ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Dynamic Mc And Eventlisteners

Feb 2, 2011

I am creating a small image gallery and I am creating the actual images dynamically. The images are stored via json and I am listing them underneath each other. No I can get all to work and they all load and position each other correctly underneath. What I would like to do is assign each image a addEventListener so that when clicked they pass the necessary details onto another function which will then display a larger image simple and basic but I am having trouble with adding the eventlistener. each one gets an eventlistener to it but when clicking on each one they all show the details from the last one. The code is attached to the main gallery container is as follows:


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Actionscript 3 :: Add And Remove EventListeners With Dynamic Name And Dynamic Variables?

Jan 14, 2010

picture: [URL].. I am making a boardgame in flash Action Script 3 each position on the board is a buttons like this: button_1_1, button_1_2 etc. Whenever a character is selected you want to move it so the script has to add event listeners for positions around the selected unit


In the rest of the code I have:

function userClickedPosition(position_x:int, position_y:int) it selects or deselect a unit function selectUnit(position_x:int, position_y:int):it uses the listentoButton(1) function to add 8 listeners (the positions around the clicked unit)function deselectUnit(position_x:int, position_y:int): it uses the listentoButton(0) function to delete 8 listeners (the positions around the clicked unit)

My question: adding eventlisteners is no problem but removing them dont seem to work? What did I do wrong?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Attach Eventlisteners To Dynamic Movieclips And Pass A Variable?

Dec 8, 2008

I have a mc (changeColorMc) and three movieclips. The three movieclips are created on the fly (so there could be more movieclips) and filled with a color from an Array. This works fine.

Now I want to add an eventlistener for each movieclip, so when someone push one of the movieclips the movieclip with the name "changeColorMc" gets that same color from the colorArray.

My question is: How can I pass the color value from the colorArray to the buttonPressed function? Is this possible?

I was also thinking that I had to create three buttonPressed functions ie. buttonPressed1, buttonPressed2 and buttonPressed3 and attach these to the created movieclips.. but how? Because I don't know up front how many movieclips there will be..

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Flash :: Using Eventlisteners In Classes?

Dec 15, 2011

I'm trying to use an eventlistener in a class, but I can't make it work!

The class is ment to handle a HTTPRequest, so I'm using ResultEvent.RESULT.

public class GetXML
public var content:Object;
public var url:String;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Eventlisteners And Children?

Apr 13, 2011

I want to know if there's a 'correct method' in removing a MovieClip off the stage. I am currently programming in simple OOP and I have 2 classes, for now lets relate them to Tree and Fruit. The fruit is the child of the tree.

When the fruit is being clicked on. the tree AND the fruit will fade off and I will perform a removechild only on the tree. So I'm now puzzled if just removing the tree would automatically remove everything including the fruit(without performing a proper tree.removeChild(fruit)) and all the eventlisteners attached to fruit?

If not, must I perform remove child on every single MC/Sprite I have added onto tree/fruit for the best performance? Would like to find out how you go about doing it the 'correct way'.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Removing EventListeners Using A For Loop?

Jan 16, 2012

I have 20 buttons on my stage, and rather then have 'removeEventListener' for each button, i wanted to use a loop to do so. Heres what i have done.

//array containing the buttons instance names.
var soundArray:Array = new Array();


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Flash :: Best Way To Handle EventListeners/Handlers For 1000 Buttons?

Aug 18, 2011

I'm working on a game where users can win buttons/badges as awards. I estimate there will be around 500 awards, in all.I want to allow the users to sell their duplicate/unwanted badges to the bank and buy new ones from the bank.I am showing the badges in multiple awards frames. Below the badges, I show the count, along with a "Buy" and "Sell" button.My question is: What's the best way to handle SO MANY buy & sell buttons? Is there a way around coding 1000 eventListeners and 1000 eventHandlers?

