ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Senocular's TransformTool - MovieClip Is Relocated Much Smaller Than Its Original Size ?

Jul 5, 2010

I see a number of cool sites and examples using Senocular's TransformTool. Most of them look and function really well. I've downloaded and reviewed the code for a number of different examples.I can see how everyone else's works.I'm having difficulty with 2 points:

1. When I select a movieClip, the TransformTool appears in the correct spot and in the correct dimensions. But the movieClip itself is relocated much above the TransformTool and is MUCH smaller than its original size and the current (and correct) dimensions of the TransformTool. Selecting one of the handles and dragging stretches the movieClip but does not make it the same dimensions as the TransformTool

2. Releasing one of the handles seems to cause the handle to behave in the same way the movieClip did -- you can resize and move the handle.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Auto-center Registration On Senocular Transformtool

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I've been experimenting with senoculars transform tool for a while now. It's an awesome tool, I'm just having some issues getting it to do what I need it do. I think the problem is it does some really complex stuff but I really just needs some of the simpler features. I'm pretty close to just scrapping it and making a simpler one myself but I really don't want to do that.

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Flash :: Return Movieclip To Original Size?

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But what happens -- when I flip prev/next through a couple images, they keep shrinking and shrinking. Images that are smaller than the fixed area are being shrunk even further.

I'm thinking maybe if I clear the existing image from the MovieClip, it will reset itself back to regular size and proportions. But I don't know how to go about it.

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URL...I can't seem to figure out why the swf file is so small. I published it at 100% width & height (I want it to be full screen) but it only shows up as 216 pixels tall.

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Flash :: Resizing A High Resolution Video To A Smaller Size?

Nov 2, 2011

My company sent me a video that they wanted us to post on the intranet.  It's a simple powerpoint video with a narrator talking about some policy and benefit changes, etc.

I tried the exporting the video in both 720(width) and 1280 format, and found that when shown in fullscreen mode, the 1280 format was much easier to read than the 720, however, we didn't want to show it on the intranet page at full 1280 by default.  So I modified the html and javascript that plays the movie so that it would show in 720 width on the page.  The problem with resizing the 1280 video into a 720 space is that the video player bar (where the play, stop, volume controls are) becomes extremely small when I do this.  Of course, this is because Flash generated the player with a toolbar optimized for 1280, so it's getting scaled down when I pack it into a smaller playing area.

Is there an solution to this that I haven't thought of?  How can I generate this movie to get the better full screen appearance of the 1280 video, but also still show the video in a smaller 720 area when the user is not in full screen mode?

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Javascript :: Show Flash Using Original Canvas Size Dimensions?

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<OBJECT id="flashContent" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000">
<PARAM value="always" name="allowScriptAccess" />
<PARAM value="#FFFFFF" name="bgcolor" />


I am trying to get the flash to display using the original canvas size (540 x 400 by default) but every time I load this in chrome I get 300 x 150 and in IE the box is square.

how to get it to render using the flash canvas size?

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I tried playing with the params, but couldn't get it to work.
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var width:int = 20
while (textField.defaultTextFormat.size > 1 && textField.width > width) {

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Jan 30, 2010

I made an SWF file (say X) and I have loaded this SWF file into another FLA file (say Y). With help from this forum, I got to do what I wanted - when I click on a button on the FLA file (Y), the SWF (X) shrinks to a smaller size (about half the size) and when I click on that same button again, X enlarges back to the original size. I acomplished this with tweenlite. THe SWF (X) has a slideshow of images. Now, when the SWF (X) shrinks to a smaller size, the images look very distorted and text in the images are not readable (although the text is large enough to be clearly visible).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Offset Second Movieclip From A Original Movieclip

Jul 5, 2011

I have an animation of a boat. It's a TweenMax bezier path and the boat is following this path. The text is loaded separately and at the moment I'm just doing this in an Update event,

title_mc.x = binnenvaartboat_mc.x;
title_mc.y = binnenvaartboat_mc.y;

This works alright, but as soon as the boat rotates (as your can see in the third image) the title blends with the boat. So i want to create a collision event or something like it so the title_mc always has an offset of 10px. But i want it smooth, so i should check for the boat rotation every frame/update and then correct it self.

I can do something like this,

if (binnenvaartboat_mc.rotation >= -30) {, 2,{x:-5, y:30})
} else {, 2,{x:20, y:0})

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Publish Settings And Quality Changes Don't Make File Size Smaller

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Media Server :: Running With Multiple Smaller Mp4 Files About 50 MB In Size?

