ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Backward On Button?
May 20, 2010
How I create a backward event, this event will have the following tasks:
1. When I 'over' (place my pointer) to the button, a light is appearing, and it's moving from left to right.
2. But when I move my pointer away from the button (the pointer is not on the button), the light is moving backward (from the last position it reached in first task).
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Here is the code:
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Jan 4, 2011
This is en examle of what i want to make in a.s.: I have mc on stage, it has 20 frames, in frame 1 there is circle in left corner of stage, in 20th frame circle is on the opposite side of frame and there is motion tween between them. There is stop() script in the first and last frame. Now if i put on mc
it works ok but on rollOut mc rapidly jumps to frame 1, is it possible to make it play backward on rollOut and stop at frame 1.
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Dec 28, 2009
I recently created a slide show that works fine on my desktop, works great from the test server when viewed through the flash produced HTML but once the swf is uploaded via a content management system we have problems. Further investigation showed that the CMS is set up for a few versions back so I saved backward which dropped my actionScript back to 1.0 and 2.0. I totally re-wrote the actions script and again, everything works great on my box but the same issues are showing up. Is versioning backward in this manner the problem.
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Jan 22, 2003
How is this action attached to a button via scripting?
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Mar 11, 2010
I beleive there's an Action Script or possibly an attached Javascript (maybe) that would allow an FLV video to 1st stream forward and then play backwards and repeat this proccess over and over to simulate an endless trend. The perfect example can be simply viewed here url...Their video is a short 13 sec clip of the pup licking the screen, but they managed to reverse it when it reaches the end.
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Apr 26, 2010
I am trying to create a small movie. Now I want to create an effect that once the mouse is in the right half of the movie - then movie should play forward. When the cursor moves to the left half of the movie then movie should play backwards. I have tried following some examples from online but I am kinda lost
This is what I have done so far:
- Create the animation named it "mc" of type Movie Clip
- Put it in the "main scene"
- The (first) keyframe at "main scene" has action "stop();"
- <<now i am lost >>
Note: Eventually the right and left part of the movie will link to different webpage.
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Nov 17, 2010
I usually use the following code to play a MC forward and backward using two different button clicks:
ActionScript Code:
var rewindMe:Boolean=false;
vid_mc.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, everyFrame);
The problem I'm running into is that, this time, the movieclip has an embedded FLV inside of it. When I click the backward_btn, it is slow - really slow. Is there any other way to look at this?
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Apr 13, 2005
Ive got this animating button and when it rolls out i want it to play the same animation backward
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Mar 16, 2009
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Feb 6, 2010
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Jan 20, 2005
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Mar 18, 2010
So my issue is that I want my images to get smaller as they go to the back, and unlike the carousel in the tutorial, I don't want them to go up on the Y axis I'd like them to stay level horizontally but get smaller as they recede. The code in the tutorial I'm using only goes over how to do this by adjusting radiusY.
var numOfItems:Number = 4;
var radiusX:Number = 250;
var radiusY:Number = 5;
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May 5, 2009
I posted a discussion earlier on a video stream not playing past a certain time. I ran FLVCheck on the video and it came back saying there is a backward timestamp in the video. I recompressed it from the uncompressed video (AVI) and I got the same error again in the exact same place.
The error has to be in the uncompressed file, but I don't know how to fix it. Recompressing obviously doesn't help. Anyone know how to fix a 'Backward timestamp'?
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Jun 11, 2009
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Dec 22, 2011
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Sep 9, 2009
i am creating a video player.i created play and pause of it with state pattern but i dont know about make forward and backward for this video.
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Aug 1, 2010
how to make my "animation" (more of an interactive slideshow) skip forwards and backwards by two frames rather than one.
Each frame's action starts with stop(); and I know how you can implement the Action script to register keystrokes, the problem is I can't get how to jump by 2 rather than 1 frame at a time.
It would be preferable not to have to use gotoAndStop(#); on every 2nd frame as I have over 350+ frames.
