ActionScript 3.0 :: Sending A User To A Php Page From Flash?

Mar 31, 2011

So I am successfully able to send variabls from Flash to PHP, but I am still unable to figure out how to send the USER to the php page along with their variables. The reason I want to do this is because the PHP script in question spits out a bunch of text to the user based off the variables sent to it from flash.
Right now, when the user clicks the submit button in flash it sends the variables to flash ok, but to the user, they just continue to sit idly on the flash page, even though it no longer serves a purpose. So I guess my question is, how can I get flash to send the user AND their data to the php script when they click the submit button?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sending Variables AND The User To A Php Page From Flash?

Mar 31, 2011

So I am successfully able to send variabls from Flash to PHP, but I am still unable to figure out how to send the USER to the php page along with their variables. The reason I want to do this is because the PHP script in question spits out a bunch of text to the user based off the variables sent to it from flash.

Right now, when the user clicks the submit button in flash it sends the variables to flash ok, but to the user, they just continue to sit idly on the flash page, even though it no longer serves a purpose.

how can I get flash to send the user AND their data to the php script when they click the submit button?

Here's what I'm using now (inside flash):

//variables used to send data to server for processing
var scriptRequest2:URLRequest = new URLRequest("qm-results.php");
var scriptLoader2:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var scriptVars2:URLVariables = new URLVariables();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Sending User-generated Info To The User

Feb 22, 2011

We have a sort of game, generated with Flash in AS3, on our website where the reader is invited to eliminate the California Budget Deficit. It's connected to a database where we keep track of the responses and print them in chart form and post the results on the website so everyone can see the most popular budget items the readers want to cut.

See the interactive in question here:


We've had many, many requests to have an option where the reader can get a copy of his/her choices that he/she can print out. I've thought about having a movieclip pop up that shows those choices (and that would be simple enough), but in addition to that, what I'd really like to do is have a way to download those choices to the reader's computer as a text file or maybe have a "Print" button on the movieclip showing the choices that would print just that movieclip. The database we have wouldn't really be suitable because it's set up to simply show which were chosen and which not, and the names of the submissions and choices are variables that don't really mean anything except to us when we put it all in an excel file.

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Flash :: Program An Html Page To Move To A New Web Page On User's Clicking An Item Of An Embedded Movie?

Nov 21, 2011

Let me ask how to program an html page to move to a new web page on user's clicking an item of an embedded flash movie? But , in detail, I actually want to do a little different thing. I want that the parent html page remains there ,instead I want a child html frame has a new page after user's clicking the list item of the embedded flash movie.

View 2 Replies :: Sending Captured Image From Flash To Page

Mar 27, 2012

I am using in my application , I am using a .swf file which is placed on my Default.aspx page to capture images from webcam, I have a requirement that the captured image should be sent to server or aspx page without storing it on the clients machine,

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sending Variables From One Flash Page To Another?

Jan 5, 2009

I am having trouble with what would seem to be a simple thing...I need to pass a variable generated by the user from a swf/html page to another swf/html page. I am encoding the variable in the URL....?bagVar=How do I get whatever the content of this variable is imported to the other swf/html page? None of the documentation I've found seems to answer this (maybe I am looking in the wrong places).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sending Variable To Php Page - Login Page?

Feb 19, 2008

I'm trying to login to a password protected php page through a form in flash.When the user provides correct information the flashmovie opens a php-page, but how do I protect the php page from unautorized accesses?Can I send a variable containing the user/pass given?but then everyone who checks history can access the page without even having to access the flash page..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sending Vars From A Classic ASP Page To Flash?

Feb 23, 2011

I am having a bit of trouble retrieving variables from an ASP page. It returns the entire page whereas I just need the variable strAnswer from the page.Here is my code:

PHP Code:
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onDataSaved);


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Actionscript 3 :: Sending Vars From A Classic ASP Page To Flash?

Feb 23, 2011

I am having a bit of trouble retrieving variables from an ASP page. It returns the entire page whereas I just need the variable strAnswer from the page.

Here is my code:

var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onDataSaved);
loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sending Flash Vars To Php Without Refreshing Page?

Jan 4, 2010

i'm sending flash vars to php, but the .swf refresh when the fuction "send" is call.

fo exemple:

var myFlashVars:LoadVars = new LoadVars();

when this happen, the page refresh and also the .swf

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sending Parameters To Flash From Html (asp) Page

Mar 13, 2006

I have a project where I need to keep track of where the user is at a certain point of a flash training orientation.

