ActionScript 3.0 :: Embedded Flash Movie Not Working In IE 6 / 7

Feb 10, 2009

I have an embedded flash movie that runs an AS function that runs a javascript function on the html page when you push a button. However, it only works in Firefox, Safari and Chrome. Is there a workaround for IE 6 & 7?

My javascript is:
Select all<script>
navArray = new Array();
navArray["home"] = "../index.aspx";
navArray["about"] = "../about.aspx";
navArray["contact"] = "../contact.aspx";
[Code] .....

My actionscript is:
Code: Select allimport flash.external.ExternalInterface;
function homeLink(e:MouseEvent){'navigate', 'home');'window.close()');

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tooltips Not Working Inside Embedded Movie Clip But Works On Main Stage

May 17, 2011

I  have a movie clip that is a navigation window and I am trying to have some tooltip hover over the buttons inside the navigation window.
If I create a button on the main stage it hovers and works fine but if I create the same clip inside the embedded navigation window the tooltip does not show up.  I do not have any error messages but it is not there that I can see.

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Html :: Embedded Flash Not Working In Any Browser?

Mar 9, 2012

<object classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' width='165' height='37' id='niftyPlayer1' name='niftyPlayer1'>
<param name='movie' value='audio/niftyplayer.swf?file=/audio/tarantella.mp3&amp;as=0'>


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Flash - TextFlow Object - Embedded Font Not Working

Jan 27, 2011

I have embedded a Font in my flex app. That works on any components without problems.
@font-face {
fontFamily: "CSSFont";
cff: true;

However, when I try to apply the font to my TextFlow object, it is not working. However, it does work when I use the FTE and do it my self. I debugged through the TLF and the looks like the correct FontDescription is created.

Here is the code I use to create text (Full Source @ Pastbin)
var element:SpriteVisualElement = new SpriteVisualElement;
element.verticalCenter = 0;
element.horizontalCenter = 0;
// Create Text using TLF
var span:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
[Code] .....

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Html :: Embedded Flash Not Working In Google Chrome?

Jan 31, 2011

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<div id="flashContent">
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="750" height="470" id="mariocoded" align="middle">


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get URL From Embedded Flash Movie?

Aug 27, 2008

I have a thumbnail scroller app built with AS3 on my website homepage. I have the class files but would like to know of any quick workaround to make the embedded Flash movie clickable without reworking the AS3 files. What I would like to do is if you click on a thmbnail or anywhere in the movie, the "portfolio" page loads. I asume this would use javascript?

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Css :: "Minimize The Flash Movie Size By Limiting The Glyphs Embedded In The Movie" In SIFR3 To Improve Rendering Speed

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stopping A Embedded Movie In Flash?

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The Video is in the TV

It plays once with the sound then it loops without the sound it picks up the stop command on the second run.

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Professional :: Embedded A Flv Into A Flash Movie Timeline

Jun 9, 2011

I am trying to embedded an flv into a flash movie timeline that runs at 12fps.My source avi is 60 seconds in duration. However using cs3 video encoder with the frame rate set to 12 fps results in an flv that uses up 1440 frames of my timeline.In fact any frame rate selected always results in an flv of this frame length? Assuming that I need the flv to be 720 frames total (60 seconds * 12 frames), and not twice that duration as that would still have to be played at 24 fps. I undertand that there is a relationship to the original fps the movie was shot in (in this case 24fps) but will/does the encoder not produce an flv with the frame rate altered to match my timeline fps?  or do you basically have to use a camera that shoots the original avi at 12fpsto get it to play in 12 fps timeline?? 

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Actionscript 3 :: Obtain URL That Flash Movie Is Embedded On?

Jan 13, 2010

today I'm trying to get the URL where my Flash movie is sitting on.

I found a similar question here, which was answered with a link to Flash's LoaderInfo method, but I'm not sure I'm using it correctly as the textField in my test movie here: [URL] does not display the URL


All I needed was this: stage.loaderInfo.url :)
package {
import flash.display.Stage;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Control Sound Of An Embedded Flv In A Flash Movie?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Dynamic Text In Embedded Movie?

Dec 18, 2009

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myVars = new LoadVars();


but when I play the movie it doesn't work. However if I move the dynamic textbox onto the main timeline along with my actionscript it works.

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Actionscript :: Flash Dynamic Text In Embedded Movie?

Dec 18, 2009

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myVars = new LoadVars();


but when I play the movie it doesn't work. However if I move the dynamic textbox onto the main timeline it works.

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PHP :: Control Embedded Flash Movie Playback In HTML

May 1, 2010

I am using an embedded flash movie in my web page. I would like to show some alerts on the page when the movie has played for x seconds, pause the movie while the user views and dismisses the alert and start playing the movie again after that (or the user can press the play button, not important). The important parts being - the app being able to find out if x secs worth of movie has played, pausing the movie then and showing an alert. Is this possible using a php/javascript code within the web page? Or will I have to do this within the flash movie itself?

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Open Maximized Window From Embedded Flash Movie?

Apr 8, 2009

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Apr 10, 2012

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embedded Swf Not Working?

Mar 2, 2009

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Mp3 Player Not Working After Being Embedded?