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Mar 25, 2012
I have circles in my stage that I addChild them but they are front of all my objects but I need them under one of my objects.
my Child Name: Balls
my Front Object Name: Border
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Feb 24, 2004
well what i am trying to do is move between 2 text boxes through a motion tween. but thats not going to work because you can't tween backwards. so what would be the best thing to do?
this has probably been posted before but i have no idea where it is. i tried the sliding menu tute but that didn't work.
View 14 Replies
Feb 24, 2004
well what i am trying to do is move between 2 text boxes through a motion tween. but thats not going to work because you can't tween backwards. so what would be the best thing to do?
this has probably been posted before but i have no idea where it is. i tried the sliding menu tute but that didn't work.
View 14 Replies
Aug 12, 2009
Im trying to produce my online portfolio but for that i need to play movieclips backward and forward to various frame numbers.I found a very good script (as2) and it works great in the main timeline but inside a mc it doesnt work at all. this is the script
1. Call to Action Create an actionscript layer that extends the full length of your movie. In that layer, include the following actionscript:
function Movement() {
if (_root._currentframe > _root.mytarget){
Using the code above, the movie will play either backwards or forwards to the desired destination.As i said before this script is great but it doesnt work inside an mc.
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Dec 6, 2009
Im trying to produce my online portfolio but for that i need to play movieclips backward and forward to various frame numbers.I found a very good script (as2) and it works great in the main timeline but inside a mc it doesnt work at all.this is the script
1. Call to Action Create an actionscript layer that extends the full length of your movie. In that layer, include the following actionscript:
function Movement() {
if (_root._currentframe > _root.mytarget){
Using the code above, the movie will play either backwards or forwards to the desired destination.As i said before this script is great but it doesnt work inside an mc.
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Dec 16, 2011
I simply want to move a video forward and backword when it is already playing, but the seek method is not working properly. I can't figure out, where the problem is.I have two buttons (pluz_btn and minus_btn). Plus button is used to move half second forward and Minus button is used to go back half seconds.The plus button is working but it is showing about is moving the video to about 3 seconds.The minus button should move video backword. But it is also moving it forward.[code]......
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Apr 29, 2009
Background: I have a slider / scrubber that works well and controls the timeline of a movieclip both forward and backward.Lets say I have a movieclip of a lightbulb onstage that starts in a turned off state. When the movieclip plays through normally I have frame based actionscript to toggle a lightbulb movieclip to _on.
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Jan 5, 2012
Im trying to create a series of images that scroll acoss the page left and right using arrows at either side of the stage. The arrows use mouse over events to play a movie clip of the images foward and backward.There are a few issues I am having. I have a mouse over and mouse out events in place to start and stop the clip on to different buttons. However when playing the clip backward with my current script the mouse out doesnt do anything so the clip just keeps playing backward to the beggining. Once this has happened neither button then does anything.Another issue is once the clip has played foward once in total and I mouse over the same arrow button again it flicks back to the begginging of the clip.[code]
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Dec 16, 2011
I simply want to move a video forward and backword when it is already playing, but the seek method is not working properly. I can't figure out, where the problem is. I have two buttons (pluz_btn and minus_btn). Plus button is used to move half second forward and Minus button is used to go back half seconds. The plus button is working but it is showing about is moving the video to about 3 seconds. The minus button should move video backword. But it is also moving it forward.
plus_btn.onRelease = function() {;
streamCount += 1;
streamTime_txt.text = streamCount; };
minus_btn.onRelease = function() {;
streamCount -= 1;
streamTime_txt.text = streamCount; };
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Dec 21, 2006
I would like to control the embedded video by advancing the playhead forward and /or backward by increments > 1 frame. I have tried:
on (press) {
for(var j = 0; j < 4; j++)
- and -
on (press) {
mc.gotoAndStop(mc._currentframe + 4);
} (mc = movie clip)
I enabled Simple Buttons and clicked on the buttons containing the AS; they are not functioning. Although, the play, stop, goto first and last frame buttons work. I am perplexed. I have tried creating a new .fla file with a different .wmv, and the failure to function persists.
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