Feb 22, 2012

I have a question regarding httpstreaming we have fms running with multiple smaller mp4 files about 50 MB in size. When played they start playing immediatly but still are cached/downloaded in directory C:Documents and SettingsUsernameLocal SettingsTemp of the clients
Now we have issues with a large file of 890 MB, which is not being played, clients need to download this complete file to play it. Does the streamingpart doesn't work well on our server?
Please help since we getting a lot of complaints from viewers. Running FMS 4.0.3 on CENTOS 5.7 64 Bit
What can i check besides the forums regarding dynamic httpstreaming

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IDE :: Resize If Browser Window Is Smaller But Not Go Bigger Than Pixel Size?

Feb 10, 2009

what I want to do is publish my flash file so that it scales down but not up!So if a browser window happens to be smaller than the pixel height, the movie is scaled down but if the browser window is bigger than the pixel size, the movie is not resized and just centered.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Senocular's Free Transform Tool (or Even Senocular)

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I've been using Senocular's free transform tool: [URL] in tandem with an image upload (using the fileReference class) so that users can upload an image and the transform it.

The free transform class has a function that allows you to restrict the scaling of the movieClip that you apply the free transform to, but it works on a 'scale' rather than specific height and width properties. My problem is, that I don't know what he dimensions of each uploaded image will be, so if it's restricted to a scale, some images will be allowed to be bigger than others....

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Save Image With Its Original Size?

May 7, 2011

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if (cont.scaleX < cont.scaleY ) { cont.scaleY = cont.scaleX; } else { cont.scaleX = cont.scaleY; }

I need to restrict/reset the scale proportions only in special case that the stageWidth/Height are smaller than the movieclip.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Importing Pictures With Original Size

Nov 30, 2008

I have been making animations (frame by frame) that I put into live action films of myself. I use flash so that I don't get any lag from the pictures not being close enough together. Trouble is...whenever I import pictures into flash, it lowers their size so it fits in the middle. How you can import the pictures with their original size intact.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Loading A .swf But Doesn't Keep Size Of Original .swf?

Sep 16, 2009

I'm attemping to load a swf into my movie.  I have this code:
but.onPress = function() { _root.floors.createEmptyMovieClip("container",2); loadMovie("zoom.swf", "container");container._x = -460; container._y = -200;};

It loads in fine, but it is not staying the size of the stage of the .swf it was in before.
I tried setting the width and height of the container clip by:
container._width = 500; container._height = 100;
but once i added that it didn't load in?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Scaling SWF To Less Than Or Equal To Original Size

Apr 1, 2010

how to scale a SWF in the browser window, but not larger than the original stage size in the FLA file?  For instance, I've designed a course in Flash with stage size of 1024x768 in Flash.  In the published HTML document, I change the following values:
'width', '1024' changed to 'width', '100%'
'height', '768' changed to 'height', '100%'
'scale', 'noscale' changed to 'scale', '100%'
These changes in the HTML source code allow the SWF to size with the browser, but I don't want the SWF to grow larger than 1024x768 if the browser window is greater than these dimensions.  I want the max size of the SWF to be 1024x768 regardless of the browser window.
how to achieve this in the HTML source code and/or AS2?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drawing Image In Its Original Size?

Sep 24, 2010

I started with a simple code to draw image. But i didn't get the expected results. What i got is:1) Image gets rendered but it gets scaled to high resolution and images gets distorted.So i wanted to draw image in its original size. If image size is 300*400 then i want to get it drawn in its original size.I google searched and try to find on how to achieve it. But no success.i want to know how to achieve this two things:1) drawing image in its original size, i don't want it to get scaled .2) how to set the size of display screen ? when i ran the code, the display screen(flash) cover whole browser page area ? I want to set the screen size to 450*300I am using Flash Builder 4 for making actionscript project. Here is the code :



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ActionScript 2.0 :: Photo Gallery - Make The Image Window Smaller And The Overall Movie Smaller?

Jun 25, 2004

I found this really neat photo gallery on flashkit but there is no support or readme included. how to size this thing.. the AS code does have comments but I am not a coder.I'd like to make the image window smaller and the overall movie smaller. 325x325 or so

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flashpaper Size Does Not Match The Original File

Apr 30, 2010

I have some pdf documents that have been converted to flashpaper, I'm using a little AS3 code to include in flash, however the size does not match the original file; i try load the swf (flashpaper file) into 800x600 movie, but not works, btw there is the code and screenshot


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Resize External Swf To Its Original Stage Size?

May 13, 2010

Here is my problem (unfortunatelly didn't find solution @google or in this forum): I'm loading external swf[AS2] into main swf[AS3] using Loader class. The main swf is 800 x 600 and the external swf is 290 x 247. After adding the external swf to the main swf the external swf expands (scale to) from 290 x 247 to the main swf's size: 800 x 600. How can i prevent this? I want the loaded swf to save it's original stage size.

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