Apr 11, 2009

I have a player for sound files (Fabricio Zuardi) which is very nice, easy to work with and easy to texturize. It works with a xml list.  What I did was to load the swf file of the player into my main file of the website (also flash). The thing is that i can see the titles of the songs but the player won't work. Here's the as file.

repeat_playlist = true;//playlist_size = 3;//player_title = "customizeable title test"//song_url = "media/Akropola.mp3";//song_title = "Imperial Teen - Ivanka";autoload=trueautoplay=trueplaylist_url = "playlist.xml"//info_button_text = "Buy Album"//playlist_url = "";


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ActionScript 2.0 :: [CS3] Swf Not Working Right When Embedded

Feb 11, 2009

I'm trying to take an flash doc and import into another flash document. The swfs will be running on some sort of unix port so I'm restricted to Flash Player 6 and Action Script 1.0. I have the below Actionscript which came with the remote display product and works fine on it's own. Basically, it just reads an xml file and based on a node in the xml it uses gotoAndStop(frame) then setInterval(seconds) to refresh after a certain amount of time. Once I import this swf into another, it keeps cycling through all the frames. I'm guessing it has to do with levels or the two _global references from some googling but I can't seem to nail it down as my programming experince is in different areas.


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Flash8 :: Embedded Video Not Working?

Jun 22, 2009

This is driving me nuts folks. I've imported a video clip to my stage, added a skin for stop, play, pause etc. I test the Flash file using Control --> Test Movie and everything appears exactly as I want it to.

The problem is that when I upload the files to my server the embedded video clip does not appear, nor does the skin. Just a blank space

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embedded Fonts Not Working?

Jun 19, 2011

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Javascript :: Setting Focus To An Embedded Flash Movie/HTML Embed Element?

Dec 26, 2009

Is there a way to set focus to the embed HTML element using JavaScript? Test case: embedded YouTube videos on a page.

I have no control over the embedded Flash element. So, is there a way to set focus on it by using only JavaScript?

I read somewhere that calling the element.focus() method works only in IE. I need a browser-independent way that works in Chrome/Firefox.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mute Button Not Working In Embedded SWF

May 19, 2010

The mute button code I have works perfect when the SWF is played itself, but when it is embedded in a wrapper SWF it no longer works. I know that it is the code that references _loc1. I have the root locked in the first frame of the embedded swf with this:

this._lockroot = true;

Here is the code in question. I just need to know how to change this code to make it work when this SWF is embedded in another SWF:

btn.onPress = function () {
var _loc1 = _root.snd.getVolume();
_root.snd.setVolume(Math.abs(_loc1 - 100));


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Embedded Dropdown Menu Not Working?

Nov 8, 2004

so heres the deal i have a drop down menu that for some reason is not picking up button presses, im starting to think its because the drop down menu is within another movie clip, but its driving me nuts, any reasons why an embeded movie clip wouldnt be picking up a hitTest or a this.onRelease ??? ahh driving me nuts heres my code im using the undocumented tween class

//portfolio dropdown
this.onRelease = function() {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Select And Highlight A Specific Row On The Datagrid In An Embedded Swf Everytime The Movie Loads

Dec 29, 2009

I am trying to select and highlight a specific row on the datagrid in an embedded swf everytime the movie loads. I am using flash cs3 and actionscript 3 , published on flash player 9. anyone done anything similar? Did quite a bit of searching none of the methods actuall seemed to work.

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Javascript :: Gain Access To An Embedded Flash Video's Parameters That Is Embedded On A Site You Don't Own Via A Browser Extension?

Jan 2, 2011

I'd like to gain read only access to the following parameters of embedded Flash videos located on sites that I do not own through my own custom browser extension/add-on:

Time location of playback head (so I can display the current time in the browser extension via HTML5/JavaScript) Frames (so I can make capture them to an image file, save it and display image in browser extension) Original Dimensions in pixels (so I can display the original video dimensions via JS/HTML5 in browser extension)

Is this possible by using Javascript and HTML5 from a browser extension?

Would I have to use something like the SWFObject Javascript API [URL]

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Flash Won't Load When Embedded But It Works On The Published Embedded Html?

Nov 11, 2009

I made a flash mp3 player and it works fine in any other test pages. but when i embed it onto my site it just shows blank. what do i do? my site is [URL] and the flash player i tested here [URL] and it plays. What im i doing wrong? i tryed everything. right now i just got it in a iframe but i dont want that iframe.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remote URL Is Not Working From Html Embedded Code

Jan 17, 2011

i am working on a flash currency converter application, for that purpose i am fetching the latest currency rates from yahoo, i am using flash cs5 and as3, i am getting the desired response from yahoo when i run the flash file from Flash cs5 (ctrl+enter) and also after publishing (F12) by opening the html file just created by flash cs5. BUT when i am moving the html and swf file over a web server (WAMP in my case), the response from yahoo is no longer working for me, i have checked it in both localhost, and on remote server. what can be the issue? it seems so strange to me..

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Professional :: Embedded Youtube Videos Stopped Working?

Mar 13, 2011

i've got a problem with a Flash website that has been driving me crazy. i have a Flash website that was built for us in late 2009, it uses ActionScript 2 and i have been maintaining it in CS3 on a Mac.

the site is structured as a heirarchy of swf files, and loads XML files to specify text content, image locations, and Youtube videos. all this has worked fine until sometime in the past month or two. the problem now is that the embedded Youtube videos no longer load, although nothing has changed in the code. unfortunately i don't know exactly when the videos stopped loading.

in the Activity Window of Safari i can see the URLs for the Youtube crossdomain file [URL].. Youtube still for the video, and the Youtube player[URL].. however neither the still frame nor the player skin load.
if i run the site directly from my hard drive (with my Flash Player security preferences set to allow the swf to access the internet), the videos do load and play, so i am guessing that it is some kind of security domain issue. if i run the site in Flash CS3 in debug mode, when i navigate to a video page, although the video loads and plays, i get lots of these warnings (i've edited the path and file name):


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