ActionScript 3.0 :: Exception From Library With No Code

Dec 23, 2009

Been so long I haven't write anything here in the forum. I have a big FLA file containing a huge symbol with lots of subsymbols on it. The structure is crazy however there is no even a single line of code in the FLA. The big symbols is exported for actionscript, is associated with some class (say TheSymbol) and its base class is set to MovieClip. I publish the big FLA file to SWC file and link the SWC to project with "Merge into code" linkage type.


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Code: Select all
_root.attachMovie("sol1", "NewInstanceName", {_x: 50, _y: 100});

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[RPC Fault faultString="Error #1090: XML parser failure: element is malformed." faultCode="Client.CouldNotDecode" faultDetail="null"]
at mx.rpc.http::HTTPService/


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The first method is causing the following error:


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import flash.display.Sprite;
import fl.controls.ProgressBar;


So how can I use fl.controls without having to provide them through the .fla library?

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for (i=1; i<9; i++) {
if (this["blank"+i].getChildAt(0) is Letters) {
word += this["blank"+i].getChildAt(0).letter;

This code throws a range exception if, for instance, "blank2" doesn't contain any children.I just need to be able to basically say, "if this blank doesn't have any children, just skip this code."Normally I would do something along the lines of an if=null statement, but this won't work here because

if (this["blank"+i.getChildAt(0) != null)

obviously throws the same range exception.How do you deal with this? I can't find anything along the lines of a "does blank1 contain any children" sort of method.R

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Mar 8, 2009

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var xml:XML;

... doesn't throw any exception. qname seems not to be null. WTH?

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Flex :: Any Way To Tell Developer That Methods Throws Exception?

Mar 30, 2012

Like java, you can specify that method you are calling throws certain exception.
For e.g.- public void getListOfAssessments() throws SQLException;
So, is there any way we can achieve this in ActionScript (Flex)?

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