ActionScript 3.0 :: Stopping A Embedded Movie In Flash?

Jan 20, 2010

I have created a flash header that has an embedded video and it will not stop looping.


The Video is in the TV

It plays once with the sound then it loops without the sound it picks up the stop command on the second run.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embedded Youtube Movie Sound Not Stopping?

Apr 29, 2009

I tried to emded a youtube movie into a flash file, and that all seems to be working:

createEmptyMovieClip("video_mc", 10000);
video_mc._x = 150;
video_mc._y = 5;


So basically the question is: how can I stop streaming sound from keeping on playing even when jumping to another frame?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stopping Embedded Video In Flash

Jan 28, 2010

I have three (youtube) videos embedded in Flash. Every time a new video is a loaded, the sound video from the old video continues to play. I have tried using removeMovieClip(); and I have tried stopAllSounds(); I have tried 'delete video_mc'. Nothing seems to work!

Here is my script:
ActionScript Code:
// Video Script
// Default - We'd Drink
// show this video on load
videoBtn1.onRelease = showDefault;
function showDefault(){
[Code] .....

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Professional :: Stopping Embedded Video With MouseEvent Click?

Aug 25, 2011

I have a website in Flash CS4. When testing the movie, my swf file plays. When I access another menu button, the movie still plays and you still hear the sound. I have the skin where the user can stop the movie before going to other pages in the site but my Question is: How can I get the movie to stop playing if another menu button is clicked? I ask because when I go to another page and come back, the video is not showing but I still hear the audio.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stopping Sounds From Playing In Embedded Video Clip?

Jun 10, 2011

I have three embedded video clips that are inside of movieClips. They I have buttons that take you to a framelabel where those movieClips are located. Each movieClip containing each movie are on separate frames. (See attached image)

When I click on any of the buttons that take me to any videoClips other than the first one, make the audio from the previous embedded Video on the timeline in front of the one I went to , start to play.

I have SoundMixer.stopAll();

on everybutton before I tell it to go anywhere. what to do to only get audio from the video clip in that section of the timeline to play.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop The Effect Midway Through The Movie Without Stopping The Movie?

Nov 21, 2006

i have a snow effect in a movie with the code below. i want to stop the effect midway through the movie without stopping the movie. how do i use a stop command to do this?

init = function () {
width = 550;
// pixels


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get URL From Embedded Flash Movie?

Aug 27, 2008

I have a thumbnail scroller app built with AS3 on my website homepage. I have the class files but would like to know of any quick workaround to make the embedded Flash movie clickable without reworking the AS3 files. What I would like to do is if you click on a thmbnail or anywhere in the movie, the "portfolio" page loads. I asume this would use javascript?

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Flash - Calling The Function Within That Function And Later Stopping The Loop - Starting And Stopping Functions?

Jan 7, 2012

I am making a character walk. This code will make him wobble to the right and when thats done it will trigger him to wobble to the left and then call the function again to continue the loop.I can get the loop to work fine by calling the function but how do I STOP the function? Also I want to call it later on. Is there a way to start and stop a function?

function wobble()
var ws = .1;
var dis = 1;


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Professional :: Embedded A Flv Into A Flash Movie Timeline

Jun 9, 2011

I am trying to embedded an flv into a flash movie timeline that runs at 12fps.My source avi is 60 seconds in duration. However using cs3 video encoder with the frame rate set to 12 fps results in an flv that uses up 1440 frames of my timeline.In fact any frame rate selected always results in an flv of this frame length? Assuming that I need the flv to be 720 frames total (60 seconds * 12 frames), and not twice that duration as that would still have to be played at 24 fps. I undertand that there is a relationship to the original fps the movie was shot in (in this case 24fps) but will/does the encoder not produce an flv with the frame rate altered to match my timeline fps?  or do you basically have to use a camera that shoots the original avi at 12fpsto get it to play in 12 fps timeline?? 

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Actionscript 3 :: Obtain URL That Flash Movie Is Embedded On?

Jan 13, 2010

today I'm trying to get the URL where my Flash movie is sitting on.

I found a similar question here, which was answered with a link to Flash's LoaderInfo method, but I'm not sure I'm using it correctly as the textField in my test movie here: [URL] does not display the URL


All I needed was this: stage.loaderInfo.url :)
package {
import flash.display.Stage;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embedded Flash Movie Not Working In IE 6 / 7

Feb 10, 2009

I have an embedded flash movie that runs an AS function that runs a javascript function on the html page when you push a button. However, it only works in Firefox, Safari and Chrome. Is there a workaround for IE 6 & 7?

My javascript is:
Select all<script>
navArray = new Array();
navArray["home"] = "../index.aspx";
navArray["about"] = "../about.aspx";
navArray["contact"] = "../contact.aspx";
[Code] .....

My actionscript is:
Code: Select allimport flash.external.ExternalInterface;
function homeLink(e:MouseEvent){'navigate', 'home');'window.close()');

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Control Sound Of An Embedded Flv In A Flash Movie?

