Professional :: Stay On Frame Until Movieclip Has Finished?

Feb 18, 2012

So basically i'm trying to allow the movieclip to play and once its played move onto the next frame.
I'm using Actionscript 3.0. and the movie clips around 6-7 seconds long.

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IDE :: Movieclip Making It Stay On Hit Frame?

Aug 25, 2010

Im trying to make these movie clips stay on the hit state when the user clicks. Can someone help me out? This is what I have so far.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MovieClip To Stay At Bottom Of Frame Until MouseOver?

Sep 30, 2007

I created a movieclip that follows the mouse up and down with easing, using this code:

onClipEvent (load) {
_y = 400;
speed = 5;
} onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
endY = _root._ymouse;
_y += (endY-_y)/speed;

What happens is that when I load the page the movieclip goes to where the mouse is right away, before I even put the mouse over the frame. How do I get the movieclip to stay at the bottom of the frame until I move the mouse over it?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get To The Loop On Stay Over And Finished On Mouse Out?

Jun 15, 2008

I use mc for animated button with a three stages - over, stay over and out where animation starts on over, get to the loop on stay over and finished on mouse out. I found a few pieces of codes over internet, put them toghether, modified a little - fool's luck - it does a trick for a single button, but luck wears out when i tried multiply it.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Play Movieclip Once Finished Move To Next Frame?

Jul 3, 2009

The problem I have is that I have created a Movie clip of an animated logo. The timeline within the movieclip contains 163 frames.

I have placed the movie clip on the main timeline at frame 1. What I would like to happen is the movie clip to the play all the way through and then move to the next frame (frame 2) of the main timeline to continue the animation. the next frame has a frame label, named 'main'. I have split the timeline up into sections as I am created a webpage.

There must be a pretty straight forward Actionscript code to do this, I have come across some things but they dont seem to make  much sense to me. I am pretty good at the drawing and animation side of things in flash but I complete newbie when it comes to the Actionscript code.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stay On One Frame For 10second And Second Playing Next Frame

Aug 17, 2005

i want my movie to stay on one frame for 10second and second playing the next frame.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stay In Frame For 10 Seconds Then Go To Frame 2

Jan 26, 2009

New to flash here. Is there a way to stay in frames for a length of time WITHOUT creating a timeline animation? Using AS3 to control time in frame.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: "Play Single Frame" Won't Stay On Designated Frame #?

Mar 6, 2011

one thing that always annoyed me and that I never sought an answer for is, occasionally, when I want to play a single frame of a symbol, it won't stay on the frame I want. It will automatically default back to whatever frame # it is originally on.I read that it was because it has something to do tweening automatically syncing and snapping and I just have to turn it off. However, I can't figure out how to do that.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: GotoAndStop And Stay On That Frame?

Nov 20, 2011

I'm making a banner for a "client" and he wants me to make it like yahoo's news banner. I understand that they're using HTML5 and I haven't learned that yet. Anyways, I did a great job learning the banner in less than a month.

(I'll try to make this short) The banner has a 5sec pause and then it proceeds to the next frame. It also has 6 buttons that will direct the user to a specific banner that he/she wants to click. He wants the banner to stop and stay on a specific frame and not proceed further. I have achieved that, but here's the problem.


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IDE :: GO To Frame Number After Video Is Finished?

Feb 27, 2009

The first Scene of my movie has a video that is streaming on frame one what i would like to have happen is once that video is completed then the flash takes you to the next scene of a specific frame Number.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Go To Next Frame When Transition Is Finished?

Sep 2, 2005

So I've got some script in which I fade in a couple movie clips using the transition manager class. These mc's are buttons but I want it to finish the transition before it enables the button features. Here is my code so far:

import fl.transitions.*;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Return Timeline Play To Frame 1 And Stay There?

Jun 18, 2010

I have a stop play button but it freezes play as opposed to what I require which is returning cursor to frame 1 to then await the next button click when an animation would play again.I currently have code for the button as :-
on (release) {stopMovies(this);function stopMovies(mov:MovieClip) {for (movs in mov) {if (typeof (mov[movs]) == "movieclip") {mov[movs].stop();stopMovies(mov[movs]);}}}}

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Flash CS4 : Have Movie Return To Certain Frame When Finished?

Jan 31, 2003

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Jump To Frame After FLV Finished Playing?

Nov 5, 2008

I am using actionscript 2 and I am trying to get my FLV to jump another frame in my flash movie after it's finished playing. I am using the FLV component that comes in flash to play the FLV and i've embedded an event cue point in the FLV but I am not sure what I am now supposed to do!

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Flash CS4: Have Movie Return To Certain Frame When Finished

Dec 11, 2009

I have a short Flash movie I made in Flash CS4. I figured out how to make the movie stop at the end so it won't loop forever, and I have a Replay button that appears and restarts the movie. But my directives have changed and I now need to know how to make the movie -- when it ends -- automatically go to and stop on frame 22 of the movie and also have that Replay button then appear when it does stop on frame 22. (Frame 1 through 22 is a gradual fade-in to the first scene, that's why I don't want the replay button to appear on frame 1).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Go To Certain Frame In Timeline After Tween Finished?