One possible solution is to name my buttons, incrementally, like "buy_mc1", "buy_mc2", etc. Then do a loop to create listeners for this["buy_mc" + i]. However, I would then have to make VERY sure that I link these back correctly to the awards.Currently, I have an "award_mc" field in my database, which stores the name of the movieclip in my .fla. From that, I can access related assets, like the count field, like: this[db.award_mc + "_count"].txt.Unfortunately, this method does not lend itself well to looped access.Maybe I can create an array of movieclip names that are in synch with the buy/sell buttons. For example:

myArray = {aMissionAward, anotherAward, ubernessAward};

My buttons would be: buy_0, buy_1, buy_2, etc.

When someone clicks a button, I can link buy_2 to "ubernessAward", then look for "ubernessAward" on the database.How can I get the number from the button, though? Even if I can loop through setting up the eventListeners, will I have to set up individuatl eventHandlers to process the correct index number? I was not able to get this to work with buttons on the stage. Apparently, buttons are a static class. MovieClips are dynamic, so I was able to get this to work by using MovieClips. Here's what I did:

Added 3 MovieClips to the stage.
Named them "mc0", "mc1", and "mc2".

Add this AS3 code:

for (var i:Number=0; i<3; i++)
this["mc" + i].addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, onMcClick );[code]....

From here, I can tie the awardKey to an array of MovieClip names. Then, I can use the MovieClip names to read my database.This is why I come to Stack Overflow, FIRST, when I have a problem. :)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Can Not Place The Eventlisteners To The Circle Class?

Apr 13, 2011

I am trying to learn working with multiple classes in AS3. I came across a problem which I can not solve or look up. I have searched the documentation but I can not find a clear sollution or answer.I have flashfile with a document class (main class). Within this class I use another class (circle class) to get a instance of a movieclip on the stage.

Now my problem is that I can not place the eventlisteners to the circle class. normally I would write something like this. addEventListener() but this doesnt work. But I really need a way to get this to work, because I want to make a mouse click event which must be linked to the circle to respond to it.

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Flash - Why Do EventListeners Stop Working After Manipulating The Z-property And Changing Stage.quality

Sep 16, 2011

Currently one of our teams suffers from a very strange phenomena: after manipulating the z property of a MovieClip and changing the stage quality some event listeners of nested MovieClips seem to disappear (or at least not react to the proper events any longer).

The problem also only appears when doing both, changing the stage quality and manipulating the zproperty.

Here is a simple class demonstrating the issue:

package {
import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
import flash.display.StageAlign;
import flash.display.Graphics;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Multiple EventListeners, Modulus And Rotating Cubes - Unable To Get Performance

Feb 23, 2011

I've created a grid of 3D cubes using modulus, and the 3d cubes are were created from the Math and Flash Tutorial, if you are interested it is here.What I am trying to accomplish (and it works, just the performance is lousy). All the cubes in the grid are inactive until the mouse hovers over them, then they start to rotate, and once the mouse moves off them they continue to rotate...

So to create the grid of cubes:

public function FlowerMenu(){
var rowY:Number = 0;
for (var i:int = 0; i < 190; i++) {


So, this works, but after about 4 or 5 cubes have started rotating the performance drops considerably. I can imagine creating that many EventListeners isn't a good idea, but I can't see any other way of doing it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Necessary To Remove EventListeners?

Mar 6, 2009

Let's say I have a global SoundChannel object, and inside a function I am repeatedly creating new instances of the Sound object to play songs one after the other. Each time I do this, I need to add a new eventListener to the SoundChannel to call the function 'onSoundComplete' that will load the next song on completion.Coming from a strict C++ programming background, I often wonder if it's necessary to do some kind of cleanup in Flash, or if it handles it automagically.Here's example code that specifically removes the eventListener from the previous Sound object everytime a new one is created, but I don't want to be doing this if it isn't necessary:

// Setup sound object buffer
var slc:SoundLoaderContext = new SoundLoaderContext(3000);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Remove The Eventlisteners

Aug 16, 2009

I have images loading from an array. A slideshow. This works fine, but they pile on top of each other. I cannot figure out how to remove them. what's the simplest way to remove them? How do I say - if pic1 is loaded, before loading pic2, remove pic1?


var aPics:Array=new Array("pic1.jpg","pic2.jpg","pic3.jpg","pic4.jpg","pic5.jpg");
var threeSeconds:Timer=new Timer(3000,aPics.length);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add EventListeners To Shapes?