Oct 3, 2005

Is there a way to control the sound of an embedded flv in a flash movie? I haven't seen any tutorials on controlling the sound volume for an embedded video vs. netstream.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Dynamic Text In Embedded Movie?

Dec 18, 2009

I have main timeline and then have a small movie clip in which there is a dynamic text box and my actionscript.


myVars = new LoadVars();


but when I play the movie it doesn't work. However if I move the dynamic textbox onto the main timeline along with my actionscript it works.

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Actionscript :: Flash Dynamic Text In Embedded Movie?

Dec 18, 2009

I have my movie in the main timeline and then have a smaller clip in which there is a dynamic text box. In that smaller movie I have some actionscript

myVars = new LoadVars();


but when I play the movie it doesn't work. However if I move the dynamic textbox onto the main timeline it works.

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Apr 8, 2009

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Apr 10, 2012

I have a flash movie embedded on a webpage, it's an intro of sorts, when the movie has finished it removes itself from the DOM but I also want this functionality on flash movie far to remove it after it's finished playing I'm using[code]but it never gets called. I also tried adding the click event to the body and it worked everywhere but not over the top of the flash movie.

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May 21, 2010

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Stopping A .swf By Clicking Anywhere Outside Of Movie

Apr 19, 2010

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Dec 26, 2009

Is there a way to set focus to the embed HTML element using JavaScript? Test case: embedded YouTube videos on a page.

I have no control over the embedded Flash element. So, is there a way to set focus on it by using only JavaScript?

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Apr 19, 2010

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Stopping All Movie Clips?

Feb 11, 2010

I am making a soundboard for a school project. I have made movieclips with the jaws moving on the different people. I have all the movie clips on the same frame with the first frame of each movie clip blank. I have the stop(); command on the main timeline, however when I test the movie the movie clips still play. I am looking for a way to stop these movie clips from playing until the corresponding button is pressed. Is there some sort of "stop all movie clips" function?

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Professional :: Stopping And Closing SWF Movie?

Apr 3, 2010

How do I stop a Flash SWF movie when the playhead is at the end and then have the new window that presents the movie close automatically. However, the most important feature would be to stop the movie to keep it from continuously looping.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stopping A Movie Clips?

Jun 26, 2009

I have a movie clip called Lion Beginning_mc, inside of it I have 3 Key Frames and Inside each and one of them I have different shapes.For example:

Key Frame number 01 - Dog
Key Frame number 02 - Cat
Key Frame number 03 - Mouse

I want to move this movie clip "Lion Beginning_mc" form Key frame number 1 to Key frame number 20.I want the Dog,Cat and a mouse to change between each other only once while moving from Key Frame number 1 to 20.I know about the action called "stop(); I tried it and it did stopped my movie clip at the frame 20 but the Dog,Cat and Mouse still keep looping around.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stopping Movie For Certain Time?

Jul 18, 2005

How can i stop a movie let's say for 60 seconds

EDIT: and then restart at the frame where i stopped it...for sure...._)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: What Keeps Movie From Stopping Properly

Jun 28, 2008

I have a movie, in it lies a button with which I jump to another position in the _root timeline. At that position is a stop(); command. The movie just wont stop while this is running in another mc1 deeper in the file :

onEnterFrame = function() {
c=Math.floor(Math.random() * (1500 - 0)) + 150;
var Interval1 = setInterval(function () {
b=Math.floor(Math.random() * (7 - 0)) + 1;
}, c); }

What this does in the mc1 is basically creating a random number between 150 and 1500 and a random number between 0 and 7, then jumping to a random frame (numbered from 1-7) after waiting for a random time (150-1500ms). My _root stops properly when I remove the code posted above. Why is this happening and how can I have a mc1 in my movie which waits for a random time and then jumps to a random frame, while I want to move around in my _root timeline? I should add, the mcs1 which wait and move to a random frame are non existent on the position I want to move to in _root. Do I have to somehow remove the wait and choose random frame to jump to function in mc1, when moving around in _root?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Select And Highlight A Specific Row On The Datagrid In An Embedded Swf Everytime The Movie Loads

Dec 29, 2009

I am trying to select and highlight a specific row on the datagrid in an embedded swf everytime the movie loads. I am using flash cs3 and actionscript 3 , published on flash player 9. anyone done anything similar? Did quite a bit of searching none of the methods actuall seemed to work.

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Javascript :: Gain Access To An Embedded Flash Video's Parameters That Is Embedded On A Site You Don't Own Via A Browser Extension?

Jan 2, 2011

I'd like to gain read only access to the following parameters of embedded Flash videos located on sites that I do not own through my own custom browser extension/add-on:

Time location of playback head (so I can display the current time in the browser extension via HTML5/JavaScript) Frames (so I can make capture them to an image file, save it and display image in browser extension) Original Dimensions in pixels (so I can display the original video dimensions via JS/HTML5 in browser extension)

Is this possible by using Javascript and HTML5 from a browser extension?

Would I have to use something like the SWFObject Javascript API [URL]

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