ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Movieclip That Stays Within The Perspective Of The Page User?

Feb 19, 2012

I need a movie clip that will stay in the same place on the x axis, but will scroll up and down with the page viewer on a website. staying in view.

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Flash :: MovieClip In Perspective?

Jun 1, 2011

I would like to have a MovieClip that has a bit of depth. I can't use rotationX, rotationY or rotationZ because I have to use Flash CS3. The first image is what I have now, a flat movieclip. The second is what I should have.

I already tried using a matrix, but that didn't work. I posed a question about it, and there somebody sugested that I should use a 3D engine to get the result I want.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: RollOver State That Stays When User Clicks A Button?

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i wrote many things (something like back functions) but i failed. my code and my swf is below.

import mx.transitions.Tween;


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I'd like to animate the yellow dots, but make sure that they never gets out of the red shape's boundary.

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Actionscript 3 :: Movieclip Always Stays On Top?

Mar 31, 2010

I'm building a game of which the interface is one of the first items to load on screen.Sound button, pause and all the bits .During the game - all manor of things are dynamically added and removed to the stage. Therefore my interface goes behind my game scene.How do I ensure the movieclip always stays on top? Can I override the addChild of my Document Class and every time a new child is added, I restack the interface to the top?

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function useHolder() {
_root.attachMovie("holder","holder", 725);
_root.holder._x = holder._y = 100;
_root.holder.title.text = "titelinhoud";

Now it shows just the background of the movieclip (so that gets loaded on stage), the title-field stays empty (although I embedded the font), only the content-field is showing the dummy content I put in in flash.

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Ensure The Swf Or Projector File Always Stays In Full Screen - Full Page Mode?

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I am creating a flash-based Kiosk. When launched, it runs full page/full screen. However, if a user clicks a button that opens an external document, the swf or Flash Projector exe leaves full page mode and appears in the Flash Player. Is there any way to ensure the swf or projector file always stays in full screen - full page mode?

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Mar 31, 2011

So I am successfully able to send variabls from Flash to PHP, but I am still unable to figure out how to send the USER to the php page along with their variables. The reason I want to do this is because the PHP script in question spits out a bunch of text to the user based off the variables sent to it from flash.
Right now, when the user clicks the submit button in flash it sends the variables to flash ok, but to the user, they just continue to sit idly on the flash page, even though it no longer serves a purpose. So I guess my question is, how can I get flash to send the user AND their data to the php script when they click the submit button?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sending Variables AND The User To A Php Page From Flash?

Mar 31, 2011

So I am successfully able to send variabls from Flash to PHP, but I am still unable to figure out how to send the USER to the php page along with their variables. The reason I want to do this is because the PHP script in question spits out a bunch of text to the user based off the variables sent to it from flash.

Right now, when the user clicks the submit button in flash it sends the variables to flash ok, but to the user, they just continue to sit idly on the flash page, even though it no longer serves a purpose.

how can I get flash to send the user AND their data to the php script when they click the submit button?

Here's what I'm using now (inside flash):

//variables used to send data to server for processing
var scriptRequest2:URLRequest = new URLRequest("qm-results.php");
var scriptLoader2:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var scriptVars2:URLVariables = new URLVariables();


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Flash Navigation To Recognize What Page User Is On?

Aug 18, 2009

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I have a Flash AS 3.0 swf-based browser game. It's hosted on my site and communicates with a MySQL database via PHP using Flash's URLVariables. Everything works fine. The problem is, I want to be able to save the player's game after he leaves the webpage or closes his browser. How is this usually handled?

Is there a reliable event that fires when a swf is terminated? Is so, what is it? If not, what's the solution? Should I simply save the player's data every x seconds? That seems like it will bog down my server. I could have 10,000 people playing and I don't want to save each of their games every x seconds.

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Just a quick one. Using AS3, how would I ensure that a movieClip always stays in the centre of the stage on resize?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 : Using Perspective In Flash?

Mar 8, 2009

navigation center left, the grey it and the content area will flip is it possible to do such FX?is there any general methods to use perspective in flash?

- with bitmaps

- with MCs

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Okay, there are a few things I want to know how to draw in one-point perspective: a toilet, a shower, a bath; basically I want to know how to draw everything in a bathroom.