Feb 7, 2009

Can I add eventListeners to shapes ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add EventListeners To Bitmaps?

Apr 18, 2009

Trying to add EventListeners to Bitmaps.Can I add an EventListener directly to a bitmap?If I load an image to a UILoader then addEventListener to the UILoader instance that works just fine, but if I use a Bitmap instead, nada...I could load the Bitmap into a Sprite and add the EventListener to that, but would prefer the direct method...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: EventListeners For Input Text?

Nov 11, 2009

Is there a way to listen for the cursor in the input text field? I am making a form, and when the user clicks on the input box I want text to appear to the right side and than fade when they leave that text field.

the text field is called input_txt;

psuedo code

input_txt.addEventLister(event.MouseEvent, showText);
function showText(evt:MouseEvent):void{
text_mc.visibile = true;

View 8 Replies

ActionScript 1/2 :: Run Time MovieClip EventListeners?

Jun 6, 2009

I'm working on an image gallery which builds dynamically at runtime, simple enough.imageList is an array loaded with the images to display.

var imageList:Array = _root.images.split(",");var imageArray = new Array();var count = 0;for( var i = 0; i < imageList.length; i++ ){  _root.createEmptyMovieClip("myMC"+i, (i + 1)); _root["tmpMCL"+i] = new MovieClipLoader();  imageArray[i] = new Array();  ima


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pass Parameters Through Eventlisteners?

Jun 11, 2010

Inside a .fla file I have some buttons and each button will tween a different image to the stage. All the images are outside the stage in the same x and y position and I just need to tween the x coordinate.

Now I'm working with an external document class where I'm trying to hold all my functions and I'm stucked with the Tweens. I'm willing to stay away from the flash tween engine and I'm trying to work with tweenLite.
Is it possible to pass parameters through eventListeners so I can use something like this inside my docClass?
public function animeThis (e:MouseEvent, mc:MovieClip, ep:int):void { //ep stands for endPoint., 2, {x:ep});
If this is possible, how am I supposed to write the listeners so it will pass the event to be listened for AND those parameters? And how to build the function so it will receive those parameters and the event?

View 23 Replies

Actionscript 3 :: EventListeners In Nested Functions?

Mar 12, 2012

I've got a few MouseEvent listeners outside of a function that contains nested functions that need to use the functions attached to the listeners.

button1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, buttonOver);
function navigation (): void {
if statements;


I keep getting an "1120:Access of undefined property buttonOver" error. I know it's because the EventListener is outside of the function "navigation" but I need it to be accessed by other functions later.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Talking To MovieClips From EventListeners?

Aug 13, 2009

im trying find out a value of a var from a mc called from an eventlistener.

//////////// as2 oldSchool ////////////
function loadPlayer() {
trace("myScene: "+this.myScene)


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing EventListeners When Unloading?

Aug 19, 2009

I have main.swf and content.swf. I load content into main. When I try to unload it gives me error, due to the fact that in my content.swf I have MouseMove event and this event is causing this error:

ActionScript Code:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at content_fla::MainTimeline/onLoop()

How to properly kill all eventListeners?

My main.swf code:

ActionScript Code:
var holder:Sprite = new Sprite();


I did some research and it seems quite an issue - especially when trying to remove, enterFrame, mouseMove or stage listeners. Im using CS3.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: .enabled Not Working With Eventlisteners?

Sep 28, 2009

I tried using a .enabled = false; when I already had a click event on that movie clip. I found that you need to remove the eventlistener instead of making enabled false.Why doesn't enabled work when you have event listeners?I'm really more curious than in need of an answer since removeEventListener worked fine.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Generate Dynamically Some EventListeners?

May 13, 2010

I have this code (for now, but there will be much more eventListeners) and i want to generate them dynamically.

s1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function1);
s2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function1);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove EventListeners From External Swf`s?