Flash application needs to accept a parameter which contains a unique ID for the user running the flash application. This ID needs to be stored throughout the session of the flash application, from page to page. Once a user travels from page-X to page-X in the Flash, the next button needs to call an aspx page in order to send that ID and the page position so the aspx can write to an XML file this information. If the user does not finish the flash, once they return, the aspx needs to read the correct XML file and send 2 parameters to the flash application. These 2 parameters will be the user's ID and the page the user was on the flash can load the correct page. Instead of passing 2 parameters so the flash can dynamically load the correct section, the aspx can call the correct flash file (i.e. flash_file2.swf) but still pass the user's ID as a parameter.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sending Variables In Flash Back To HTML Page

Dec 16, 2009

I had posted this in the PHP section but think it may be more relevant in Flash as have'nt had any replies yet..I have been asked to create a photo canvas website that allows users to upload an image, then apply several effects such as re-sizing/cropping/desaturate, then viewing the updated image on a generic wall and going to check out to buy the canvas.I am pretty new to web developing/designing, i am confident with html,css and actionscript to an extent, but have only used small parts of php before.My biggest worry is how to go between html > php >flash >back to html again.From what i understand i need to create the following functions:

1. Create a general html website which will store the upload form and flash photo editor swf on, when the user first access's the site i start the php session...

2. The user then uploads there image to the server using a simple php upload form which will store the file and create a unique named file also on the server...

3. The flash editor swf will then load up on the html page. Inside the actionscript of the swf i will tell flash to continue with the php session by calling it again and call users image on the server with the 'file reference' command. The editing functions such as cropping, canvas size will all have variables to mark what the user has chosen and these varaibles will get ent back to the html page using php to keep track of them for the checkout process...

4. Once the editing has finished the user will click 'finish' in the swf taking them to the php shopping basket/checkout which will call the variables sent in flash to determine final cost depending on what effects chosen.

Is the above correct and more importantly is it possible? The main part i am struggling to get my head around is editing in flash (say changing the uploaded image to 20 x 26) and then saving this back to the server and sending the new settings back into the html/php page.Is this all possible without using database and tables such as MySql?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Content On A Page Each Time A User Visits Or Refreshes The Page?

Jun 16, 2003

How do i change content on a page each time a user visits or refreshes the page? example: the icon on kirupas header changes when the page is refreshed or re loaded. I have searched using dynamic content, but didn't quite find it...I only want to change 1 image..

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Flash Navigation To Recognize What Page User Is On?

Aug 18, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sending User An Email Via Php After Clicking On Submit

Apr 3, 2003

I am using flash mx I have a form, with a confirmation page that comes up when the user clicks on the submit button.

I want the user to also receive an email confirmation.

I have a php file someone gave me to use for this...

my problem is, when the user clicks on the submit button, it calls the actual php file.... so I know I have coded it wrong in flash..

here is my flash script;

globalStyleFormat.background = 0xCCFFFF;
globalStyleFormat.scrollTrack = "0xCCFFFF";
globalStyleFormat.textSelected = 0xFF0000;


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Actionscript 3 :: Detect When User Likes (a Fan Of) Facebook Page In Flash?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash : Get Page To Flip Automatically Without Any User Input?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Movieclip That Stays Within The Perspective Of The Page User?

Feb 19, 2012

I need a movie clip that will stay in the same place on the x axis, but will scroll up and down with the page viewer on a website. staying in view.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sending User Details To PHP For Creating Session Variables

Jun 3, 2010

I have a webpage where user enters details. These details are sent to php and session variables are created. My new swf then grabs these variables and displays them in a movie. Now the whole idea is for this movie clip with the details then to be sent to someone as a link. But, if the receiver then opens this link, they wont have the session variables though, and the details will not display.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Save Data To Server When User Navigates New Page?

Sep 24, 2011

I have a Flash AS 3.0 swf-based browser game. It's hosted on my site and communicates with a MySQL database via PHP using Flash's URLVariables. Everything works fine. The problem is, I want to be able to save the player's game after he leaves the webpage or closes his browser. How is this usually handled?

Is there a reliable event that fires when a swf is terminated? Is so, what is it? If not, what's the solution? Should I simply save the player's data every x seconds? That seems like it will bog down my server. I could have 10,000 people playing and I don't want to save each of their games every x seconds.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash 3d Carousel - When The User Clicks On An Icon It Takes Them To A Page?

