another method.
ActionScript Code:
public override function trace(arguments:restParam):void{
2. If I can't override trace, does it dispatch some event that I don't know about that I can listen for? (normally I would try to figure this out using asdocs but whenever i try to visit the "trace" documentation I just get a page cannot be displayed error :S
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Nov 9, 2011
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Jan 18, 2010
I'm using FlashBuilder 4 beta2. My base class has a function foo():
protected function foo(s:String, z:String=null): void{}
Literally "foo" so that there's no chance I'm stepping on a built-in method. I am getting an
"Incompatible override" error when attempting to override the method in a subclass:
override protected function foo(s:String, z:String=null): void{}
Does the optional parameter do something "behind the scenes" that makes it illegal to override the method?
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Feb 27, 2010
I want to override the dispatchEvent method while inheriting from flash.display.Sprite. Whenever an event gets dispatched now like ADDED_TO_STAGE and CLICK it will get through dispatchEvent in my theory. However there is no single trace he'll get through dispatchEvent.. so the events get dispatched internally from some where else?
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Oct 20, 2011
I am much more familiar with Java's semantics of class and interface than with Actionscript semantics, but I have an example of some code that works in Java and doesn't work in Actionscript. This descrepency is a serious problem in that I am trying to code generate my Actionscript value objects from the Java DTOs and unless the semantics are the same, I am in deep trouble.
Here's the code that works in Java and fails to compile in Actionscript:
I don't understand why class B throws a compile error about an incompatible signature for "makeCopy" when clearly interface B extends interface A...thus there is no violation of type or incompatibility. If this is just an Actionscript limitation, can anyone suggest a way to recode?
NOTE: I already tried changing interface B to this and it threw an error in interface B (which work in Java):public interface Ib extends Ia {function makeCopy():Ib;}
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Mar 29, 2012
Keep getting this error in a flash instrument im making. 1024 overriding a function that is not marked for override
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Dec 4, 2009
I don't know if this is the right term "overriding timeline functions"... I'am making presentation wich has 8 navigation buttons..the presentation goes like this...when you press one button it goes to this buttons segment and play's it, when is finished it comes back to navigation by action gotoAndPlay ("menu")...myproblem is the last button...wich says Whole presentation...i cannot duplicate the presentation because it has too much keyframes and max is 16000 (i am not master atFlash ) i would like somehow to cancel all the gotoAndPlay actions if it is possible?? so when i click the last button (whole presentation)...the playback doesen't jump back to menu...but plays til the end.
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