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Flash Button Stays Down

May 24, 2011

I'm building in flash a house. Now I want when I click on a door it stays open.
I'm using an button for the effect.

I think I need some code to keep te button in the down state after I clicked it

Here's my Actionscript 3

import flash.ui.Mouse;


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Professional :: Getting A Menu To Reset Perspective In Flash Cs5?

Jul 30, 2010

The windows are in a mess now, is there a button/menu that can reset the view so that it looks like what it's like originally?

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Flash :: Make User Go To Application Page Instead Directly Go To Application?

Aug 26, 2011

Currently i'm developing a facebooks apps with falsh application. i've have completed the development with all API required to run a facebook apps. Everything went well and it's live now. My question :

1. How can make user to go directly to the application page everytime they click the link posted by user who already use the application instead going to the canvas page applications. i'm been trying to look for the article that support saying that user will go directly to application directly to canvas application page instead of going to the application page.

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Flash :: Get Visible Size Of DisplayObject With Perspective Projection

May 2, 2010

The following is entirely a math question. As we know, PerspectiveProjection delivers perspective transformations in 3D represented by the interdependent values of fieldOfView and focalLength according to the following formula:

focalLength = stageWidth/2 * (cos(fieldOfView/2) / sin(fieldOfView/2)

Q: How to get the visible on-screen size of the DisplayObject (Cube on the above-linked image) to which PerspectiveProjection has been applied? A more thorough description and illustrative code on the issue in ActionScript 3 lacks functionality for visible bounds of DisplayObject.

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Flash Vs HTML5 For Facebook Games - A Business Perspective?

Feb 17, 2011

I'm in the planning and learning stages of building a facebook game. For the past year my foremost question has been, "Flash or HTML5?". Rather than try to decide the answer to that, I thought I would give the markets for both some more time to mature and learn how to design the game and how to manage the server element.

Over the last year I've devoured thousands of pages of text concerning game development and business development, along with getting a solid footing in AS3, python, php, C# and javascript. So, I'm most interested in picking a system that is best for the job rather than, for example, starting off assuming the game logic will be in python because that's what I enjoy most.

The game is at its core a strategy game and I plan to use many mobile phones extensively in addition to the standard facebook "invite all your friends" features. The graphics won't be flashy and will in most places be rather flat because of the thematic elements, rather than 3d isometric like farmville or other flash facebook games.

So from a technological perspective HTML5 doesn't have any real advantage that I can see over flash, and neither does flash have any real advantage over HTML5. If you see that one has a clear advantage over the other then I would be happy to hear that in your comments.
I have five primary questions that I need your opinion on:

1) Which platform makes better sense for building a facebook game considering the future market trends?

2) Which platform has better inherent elements to help prevent cheating? (like flash being compiled into a .swf vs javascript being in plain text)

3) Which platform would be most attractive to the best game development talent for future hires?

4) Which platform is easiest to take technology from one game and use it for other future games? (like developing isometric graphics in flash)

5) Which platform is easiest to develop with a team?

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Flash 10 :: Draw A Closet Shelf In One-point Perspective?

Jul 30, 2011

I didn't know where this should go; I thought this was the best place. In Actionscript 2.0 I'm trying to draw the shelf of a closet (wall-to-wall) but I don't know how to.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Perspective (Flash MX) - Load Swf Into A Main Movie

May 29, 2003

I am trying to create a starfield effect. I have gone through the tutorials here and elsewhere and come so far. I am attaching the fla file along with the code. The motion as you can see is jerky. Cant figure out what am i doing wrong. Another thing. I am trying to load this swf into a main movie using the following script:


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Flash :: Slowndown Stays After Using And Removing A Lot Of Objects

Jul 19, 2011

I use this piece of code to create some eyecandy of debree falling. When an object is destroyed i spawn some rubble and let is fly over the screen. But... when i use this a lot, slowdown is there and even when all the objects are gone the slowdown stays. The good old 50fps won't come back anymore

public function destroyBlock(xPos,yPos,nrObjects) {
for (var debree = 0; debree < nrObjects; debree++) {
debreeObject = new mc_ground();


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