Jun 9, 2008

I would like to go to a certain frame in my timeline after the last tween has finished! I know it most likely will have a "onComplete".

HTML Code:
import gs.TweenMax;
//what elsee?? =[

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloader Code Will Not Start Next Frame When Finished

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The following script is used for my flash player,


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IDE :: Any Way To Limit FPS Of MovieClip To Stay Same?

Mar 26, 2009

I have a swf that I created in Flash CS4 that includes a movieclip. Because I only have a small number of frames for the movieclip I have set it to 6fps so that it runs at the right speed. When I publish and then load the swf the movieclip runs at the right framerate. However, I am actually using these swf files in an actionscript project that loads them up and displays them. When I do that with this swf the fps on the movieclip seems to have reverted to 24fps and is running way too fast. Is there some way to limit the movie clip fps so that it stays the same when I load it in actionscript, or is there any reason why the fps should be reverting? Ideally I would like to have different fps for different elements within my swf - is that possible?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error #1009 When Goto The Next Frame When The Timer Is Finished

May 11, 2009

In a game I'm creating, the only last part I have left is to create a timer. Or a countdown to be precise. But I get thrown an error when I go to the next frame when the timer is finished.


There must be a way that works so that flash will "gotoAndStop(2);" after 3 minutes?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use A Listener To Determine When The Movie Clip Is Finished Then Move To The Next Frame?

Nov 13, 2009

I have a movieclip in frame 1 doing an animation. I would like to use a listener to determine when the movie clip is finished then move to the next frame.

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Professional :: Movieclip Goes Back To Frame 1?

Aug 25, 2011

I have created an interactivity to simulate a product.  To do this my project has multiple frames.   Each frame contains an individual movie clip. The clips each contain buttons that change the display and go to and stop on specific frames based on which button was pressed.  My problem is, after the interaction a movie clip  may have been stopped on say  frame 12, the next time the frame containing the movieclip is opened on the main timeline I need the movieclip to open on frame 12 .  However, the movie clip opens back up at frame 1 each time not saving the interaction.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MovieClip Button Stay Down When Clicked

May 21, 2007

Ok, I've search through the forums but none of the posts seem to work for me. I've got 4 buttons that each have an onRollOver, onRollOut, and onRelease function on them. I would like the onRollOver state to stay in place after the user clicks the button they're over. Then, when the user clicks on a different button, that buttons down state sticks, and the previous button's state unsticks and goes to the rollout function. I've read through and tried this thread:[URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Direct That Movie To Go Back To Frame 299 Once It Is Finished Playing / Can Choose Different Button?

Nov 3, 2009

what happens is I have a movie that play out to a lets say frame 299 then 3 buttons will show up on the stage. now when I press button 1 it will start playing a movie starting on frame 300. How can I direct that movie to go back to frame 299 once it is finished playing so I can choose a different button?I know I can add another button at the final frame to do that but I'm not sure if I want to go that route.

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Professional :: Can Target The Second Key Frame Of An Empty Movieclip

Apr 24, 2010

Can i target the second key frame of an empty movieclip which is created by for example:this.createEmptyMovieClip("target_mc",1);I want to write some script on the second keyframe on the target_mc movie clip. Is that possible.

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As2 :: Professional - Movieclip Button - Goes To A Blank (or Different) Frame

Sep 8, 2010

Have a blank stage with 3 movie clips as buttons. When I click them I'm using this code


this triggers the click of the button to return to the main timeline and stop on a specific frame. My issue is that if I click the button a second time, it goes to a blank (or different ) frame, a third click will return it to the proper frame. I'm doing this as some users I work with are mouse clickers, now this is ok if I use a button symbol, but I want them as movieclips. What script can i use to ensure that every click makes the mc operate the exact same (goto specific slide with no randomness)?

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Professional :: Getting External Swf To Stay Visible?

Jun 16, 2010

I have an external swf that contains a button that controls my main swf's timeline.I can get it to navigate fine, but as soon as it navigates, my external swf disappears, because my main swf is no longer on the frame my external swf was imported on.How do I get the external swf to stay visible along all the frames of my main swf's timeline?Here's the code I use to import the external swf:[code]

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Professional :: Button To Stay In Down State

Sep 19, 2011

I am a beginner, using flash cs4. I am trying to work with my elder brother in his project, he is developing a website. Actually I want to make a button that stays in down state when released.

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Professional :: Making Buttons That Stay Down

Apr 3, 2012

I have a document which is basically a catalogue page, and I'm trying to make it so that when you click on an image, a movieclip of the image fading in larger appears, so it will look essentially like it's been zoomed in. To do this I put the movieclip inside a button. I have the button working fine, when you click it, it does exactly what it's supposed to, but I have no idea how to set it so that when the button is clicked it stays in the 'down' position, so you don't have to hold the mouse down. And also how to get back to the main screen afterwards, since the movie does take up the entire stage when played. Is it possible to do this?

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Button To Check If Movieclip Is Finished?

Apr 9, 2009

I'm using Actionscript 2 for this interactive.This is what I'm trying to get a button to do:on release:check "mainmovie1" mc on main timeline.If "mainmovie1" mc's timeline is at frame labeled "finished" go to label "1.0" on main timeline If not, go to label "fake_1.0" main timeline

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