ActionScript 3.0 :: Finding The Target Of A MouseEvent?

Jul 2, 2010

I have an object (a Loader) that you can click on, resulting in a MouseEvent. Clicking on the Loader moves it, which I do by modifying e.currentTarget.x in the MouseEvent function, a la:
private function onClick(e:MouseEvent):void {
e.currentTarget.x = 0 - (e.currentTarget.width/2);

The problem is, I also want to change the ChildIndex of the target. I tried this:

private function onClick(e:MouseEvent):void {
e.currentTarget.x = 0 - (e.currentTarget.width/2);
canvas.setChildIndex(e.currentTarget, 10);
But that results in a compile error: "Error Implicit coercion of a value with static type Object to a possibly unrelated type flash.display:DisplayObject. at line 85 in"
I've noticed that sometimes I need to refer to the target as e.currentTarget.loader, so I tried that (canvas.setChildIndex(e.currentTarget.loader, 10);), but I get an error when I run it: "ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property loader not found on flash.display.Loader and there is no default value. at Rotation/onClick()". What's the proper way for me to get the target so I can apply setChildIndex?

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function audioOver(e:MouseEvent):void
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Nov 6, 2010

I have several stage event handlers to enable mouseovers over several dynamically generated moviecilps on the stage that then change their alpha to indicate the mouse is over that particular mc... fairly trivial (mcOver handler). Additionally, I also want to know what MC is clicked, so I update a public variable (public var activemc:Number) with the ID of the dynamic movieclip when the mouse is over it (using a hitTest to check, which is why the EventListener is added to stage and not to the MC), which is checked in the mcClicked handler:This is in the constructor:

//stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startDrawing);
//stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDrawing);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mcOver);[code]....

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private function mcClicked(event:MouseEvent):void {
myTextField.text = String(activemc); // activemc is a public var:Number with the movieclip //ID

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private function mcClicked(event:MouseEvent):void {
myTextField.text = String(activemc); // activemc is a public var:Number with the movieclip //ID
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mcOver);

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Aug 30, 2010

qi have a movieclip which is added to the stage:

var profileholder:profileHolder=new profileHolder ;

inside of profileholder is another movieclip(infoBtn) that acts as a button.when the mouse is over profileholder i want to do something with infoBtn like:

//profOver is the over state of profileholder
function profOver(e:Event) {;

this doesn't work and brings up this error:ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property infoBtn not found on flash.display.Loader and there is no default value.
at main_fla::MainTimeline/profOver()

i also tried:
function profOver(e:Event) {
var as profileHolder;

and get this error:TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

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Target not found: Target="whoweare" Base="_level0.instance20.instance48.instance49"

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on (press) {
tellTarget ("whoweare") {
gotoAndPlay (51);

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Target not found: Target="_root.icon01" Base="_level0"

i have no idea what the base="_level0" means.

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myButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
function onClick(evt:MouseEvent):void


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package com.ui{


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Apr 21, 2010

This is what I used to have in AS2

on (rollOver) {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: StartDrag With MouseEvent?

Sep 24, 2009

I've created a function called dragItem() that I call with the MOUSE_DOWN event. I've got it working....kind of. I can access the function when the mouse is clicked and I can even get the name of the instance when the mouse is down. I'm trying to use the same logic to get the single object to allow a drag. see my code below...
function dragItem(event:MouseEvent):void {            var instName:String =;            trace(instName);            trace(;              ;              ,dropItem);  ,dropItem);                    }
I get this error when I try to drag the item...ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property startDrag not found on flash.display.Loader and there is no default value.    at Main/::dragItem()

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ActionScript 1/2 :: MouseEvent Not Being Recognized?

Jun 9, 2010

but1.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK,play1) ;
function play1 (event:MouseEvent) :void{
gotoAndStop("Wales 1") ;
This is my code but the MouseEvent is not recognised

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I am develop on Air for iPad app, just wonder is TouchEvent more efficient or MouseEevent is doing fine. i am talking about performance wise, things like doing drag and drop and ect...

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Flex :: MouseEvent Of Images?

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I dynamically create images in a loop (flash builder 4.5) and when I set mouse click event, I'm using this:

image.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function(e:MouseEvent):void{fromThumbnail(e,i)});

to pass i. However, when I click on any image, the function thumbnail prints the last i.

Is there solution for this problem?

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Aug 25, 2009

I have two sprites A and B, both are irreuglar drawn shapes (both with a transparent fill) that overlap certain points. The current result is B on top (though which is on top is not really relevant, as the same problem will exist if A is on top). They are both children of the same UIComponent.

Both are listening for the MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE event. It is to occur when a corner on either shape is passed over by the mouse. Though, when the mouse moves over the corner of A and this corner is behind B the MouseEvent is never raised.From my investigation I've found when i turn the fill off on the sprites and just draw the outline of the shape the mouse event will raise, but this is not what is wanted. how can I get *both* the objects listening and responding even when the corners of one is overlapping the other?

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