ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Order Of Execution Incorrect?

Aug 30, 2010

I have an external as3 file for my timeline. I'm trying to download data from an xml file when a button is clicked. First, I have an xml loader. When it's finished loading, I assign the data to an xml variable. The trouble is, when I start this code from the onclick event, the code executes the xml loader, then the trace from onclick, then the assignment of the xml variable! So my data is always null! When I load the data from the constructor class, all is well. How can I make the execution take place in the proper order?


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Flex :: Event Handler Execution Order?

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I have been trying to understand the way ActionScript's events are implemented, but I'm stuck.I know that AS is single threaded, which means that only one event handler will be executing at a time, and also means that handlers will be executed in a deterministic order*.For example, consider the following code:

1: var x = {executed: false};
2: foo.addEventListener("execute", function(){ x.executed = true; });
3: foo.dispatchEvent(new Event("execute"));


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Scenario: I have a simple external class with one function that takes about 2sec to execute. It gets some data and put it into a global variable (using a special class for this). From the first frame on the timeline I call this function, and then right after I trace the global variable.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Execution Row Of Order Functions With Tweener

Nov 15, 2009

I have a chicken walking on the screen. The legs are separate movieclips nested. After a while I had the chicken walking rightwards, with hittest(there must be a better way) at the end of the stage he turned to the left and then again to the right after hitting the left barrier. I also got his right leg going up and down for a smoother walk. I did this with Tweener. But then the problems started. I didn't get the left leg also to move up and down.

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ActionScript Code:
function walking() {
Tweener.addTween (kip, {x:kip.x+60,

The collission with hittest is also not really smooth but I can't think of something else. I am at a stage where I can't develop 3D moving.

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Feb 17, 2010

I have created an image gallery where each "slide" is an image loaded by one UILoader component. Everything works, except I noticed that as a user it is annoying to wait for each new slide to load.So, even with my limited knowledge of AS3, I decided to figure out a way to load the next upcoming image before the user requests itone for odd numbered slides, one for even numbered slides. That way, when the user is viewing a slide with an odd number in the first loader, the next image can be loaded into the second (currently invisible) loader and ready to go when requested button would simply toggle the visibility of these two loaders.

function nextButton(event:MouseEvent):void


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating An Order Form For Flash Site - Results Of The Order Sent To A Pre-specified Email Adress In A Certain Format?

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1. Is assigning variable names to checkboxes and radio buttons the same as in visual basic? I mean i know that you probably assign them in the properties. ex..say i name a radio button 'radio1', to run a check in my actionscript whether radio1 was checked or not would it be something like if(radio1){}

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Animation Stuttering On The First Execution

Sep 26, 2011

I'm designing a website with flash cs4 and actionscript3. Every section is made with a movieclip, which is faded in and out when a menu button is clicked.

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Aug 12, 2009

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function ftwoB(event:MouseEvent) {
navigateToURL(new URLRequest("lessons/lesson2/reading"));


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Actionscript 3 :: Flash - Continuing Code Execution After The Error?

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Apr 6, 2009

I am using a while() loop which does its job as soon as I fetch CDATA content from XML. The while() loop basically contains text conversions using replaceText()... Depending on the number of user defined XML nodes, the while loop executes. I see that the flash application hangs for 3 or 4 seconds when this execution happens.

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I have a movie clip who is only a square, i need to copy it on the flash stage a number of times (dinamic). How can i do this in execution time, i know AS2, so i prefer a solution in AS2.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: [flash Cs4] - Swc And Code Execution - Stop() Commands Don't Get Executed?

Sep 23, 2009

I'm trying this:

- create some asset in library, export for as in frame 1

- export an assets.swc, and set the relative library path publish option in othes flas that use assets.swc

- Then, there's a document class that uses other classes tha use the assets in assets.swc

Problems start when some asset has some code inside. Say, a button with stopped event states. Well, the stop() commands don't get executed, so the buttons are effectively instantiated, but their timeline plays until the end. Probably because they're not initialized in the timeline (being exported in frame 1, so, in fact, before).Usually, without swc, to solve this problem one would put all assets in frame 2 and then check for cuttentFrame == 3 (http:url...). This is what I'd really like to avoid. And from here the question: is that possible? Is there a way (in flash, not flax) to use swc to properly get assets containing some simple code (usually stop commands) in their timeline?

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Flash :: Professional - Error Parameter Is Incorrect

Apr 6, 2009

I am working as a teacher in Singapore and I am currently doing a project for our school. I am using the Adobe CS4 Design Premium. I am using Adobe Flash CS4 for the project I am doing. Adobe Flash CS4 crash often and after the latest crash and when I open up my project i got an error which is "parameter is incorrect" and when I press ctrl+enter, it didn't pulish the file and I have noticed that the swf file that was created before is gone after I press CTRL+enter.

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Flash CS5 Dynamic Text Incorrect Values

Aug 17, 2010

I did not have any problems on CS4 but I encountered this error below when I used CS5. Fonts should be embedded for any text that may be edited at runtime, other than text with the "Use Device Fonts" setting. Use the Text > Font Embedding command to embed fonts. Now that the line of error is cleared. However, I am still having problems with my dynamic text fields which worked with correct values in CS4 but gave the incorrect values in CS5.

