Professional :: Movieclip Goes Back To Frame 1?

Aug 25, 2011

I have created an interactivity to simulate a product.  To do this my project has multiple frames.   Each frame contains an individual movie clip. The clips each contain buttons that change the display and go to and stop on specific frames based on which button was pressed.  My problem is, after the interaction a movie clip  may have been stopped on say  frame 12, the next time the frame containing the movieclip is opened on the main timeline I need the movieclip to open on frame 12 .  However, the movie clip opens back up at frame 1 each time not saving the interaction.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use MOTION_FINISH (or Equivalent) To Trigger A GotoAndStop After The Movieclip Has Reverted Back To Frame 1?

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import gs.TweenMax;
mAboutGlow.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, mClickAbout);
function mClickAbout(e:MouseEvent):void {, 1, {frame:1});

How would I use MOTION_FINISH (or equivalent) to trigger a gotoAndStop after the movieclip has reverted back to frame 1?

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//handle events for buttons...
index.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);
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if (Key.isDown.ENTER){

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As2 :: Professional - Movieclip Button - Goes To A Blank (or Different) Frame

Sep 8, 2010

Have a blank stage with 3 movie clips as buttons. When I click them I'm using this code


this triggers the click of the button to return to the main timeline and stop on a specific frame. My issue is that if I click the button a second time, it goes to a blank (or different ) frame, a third click will return it to the proper frame. I'm doing this as some users I work with are mouse clickers, now this is ok if I use a button symbol, but I want them as movieclips. What script can i use to ensure that every click makes the mc operate the exact same (goto specific slide with no randomness)?

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Heres my code so far:
hh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_MouseClickHandler);
function fl_MouseClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void{    gotoAndStop(2);}
i tried (root).gotoAndStop(2); but i got an error , #1061 ..

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btn_1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToAndStopAtFrame);
function fl_ClickToGoToAndStopAtFrame(event:MouseEvent):void {

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Mar 8, 2010

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onFrame (45) {
One error says that "is expecting semi-colon before or after first brace.....
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IDE :: Linking Back To Flash Frame From XML URL?

May 27, 2009

I am but a lowly martial arts instructor who has 'foolishly' decided to try and do our website. I decided to use a flash template which has actually worked out ok (word to the wise - DON'T BUY FLASH TEMPLATES UNLESS YOU ARE WILLING TO KISS YOUR LIFE GOODBYE FOR A COUPLE OF MONTHS).

Anyway, I wanted to put a news ticker on the site to display 'latest news' - I took an example that was kindly supplied from this site, and it works fine. However, I just cannot figure out how to create a link in the XML file that when clicked takes you back into another part of the flash site. I can get it to link to an external URL no problem at all but just cannot get the link to take it back to a section of the site I want it to go to.


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Flash :: Reset 3d Movieclip Back To 2d Movieclip

Aug 29, 2011

I used the 3d transform tool to rotate and move an mc in 3d.How do i make it to behave as a 2d movie again... Reset doesn't work... it only resets all to 0 but it's still 3d.The only way I found was to delete it and drag it back from the library but is there a more common solution?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Go Back To Previous Stopped Frame?

Nov 6, 2002

I'm tryin to create a button that sort of "rewinds" but it doesn't have to show the rewind- all i want it to do is jump back to the previous frame with a stop action on it. So kind of like a "back" or "previous" button.It's been a while since I have programmed a lot and I forget everything

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CS3 :: Go Back A Few Frames And Play A MC At A Specific Frame When Hit?

Jul 1, 2009

I'm using Flash CS3 and AC2... I have a button on my main TL and I want to go back a few frames and play a MC at a specific frame when hit.

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Go Back To Frame 1 When A User Clicks Anywhere On The Stage?

Dec 11, 2009

I want the ability to go back to frame 1 when a user clicks anywhere on the stage that doesn't contain an object. Is this possible?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Replaced Cursor In One Frame, Can't Get It Back In The Next

Jul 21, 2010

Using Flash CS4 actionscript 2 Used the following code bellow in one frame to replace the curser, works perfectly but when I go to the next frame I want the curser back to normal.

Actionscript Code:
onMouseMove = function(){Mouse.hide();Bumbles._x = _root._xmouse;Bumbles._y = _root._ymouse;updateAfterEvent();}

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