ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash DisplayObject Container Matching All Elements With AddChild() On Criteria?

Mar 1, 2012

I'm coding this minigame implementation where a sprite traverses tiles on a screen, and when he's done traversing a tile, the tile "disappears" (its alpha decreases and it becomes a "wall" the player can not move onto). Now, simple enough. Make use of a traversing and traversed boolean arrays to store if a tile is currently being traversed, or if it isn't, but it has been traversed. So, if traversing == 0 and traversed == 1, make the tile "disappear". However, and here's the weird part, if I just set the alpha to, say, 0.5 in this if statement, it sets the alpha on just the tile I traversed, whereas if I try to make it part of the wall as well (in the same if), every tile except the one I've traversed to becomes a wall.

Here's part of the code (it happens in the enterFrame game loop):

const NUM_TILES = 15;
//Add MC for all the tiles
var tiles = new MovieClip();


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Flash :: DisplayObject.rotation Not Matching Trig Functions

Mar 19, 2010

I'm trying to label an animated pie chart, and I've been having a great deal of trouble getting rotated objects to line up with trigonometrically-positioned objects. So, for example, if I have a pie piece that's middle is angle theta and has been rotated n degrees in a tween, and then I try to position a label with code like this:

label.x = center.x + Math.cos((theta + n)/180 * Math.PI) * radius;
label.y = center.y + Math.sin((theta + n)/180 * Math.PI) * radius;

the label is often not aligned with the center of the pie slice. Since I am also zooming in to the pie chart a great deal, the error becomes significant enough that it occasionally causes the label to miss the pie slice altogether. The error seems relatively unpredictable, and it looks a great deal like a rounding error, but I don't see any obvious rounding going on (the trig functions evaluate to ten or so decimal places, which should be more than enough here).

How can I get these labels to position correctly?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Check Container And AddChild If Empty

Apr 7, 2011

I have a button on stage which has a child menu movieclip and that movieclip has three submenu button children.On each of these 3rd level buttons an event listener draws a new container on the stage and adds a new movieClip holding various info.This all works nicely, but I cannot work out a way to get an eventListener on the menu buttons to check if the container already exists so I can then stop the button repeating the add container function. So, at the moment you can repeatedly hit any of these menu buttons and they will just continue to add info movieClip children.I've tried some nice Boolean commands that should work, but I think it's the nesting of the children/relationships that are not allowing me to get this to work.So, basically for arguments sake, let's say I only have one of each item... here's the nesting of children:[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: AddChild() - DisplayObject Isn't Visible Immediately

Aug 17, 2011

When I add a DisplayObject to a DisplayObjectContainer (e.g. a Sprite to a Sprite) in a function, it seems that the DisplayObject is actually added not immediately, but after finishing the function.

See this example:

package {
import flash.display.Sprite;


So we have a simple green button, and when it is clicked, there's a red Sprite constructed and added to the stage. But actually the red Sprite isn't visible until the onClick() function has been fully executed.

Why is that and what can I do for the red Sprite to be visible immediately?

Is there some (for the developer invisible) global paint() or update() function, that is not executed until some stack is fully executed or something?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: DisplayObject And AddChild - Use The Variable OpenType In The Call For The Image??

Nov 24, 2009

I am working on a project where we are making a "wizard" where you answer a series of questions and in the end you are presented with a "parts list" based on your answers.There is also logic which decides which questions you are asked based on how you have answered certain questions so far. The outcome is a list of door control hardware (locks, mounting plates, handles etc. etc.). show a "live image" of the parts list as it builds. For example one of the questions is this: Door Type?

A) Aluminum

B) All Glass

C) Wood

Depending on which you choose I need to show an image of an aluminum, glass or wooden door.Then if the next question is about lock types then your new lock shows up and so on and so forth until you reach the end.The questions all relate to their own variable which are each defined at the beginning of the movie like this:

var doorType:String = "DT0";

The questions use radio buttons and each question (re)defines it's variable like this

DT1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doorTypeHandler);[code]....

Now the tricky part (for me at least) is figuring how in the world to use this in conjunction with the questions (more accurately, the variables they define) to produce this live image.Another thing to add complication to this whole mess is that there are basically two entire sets of images. Single doors or Double doors, they both have (nearly) all the same hardware but they are two different sets of images. They are differentiated by the ot1 or ot2 in front of the class name. The variable openType defines OT1 or OT2 in a previous question. I would like to be able to use the variable openType in the call for the image

//This is how I tested it
currImage = new ot2_wood_exit();

//I would like to use openType instead of hard coding ot1 or ot2

currImage = new openType_wood_exit(); //I KNOW this is wrong, but I don't know what is right!So that is my basic dilemma. I need to show or hide specific images based on the answers to previously answered questions AND questions currently being answered (live update).