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IDE :: Flash CS3 - Incorrect Font Assigned To TextField

Mar 9, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Parameter Incorrect Message?

Aug 24, 2010

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Actionscript :: Flash MovieClipLoader Instance Behaves Incorrect?

Nov 2, 2009

I currently have a few movieclips that I load into another movieclip container. I use the MovieClipLoader class to load them and make use of the onLoadProgress, onLoadStart, onLoadInit, onLoadComplete and onLoadError listeners.In the onLoadProgess listener, I listen for the loaded bytes and total bytes and put the the percentage into another movieclip's (that I put on the stage temporarily to show the loading) textbox. Here is the problem, the loading movieclip begins playing on the 40% loaded mark and does not wait to load 100%. This is weird and I don't understand what I could be doing wrong. Here is my code:

// loading icon to show progress
var loading_icon:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
// load PassionPurpose.swf


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Flash 9 :: Imported Image Size Incorrect On Stage?

Nov 7, 2008

I've had this annoying problem since CS1 and persists through CS3. If i import an image (either to stage or to library then placed on stage) the pixel size reported in the properties box is smaller by a very small amount. For example, I just dropped a 1005x650 PNG on the stage. The properties box shows this as w[1004.8] h[649.9]. The file is 72ppi in photoshop. Zooming in confirms that the image is shrunk slightly. In this case, the image was same size as the stage and I could see the white background showing through on the right edge of the graphic. It means that everytime i put a bitmap graphic on the stage, I have to correct the w and h in the properties box.

Does anyone else have this problem? Is there a solution? Does it occur in CS4?

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Sorting Number Ascending Order And Descending Order?

Jun 15, 2010

sorting number Ascending Order and Descending Order tutorial with out useing sort property[Array sorting like 91,3,5,4,6,8,3,6,1,0]

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Ascending Order And Descending Order Array Merge

Jun 16, 2010

[code]how to do Ascending Order and Descending Order this array merge(don't use sort property)

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Flash :: Error 1137: Incorrect Number Of Arguments. Expected No More Than 0

Sep 15, 2010

i found the error here what should i type in the constructor function between the braces to call the function to the main time line public function creation() {


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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Text Field Displaying Incorrect Characters?

Dec 13, 2010

I've come across a strange error with a contact details form developed with Flash CS5 Prof. My keyboard layout is set up as English (UK) and pressing shift-2 gives me an ", shift-' gives me a @ in Chrome, Notepad, Word etc. In a text field on the flash form, entering shift-2 gives me @ but shift-' gives me ". I understand this is how the US keyboard is mapped out but it is confusing to my users.

How can I change the text field so that it works correctly for my keyboard layout?

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Flash :: Error 1136 : Incorrect Number Of Arguments. Expected 1

Jan 18, 2012

//Handle game logic
//create question

the first "update" function of external as file works , but the instance i added in the 2nd external file, it gives me that error... (there is a 3rd one behind it which works too)

note: the code itself is an external as file of a fla file. (and i checked, everything is linked properly to their individual external as file.

this is the whole function code. (still doing in process.)

public function update(evt:Event)
//This is the game loop
//Handle user input


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Re-order Array In Ascending Order?

Mar 20, 2009

I have an array, and I add info dynamically into it. I need some way to re-order the array into ascending order.

Another thing. How can I add a value in the first position of the array pulling keeping all the other values jumping to the next position.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Using 'as' To Cast Content During INIT Event Callback Breaks Frame 0 Script Execution

Aug 12, 2011

I've got a really weird problem that I've boiled down to its fundamentals, and I'm hoping that someone here smarter than I am knows why AS3 would be acting this way. Attached is a ZIP with a few FLAs and .AS files. I'm using Flash CS5. Please bear with me as I explain the situation.

I have a class called TestChildA:
package testing
import flash.display.MovieClip;


For some reason, the fact that we're not trying to obtain a TestChildA reference allows the Frame 0 ActionScript in TestChildA.swf to execute properly. TestChildB, on the other hand, continues to fail Frame 0 execution since we're still getting a reference to it.

As we saw in the first version of the INIT handler above, querying the test_str variable out of the loaded content directly without trying to cast it worked fine. Why is it that using 'as' to get a specific reference to the content with the proper class results in the Frame 0 script of that content to fail running? Theoretically, the Frame 0 actions should have already been executed prior to reaching the INIT handler anyway, so it's doubly confusing.

If anyone has a better understanding than I of the ActionScript internals and can explain the reason for this issue,

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Actionscript 3.0 :: 3D Execution With XML Generation?

Jul 13, 2010

w a website recently,I am curious about the 3D execution with XML generation. Does anyone know how this can be achieved.

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IDE :: Controlling The Execution Flow?

Sep 22, 2009

use CFC's via CF8 to interact with an Access db. In 1 screen of my Flash8 application, I have to update up to 7 rows in a table depending on whether a screen field was filled in and each of these updates is an identical activity. Ideally, my code might look something like this:

for(var i = 1; i < 8; i++)
if (fieldi != "")


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