Apr 1, 2008

I found a a free flash carousel from but don't know how to change it so the icons link to a page? I know that doesn't make sense but go to the link below and you'll download the finished piece so you can see what it does now.So basically I just want to make it so when the user clicks on an icon it takes them to a page. http:[url].....

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Get Back Into Initial Frame After Sending User GotoAndPlay Action?

Feb 4, 2010

I have multiple frames with stop-points and labels on my timeline and an action where if the user holds down the button for >1 sec it will go to one frame, if <1 sec it will "gotoAndPlay" a warning animation. after that animation plays i want them to be sent back to the initial frame that they were previously in.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sending User-drawn Images To An Adaptable Grid Layout In The Next Scene

Nov 16, 2008

I've created a drawing application intended as an interactive art piece for a gallery. I'd like to have what each visitor draws in one scene to somehow be carried over into the next scene and be displayed on clicking a button. Ideally, the user-drawn images will scale and position themselves accordingly to maximize the screen space. This way, if only three people have visited and drawn something, their three images would enlarge to fill the screen. If 12 people draw something, those 12 images would shrink to fill the space.

I'm thinking I might need to look at creating adaptable/expandable grids, but I'm also just stumped on how to carry user-drawn images over to other scenes. I have very little AS background and need things spelled out for me explicitly...

I'm working in CS3, but writing in AS2. On the stage, I have a palette of colours the user can choose from, a movieclip called "canvas," and another called "controller." Here's my code:

Attached to a movieclip called "Controller" is:
onClipEvent (load) {
topDog = "window1";


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Actionscript 2.0 :: Sending Email With PHP - No Success Of Failed Page

May 30, 2009

I've followed the contact form tutorial and believe I've updated the php to php5. The email sends but I never get a success or failed page. It just stays there. I'm being hosted by Go Daddy and I am on a Linux server.


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Actionscript 2.0 :: Sending Email With PHP - No Success Of Failed Page?

Nov 22, 2009

I've followed the contact form tutorial and believe I've updated the php to php5. The email sends but I never get a success or failed page. It just stays there. I'm being hosted by Go Daddy and I am on a Linux server.

php (removed actual email):

Code: Select all<?PHP

$to = "";
$subject = "Flash Contact Form Submission";
$message = "Name: " . $_POST['theName'];


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Email PHP Page - Sending Variable In Form MovieClip

Aug 26, 2004

[URL]. I am trying to make the code into a function so that I can place it in a frame instead of attaching it to a mc.

this.sendSent.text = "MESSAGE WAS SENT";
this.textEmail.text = "EMAIL";
this.textSubject.text = "SUBJECT";
this.textName.text = "NAME";
this.textMessage.text = "MESSAGE";
} on (release) {
// send variables in form movieclip (the textfields)
// to email PHP page which will send the mail
this._parent.form.loadVariables("email.php", "POST");

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Retrieve Xml Data In Aspx Page After Sending It Using URLLoader.load

Jul 23, 2009

How to retrieve xml data in an aspx page after sending it using URLLoader.load

This is the flash code i am using:
var urlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
urlLoader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.TEXT; //tried by giving VARIABLES also urlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, handleComplete);
urlLoader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, ioErrorHandler);

I were able to accept data in above statement when i send a string in var1 say "test". But on sending xml above error is getting.I have tried to load the xml data in XMLDocument also.
In AS20 i used sendAndLoad method to send and reterive xml data. 

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Flash :: Make User Go To Application Page Instead Directly Go To Application?

Aug 26, 2011

Currently i'm developing a facebooks apps with falsh application. i've have completed the development with all API required to run a facebook apps. Everything went well and it's live now. My question :

1. How can make user to go directly to the application page everytime they click the link posted by user who already use the application instead going to the canvas page applications. i'm been trying to look for the article that support saying that user will go directly to application directly to canvas application page instead of going to the application page.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create User Registration Page?

Sep 25, 2009

I am trying to create a user registration page, but for some reason i do not get feedback when a user tries to register or login.

this is the code for the login flash button

on (release) {
if (username != "" && pass != "") {
loadVariablesNum("login.php", 0, "POST");


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ActionScript 3.0 :: User Moves From One Html Page To Another?

Jun 12, 2010

how to make mp3 player made in flash resume music when user moves from one html page to another?

(so that the music is constant it doesn't restart with every page).

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