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May 31, 2009

In a project, I need to pass in a DisplayObject to a container in a specified frame of a MovieClip. (for example a "container" instance at Frame 15)

I thought it should be just okay with this code:

Code:trace(mc.currentFrame);// Output 1 - we are at the first frame of this mc.


If the timer delay is set to 1, the container is still not available, but if it's set to 100, it's okay. Then I make this delay bigger and bigger, the threshold value is 25. (My FPS is 30)

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Flex :: List All Elements In A Container?

Jul 11, 2011

I want to list all controls (buttons, datagrids, etc) in a container

This works but gives me a warning 1008: variable 'comp' has no type declaration.

for (var i:int = 0;i<this.numElements;i++)
var comp = this.getElementAt(i);


when I get a compiler warning it's because I'm not doing something the way it is supposed to be.

Are there any alternatives to reference the id property? A method I'm missing even a whole different way iterate through all the controls?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Container - AddChild To Set Position - Array?

May 20, 2009

I am creating a container. When I press a button outside the container it adds a movieclip. The movieclip is the width of the container but only a fraction of the height.
I need to know how to get it so every time I press the button it adds the movieclip after the last one, almost like appending a list. Does anyone know how I would do this?Do I use an array or does flash have some sort of table feature?

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<s:State name="view1State" />
<s:State name="view2State" />
<s:State name="view3State" />


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Oct 26, 2010

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Find Criteria Must Contain At Least One Sort Field Value?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Playing Frames Only When Certain Criteria Are Met?

Jul 30, 2004

First, here's the movie in question: [URL]

the fla is here: [URL]

The concept is, you have this big picture and when you hover over a label the picture zooms in and you get a detail.

Problem is, say you're hovering over "Operations" then you just move your mouse down to "Customers". The movie sorta stutters over from Operations to Customers. What I would LIKE it to do is act as if I had removed my mouse from the button, THEN hovered over the next item.


1. User sees big picture

2. User hovers over "Operations"

3. Movie Zooms In to Operations.

4. User hovers over "Customers"

key -->5. Movie zooms all the way back out, THEN zooms into "Customers"

so on...

So far I've tried to put a switch into the frames where the movie is zoomed all the way out. something saying "ok, we're ready to zoom in" then have the buttons say "if the frame says "we're ok" then we can zoom in". But that didn't work for me.

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Jul 12, 2010

i.e. to pause the animation only if the animation is playing. and to play the animation again only if the animation is paused..

ActionScript Code:
on(release) {


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Image Selection Based On Criteria And Filename

May 28, 2009

Here is what I'm trying to do. I have a sunroom product that is available with several different options. I have created images of every possible combination of options, and named the files like this:
Hot Tub_Visor_TintedGlass_View3.jpg 
I want users to be able to choose their options, and have the appropriate picture be displayed. So to get the above image, they'd have to choose "Deck Furniture" "No Visor" "Clear Glass" and "View 1". Or to get the other one they'd choose "Hot Tub" "Yes Visor" "Tinted Glass" and "View 3"
It's not necessary to have it auto-update the image, so I was thinking they could choose their options and then click "Update", and that would in a sense pull up the correct filename from the options they've chosen. I'm not exactly sure how to tell Flash to change this master variable (the filename) whenever one of the sub-variables (pieces in the filename) change. Would I have to put a script on each option button telling it when it gets selected to change the master variable?

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Html :: Show Elements Over Flash Elements?

Jun 9, 2010

When i create a menu, the dropdowns go behind the flash element. But in some sites, like Digg, it is shown above. z-index is of no use

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Flash :: Logic For A Matching Game?

Feb 5, 2011

I was given a task to make a match making game in actionscript 2, problem is, i have very little knowledge about the language (well, and how matching works in as2, what are the important codes, code emplacements, and all I am new in AS2, and i really need a lot of help with our project. :)

I plan to match images. But.. I was planning to have a sort of "Compatibility" match-up game, like,..let's say we have two batteries, one has a 50v capacity(how do u measure batteries?) then the other has a 100v capacity, then there's this battery slot that only accepts a 50v battery, then you will have to match this 50v battery to that battery slot, that's my concept for the game, sir. I hope you got what i said, sir. :D

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Arrays :: Search Multidimensional Array (Flash As3) Using Another Array For Search Criteria

Sep 26, 2011

Long story short: I want to search a multidimensional array in AS3 for (in this example) the location of 6 strings - all of which are stored in another unrelared array. Long story long: Once I get the locations (in the multidimensional array) of each string, i then know where it's located, and can access other atributes of that object - so if i found the string "box3" is located in element [5] of my multidimensional array, i can now target: multiArray[5][3] to return the 4th item stored (keeping in mind we're starting from 0, so 3 is the 4th position).

