Professional :: Reset A Frame So Everything Starts Again Instead Of Manually Coding For Everything To Go Back To Normal Positions?

Aug 21, 2011

How can i reset a frame so everything starts again instead of manually coding for everything to go back to normal positions because i have lots of objects and it makes it real hard.

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onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_xscale<100 ) {_xscale = _yscale += 10;

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IDE :: File Starts Playing At Last Frame Of Mc?

Nov 2, 2009

Weird problem going on right now. And I seriously don't know what this is about.

On my main timeline (new document)

I create a text. I convert that text to an image. I drag that image on my main timeline at frame 1.

Then I set opacity to 0%. Create a keyframe at frame 50. Then I Tween it. And at frame 50, I set opactity back to 100%.

When I test the movie (ctrl enter) it just doesnt show the tween AT ALL. It goes straight to the last frame.

When I just go to frame 1, and press enter. It does work like it's supposed to.

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Apr 30, 2009


I followed it exactly and the button worked fine with the music,

but then i stated to add keyframes, it works fine carys on playing on every keyframe i go to, but the problem is when i go back to the first keyframe the music still goes on which is good, but its starts again over the one thats already playing!

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CS3 Typing-Button Interaction - Only Plays Next Frame And Then Goes Back To The Frame Where It Stopped

Mar 20, 2010

I hit enter,it only plays next frame and then goes back to the frame where it stopped. What I've tried was something like:

if (Key.isDown.ENTER){

I want it to play all the way to the end,not just go back.

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Dec 3, 2010

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Professional :: Cannot Set Line Stroke Scale To Normal?

Aug 15, 2011

Under the stroke properties before or after I draw a line, I set it to NORMAL but when I re-select the line, it keeps changing it back to NONE.  Some how it is now the default and I cannot change it  I have tried opening new documents from scratch but I still cannot get it back to scale normally.  All the lines are inside movie clips and these movie clips need to scale properly.  I cannot seem to find any other answers besides telling me what I have already tried.If I change the line type from solid to dotted, it then scales (actually you cannot change the scale mode.

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Actionscript 3 :: If Statement Not Working - Loop Carrera(a Lenghthy Movieclip) From Frame 2 Back To Frame 1

Nov 25, 2011

This is an if stament on a frame on the root. I want to loop Carrera(a lenghthy movieclip) from frame 2 back to frame 1. (For testing purposes) This is the code:


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Flash :: LoadVars - Read In A Value From A PHP Script In Order To Set Which Frame It Starts From

Jul 6, 2010

I have a flash movie that I need to read in a value from a PHP script in order to set which frame it starts from, I am using the following code:


The problem is this is not working - it won't get into the load event. If I run the PHP manually I get "&pageID=29". If I debug this locally I get "Who: undefined" in the trace output window. From all the example I have read, I seem to be doing this correctly but it just doesn't seem to be working. Flash: CS5 using Actionscript 2.0

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