ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash MovieClip Still Exists Without Being Displayed?
Nov 13, 2011
I add a movie clip on a displayobject like this : (mc is a MovieClip with frames on it)
mc = new Mc();
So here it is, my mc is displayed on levels object..For debug reason at each frame in my mc object i use :
trace("mcMoves on "+parent )
//it traces "mcMoves on [object Levels]"
Now i want to remove it (and all the objects displayed on the level object) like this:
while (levels.numChildren) levels.removeChildAt(0);
levels = null;
So everything disappears, but it still trace :
"mcMoves on null"
so my object just disappear from my view, not from the code, how can i erase my object for good ?
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if (this.getChildByName("thumbContainer") != null) {
if ("thumbContainer" in this) {
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