I can get this to work once, but I'm trying to set up a for loop based on the length of my basic string storage array - this array holds (in this example) 6 instance name strings - each time my for loop loops, i need to run a search in my multdimensional array for the next consecutive instance name. Then, once I've located all of them (and store the results in a new temporary array) I can dig around in each location for the info I need.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Matching Pattern Algorithm

Dec 2, 2010


Is there a way to do this with RegExp maybe? I know that I could just add each variation of each pattern to the array, and just search it, but I want to do it more intelligently.

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Aug 13, 2011

I know my 'algorithm' isn't useful at all, but I think I encountered a very strange behaviour.


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Flash :: Create A Accurate Chronometer Matching Real Time?

Sep 23, 2011

I'm working in an educational software, mostly developed using Flash AS3, and we have a chronometer which shows different values through different users. Example: Two users starting the chronometer at same time, but along some minutes of usage, they have different values.

The current implementation uses Timer class, causing this to happen, obviously due the different average speed of each computer.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: AddChild From A Class - Get The Error "1180 : Call To A Possibly Undefined Method AddChild?

Jun 15, 2011

I'm trying to have a class file which can add objects to the stage via addChild; however, when I call addChild from within the class file, I get the error "1180: Call to a possibly undefined method addChild." I've tried importing flash.display.* and that doesn't fix the problem. Does the class file have to extend Sprite or MovieClip to be able to add objects to the stage?

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Flash :: Search BitmapData Object For Matching Pixel Values From Another Bitmap?

Jun 16, 2010

Using Actionscript 3 is there a way to search one bitmap for the coordinates matching pixels of another bitmap?


Somehow you would have to loop through the bigger bitmap to find and the the pixel range that matches and return those coordinates. For example the Bitmap with the "E" is 250 pixels over and 14 pixels down in the bigger bitmap.

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Actionscript 3 :: Drag And Drop Matching Type Game With Groupings In Flash

Oct 28, 2011

sorry for the misunderstandings in my program, i'm quite new here and i am also new in using flash. here is the sample output that i used in my code


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash 6 Importing Data Into Array And Matching It To Case Switch?

Feb 3, 2011

A quick review of the project, I am importing information from an xml file into an array. From there I have passed the information from the array to a variable.I find it that when I try to match the variable to a string letter, that it is not running through the case switch properly and going straight to the default bit. I have tried numerous solution to check where the problem lies;I have trace the actual position of the array to check if it is the correct letter I am trying to match.Did a length check on the variable that it is only 1, and not containing any spacesWhen I hardcode the letter into the variable, the case works perfectly.Any idea on why this is happening would greatly be apreciated. I have pasted a sample of the code below;

var switchTest = initialSlide_array[1];
switch (switchTest) { //switch case used to check template type
case "A":


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Matching Items In An Array To Movie Clip Labels?

Feb 6, 2012

I have an array that holds a list of items. In a movie clip, I have that same list as the frame labels. I'm using a for loop to iterate through the array and then assigning event listeners so that when you roll over an icon, it sends the movie clip to the right frame label (matching the item in the array).

However, the code I have now only returns the first match and not any of the others. Here's my code:

for (var j:uint = 0; j<interiorCallouts.length; j++) {
featureTextArray[j].text = interiorCallouts[j];
featureArray.length = interiorCallouts.length;


See the showCallout function. I'm using the interiorCallouts array to match the frame label in the callouts_mc, but I'm only getting the first match. None of the others.

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Professional :: Position Elements Relative To Other Elements Or In Absolute Values?

Jan 26, 2010

Is it generally to position elements relative to other elements or in absolute values?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Box2d Addchild - 41061: Call To A Possibly Undefined Method AddChild Through A Reference With Static Type Class

Jan 16, 2012

I have downloaded Box2d ([URL]) and created a project that looks like this: [URL]. catalyst is the green cube and it has the base class "", it is inside "world" which has the base class "wck.World". What i want to do is to add another "catalyst" from the library inside "world" when i click on add_btn. I tried to accomplish this by this code:


Symbol 'buttons', Layer 'Actions', Frame 1, Line 41061: Call to a possibly undefined method addChild through a reference with static type Class.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Shift Array Elements Without Deleting The Elements?

Oct 1, 2009

does anyone know how to shift all the array elements by one or more without deleting the array itself?

Something like rotating the array:


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