Professional :: Getting A Menu To Reset Perspective In Flash Cs5?

Jul 30, 2010

The windows are in a mess now, is there a button/menu that can reset the view so that it looks like what it's like originally?

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Feb 27, 2011

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Professional :: Perspective Distortion In A Tweening?

Dec 10, 2010

I want to tween a movieclip so it changes from squared to trapezoid. Just imagine a text paragraph distorted like the scrolling text in the beginning of Star Wars movies.It would be easy to make the shape and then distort it, but what I want is to tween from undistorted to distorted and it seems that normal tweening only allows skewing, rotation and resizing.Since a picture is worth a thousand words, this is what I want to do (the dog is not the movieclip I want to distort, just an example):This is easy in Photoshop (CTRL+T and then pick a corner with SHIFT+CTRL+ALT) and also in edition time in Flash, but I want the distortion to happen in execution time so it looks like the movieclip is standing up and then falls back.

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Jun 1, 2011

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Professional :: Reset MovieClips Turned Invisible?

Mar 7, 2011

I'm rather wet to AS3, and have been working on developing a site that can deal with a lot of content sections.  Ignoring the fact that I haven't figured out button arrays yet, I was hoping to get some help on an issue I can't get past.

I've got a series of content movieclips which I'm controlling with menu buttons.  As you can see below, they turn visible/invisible by clicking the menu buttons.
However, I can't seem to find a solution to reload the movieclips once a different menu button is selected, so each section stays forever in its previously "played" state when the button is clicked again.  Is there a way to get the "content_section" movieclips to re-load or re-set once another navigation button is pressed?


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Dec 28, 2010

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Flash :: Get Visible Size Of DisplayObject With Perspective Projection

May 2, 2010

The following is entirely a math question. As we know, PerspectiveProjection delivers perspective transformations in 3D represented by the interdependent values of fieldOfView and focalLength according to the following formula:

focalLength = stageWidth/2 * (cos(fieldOfView/2) / sin(fieldOfView/2)

Q: How to get the visible on-screen size of the DisplayObject (Cube on the above-linked image) to which PerspectiveProjection has been applied? A more thorough description and illustrative code on the issue in ActionScript 3 lacks functionality for visible bounds of DisplayObject.

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I have five primary questions that I need your opinion on:

1) Which platform makes better sense for building a facebook game considering the future market trends?

2) Which platform has better inherent elements to help prevent cheating? (like flash being compiled into a .swf vs javascript being in plain text)

3) Which platform would be most attractive to the best game development talent for future hires?

4) Which platform is easiest to take technology from one game and use it for other future games? (like developing isometric graphics in flash)

5) Which platform is easiest to develop with a team?

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I could go about drawing buildings with 3d perspective height, like in the original [url]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Dynamic Perspective Shadow System In Flash 9?

Aug 22, 2006

I'm attempting to create a dynamic perspective shadow system in Flash 9 (AS 3) that would have the following constructor:

ActionScript Code:
public function PShadow(mcClipToShadow:MovieClip, nAngle:Number = 45, nDistance:Number = 20, nAlpha:Number = 90, nBlur:Number = 10, nXOffset:Number = 0, nYOffset:Number = 0)
//do stuff

The function would duplicate the mcClipToShadow MovieClip to use as the base shadow, apply a 100% black tint, set the alpha to nAlpha, and apply a blur filter with Blur X = Blur Y = nBlur. Then a transformation Matrix would be applied that would skew the shadow sprite so that it was cast in the nAngle direction with length nDistance.

The only part that I'm having trouble with is solving the math for the Matrix. I've played a lot with the swf's in your tutorial to better understand how the matrix manipulates things, but I'm still having troubles doing the math properly. My goal is to simply plugin the variables from the constructor into the Matrix constructor and the proper shadow will result.

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Feb 19, 2012

I need a movie clip that will stay in the same place on the x axis, but will scroll up and down with the page viewer on a website. staying in view.

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Jun 11, 2010

I got a .fla file, which i have to edit. The file is used at a website, and contains the menu.Reads input from xml file.I can make the changes, logo and some static text.When publishing the file, the menu appears as pink boxes instead of rendering of the menu.There is not outpur errors, and everything else works as it should, just not the menu.

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Jul 26, 2010

Im trying to make a menu for a web page using menubar and menu components, is ther any way of making os specifing that the menu can get drawn out of the canvas, since i need that the bar is thin for getting in a space betwen to image headers.

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Javascript :: Replicate Flash Cube Rotation In CSS: Preserve Correct Perspective?

Mar 21, 2012

I am converting a Flash Web App to a Javascript(HTML and CSS) Web App. I have a cube rotation animation working but I have a problem with the perspective.My Problem: I am not sure which CSS attribute I should use to replicate the Flash versions perspective(please see the 2 images below). The 2 below images where taken while the cube rotation was occuring and you can see the difference in the perspective(the 2nd image is too wide and should look like the first). You can see a working example here(Note it only works onThe first image was taken from the flash application and displays the CORRECT perspective(that I am trying to achieve in CSS).The 2nd image is taken from my CSS, Javascript and HTML web app and the cube rotates with the INCORRECT perspective. What CSS attribute do I change in order to achieve the above images cube perspective?

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Apr 21, 2010

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