Aug 5, 2010

I have a menu with buttons on the stage that when clicked load external swf but the problem, although i can remove them from the stage, is that they are still playing which gives my site performance problems. I gave weak references to the Event Listeners but i didn�t remove them.Here�s the code:

import flash.display.Loader;


How can i remove each the listeners from each swf so that the site doesn�t perform so slow?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Functions And Eventlisteners Inside Each Other?

Apr 6, 2009

Say I have this code:

Code:stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, reloader);
function reloader(e:KeyboardEvent):void {[code].....

and this:

Code: var reloadT:Timer = new Timer(2000, 2);
reloadT.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, on_timer);

So I have a code that tracks Key_UP and one for a timer. However, I want to somehow use them together, like inside each other: ex. Run the timer function in Key_UP.I want to trigger the timer only if Key_UP is found. How would I do this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling A Function Used On EventListeners

Jun 25, 2009

I got a pickle for you: I have a function that is currently connected to an event listener like this:

loginButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loginOnClick, false, 0, true);
function loginOnClick(event:MouseEvent):void{
// Login code.

Right now I'd also like to call that same function using the ENTER from a keyboard since loginOnClick doesn't use the parameter received (event:MouseEvent). So I did this:

function keyboardListener(event:KeyboardEvent):void{
if (loginButton){
if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.ENTER && loginButton.enabled) {
loginOnClick(); // Generates an error because it doesn't have a parameter.

Problem is, of course, AS3 doesn't let you call a function with the incorrect number of parameters or types. I tried following senocula's tutorials on functions and parameters but they don't seem to work on this very specific issue considering the parameter is an event reference.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Eventlisteners Passing Variables?

Apr 4, 2012

i need to attach an event listener, and have its handler have a variable passed into it ..this possible?

mc.addEventListener(Mouse.Event.ROLL_OVER, over(obj) );
.. sommint like that .. as3 says function is static, missing argument etc .. there may be other ways about it - but it is crucial to my setup, as when the EL is added, the object passed is only obtainable at that point.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing Active EventListeners At Runtime

Mar 4, 2009

Is there anyway through which we can know that which event listeners are currently active and we can remove them at runtime? I am trying to create drawing board which have different shapes to draw. But I have to add event listener with for every shape and have to remove previous listeners. I want to remove the all active listeners in one go. Is it possible.??

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using EventListeners With Classic Text Objects

Aug 25, 2010

I have created 4 classic text objects and called them Butt1 thru Butt4.This is so I can change the text in code from time to time.I want to create an event listener to pick up when the user;

a) mouses over Butt1, etc.

b) mouses out of Butt1, etc.

c) clicks on Butt1, etc.
In each case I will define a function to perform actions when the button is moused over, moused out or clicked.AddEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);  does not seem to have parameters(as far as I can tell)to point to Butt1, etc.

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Limit To Number Of Times Assign EventListeners?

Sep 6, 2010

I've got a presentation that continually reads an XML and displays content based on that. It works fine for 2-3 hours then just stops. No errors, just stops.

What I'm doing is adding and removing eventListeners throughout the process using two alternative loader objects.

For example:

PHP Code:

slideLoader1.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,loadJPG, false, 0, true ); 

I started using the "weak" listener based on what I've been reading about garbage collection, but actually this works better:

PHP Code:


The presentation runs much longer with the second listener type. In both cases I'm removing it this way:

PHP Code:


Is there a problem constantly adding/removing eventListeners this way?

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AS3 :: Removing EventListeners Without Knowing Amount Or Names?

Apr 28, 2010

First shortly about how my site works: When a link is clicked it checks if something is already displayed in either the Left or Right side of the screen (the website looks like a book, so I have a left page I want to display information on and a right page). If there is already something showing it hides it and displays the new object, together with this it enables all the buttons within that object (I have separate functions to set up each object).

An example of such an EventListener would be:

pathTo.Button1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function():void {showText(side, object)});

What I'm trying to do is to remove all the previous set EventListeners without having to create separate functions for removing the links inside every object as well.

How do I remove all EventListeners on all objects inside another object? The only variable I want to store is the object containing everything. There are however not always EventListeners within the objects.

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